The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1134: Hungry Kurds

Vizier Humamu Pasha hurried to Antioch, where it has become a pot of porridge, there are many refugees, and a large number of troops, including regular army, local army, and tribal army, have gathered almost 100,000 people. The name of the bugle There are many varieties, although the regular army is superior, but the rural leopards are also arrogant, saying that you hang a hair, if you have a kind, you don't want us to come, you come forward to kill the Chinese people, we will not grab you!

The rule of the Ottoman Empire was maintained by the use of religion as a bond. There were many nationalities and tribes in the country, and there were many contradictions among them, and each was not convinced.

The arrival of the high-ranking officers quickly stabilized the military's mind, and everyone reluctantly suppressed the eagerness to compete, and went forward to see Vizier.

"How is the situation?" Humamu Pasha asked anxiously.

"Very good, very good!" The people said that the Chinese did not come to attack.

This is good news, so what have you done?

The answer is nothing!

Did not strengthen the defense, did not advance, nothing was done!

Everyone disagrees with each other, why do you command me!

Vizier still listened to what he said, so Humamu Pasha led his army to Apollo. This is a big city. Saladin had also been stationed back then. He divided camps, visited the army, and collected supplies.

Unlike before, the empire began to provide food for the troops that participated in the war. After all, if they attacked the Chinese city of Jiancheng, the Chinese were good at fortifying the walls and clearing the fields. The long-distance army reached the edge of the Chinese city, and there was even the danger of starvation. In the case of the retreat on the edge of the city, only the bleeding of the empire supported the war.

The Chinese troops did not reach Antioch City. They did not understand that the soldiers were so fast, or they wanted to attract the Ottomans to attack and repeat the scene in Cairo New City. They regarded us Ottomans too stupidly!

Humamu Pasha announced to everyone: "Holy War has begun!"

So under the banner of religion, all people united in opposition to the heretics.

Humamu Pasha sent people to Kurdish and Mesopotamia to announce the imperial court’s decision. The feedback received was good. The defenders and tribes all expressed resolute obedience to the imperial order. They either strengthened the city’s defenses or sent troops to Antioch With reinforcements, Antioch's troops increased day by day.

The sent out sentry indicated that the Chinese stationed in Damascus had not been advancing, so Humamu Pasha stretched out his feet and sent Kurdish cavalry to attack him. He told the chief of the tribe, Hu De, "Don’t be greedy for merit, just attack. When we are weak, we will fight, and when we are strong, we will go!"

He thought he had imparted the mantra to Hood, and Hood was selected by him, believing that he was a safe man and would be able to execute his strategy well.

The Kurdish tribe has a long history, and its ancestors have also been extended. A generation of military strongman Saladin regained the holy city of Jerusalem from the Europeans and established the Ayub dynasty.

But afterwards, the Kurdish tribe was conquered by the Turks and continued to fight for the Ottoman Empire. Its tribe was brave and capable of fighting.

Within a few days, the news of the defeat of the Kurdish tribe cavalry came, and Humamu Pasha's face was dull.

Or "birds die for food, and people die for money." Kurds don't die for money, but birds die for food!

Hood led more than three thousand cavalry all the way to Damascus. He had been to Damascus before, but the Chinese could not leave the city behind closed doors. The Damascus he saw again seemed more majestic and dangerous than before. It was rebuilt by the Chinese. .

After observing the city for a while, Hood determined that there were tens of thousands of defenders, at least 30,000, so he reported the news to Humamu Pasha, and then continued towards Cairo.

Soon he knew what it was like to go hungry!

The Southeast Army has built strong walls and cleared the country. Many of them are veterans from the mainland, including the former Ming army, the former bandit army, and the former Tatars. The craftsmanship "bandits like combs, soldiers like grate" has not been left behind, and the people along the way are robbed and wiped out. !

But there is no teacher of benevolence and righteousness, it is all propaganda!

If we don’t be Song Xianggong, how can we be the enemy and let the enemy obtain materials to attack us?

So grab it if you can grab it, or destroy it if you can't grab it.

As a result, fireworks rose from villages and towns, and the Chinese looted places and drove the people away. Even if those people hid things, they were found by experienced Chinese thieves and confiscated unceremoniously!

People everywhere were robbed of supplies, some people were still struggling in their hometowns, and more people became refugees and moved everywhere.

Hood's cavalry headed south, and saw a look like the people were unhappy, they couldn't help but gritted their teeth, these pagans!

The infidels are hateful. Hood cursed them while learning to do so, soliciting supplies from the people. The people would give them voluntarily, or grab them if they didn’t.

This is "Bandits pass like a comb, soldiers pass like a grate." Yes, it is not a good bird.

However, the cavalry unit of 3,000 people said nothing more, said less than a few. They went along the way. They searched for supplies and couldn’t find anything. It’s common for the hunger and fullness to be eaten, often hungry on the Kurds. Huohuo is not only anger, but also hunger.

The productivity in most of the Middle East is not strong, the natural conditions for land production are not good, the output is not much, and there is not much left after being robbed by the Chinese, which cannot meet the needs of three thousand cavalry, especially horses not only need to eat grass~www They need to add ingredients, corn, soybeans, peanuts and other things are eaten to have oily water and horses will not lose fat.

Hungry, very hungry, try to be hungry for a day to see if you are flustered!

I get hungry when I get up early. It’s good for horses to say that there is grass gnawing against their stomachs. People can’t eat anything, and go hungry if they can’t find anything. Food has become what everyone is eager to look for. Because of the constant toss in the stomach, the Kurds I couldn't sleep at night, and when I fell asleep, I woke up hungry. From the officer to the soldier, everyone was hungry. After a few days, they became slender and thin!

They never dreamed that they would encounter this kind of thing on their own land. The pioneers who attacked Cairo were also hungry. As a joke, they brought food for three days before they went out and ate very happily. After three days, I started to feel hungry, regretting not.

Had it not been for a sense of honor and fear of military discipline, the Kurds almost wanted to withdraw their troops.

Then they found the Chinese army, a large army, escorted 5,000 infantry, plus more than 2,000 vehicles, and they were heading towards Damascus in an endless stream.

The Chief of Staff of the Southeast Army, Mr. David, adopted the same method. First, the Second Army commanded by Li Dingguo and Enengqi was stationed in Damascus, trying to use the strong city to consume the enemy's power. The main force was on the front line of Amman and Jerusalem, preparing for a battle with the enemy.

The baggage is shipped to Damascus. Whenever possible, the Chinese will continue to accumulate supplies on the front line. Anyway, the Chinese are rich in productivity, and some things are not given away.

"So many supply vehicles..." Hood looked greedily through the binoculars, thinking about the pros and cons. Although the Chinese **** power does not seem weak, the Kurds are too weak and need to be supplemented. He said he would rather die in battle. I would rather starve to death.

"Okay, then attack!" Hood made up his mind to fight for a full stomach!