The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1163: Egyptian Production and Construction Cor

"We won this war!" Yan Changwu's voice echoed in the conference room.

The senior officials of the three services of the Southeast Army gathered together, their backs were straight, and they listened happily to the summary of their leaders.

The rewards for them have been issued, including titles, honors, military medals, positions, military ranks, and bonuses.

It has always been an officer who has the most benefits, and a high-level officer has more benefits, and all of them have made a lot of money.

The leader is not a stingy person. It is really good to like everyone. He is happy, everyone is happy, and everyone is happy.

The commanders were all appointed marquises. Although they were low-ranking marquis, they finally had the ranks of advancement. It was better than just watching the navy's flowers and flowers. It was useless.

The rest of the generals may be designated earls or viscounts, and those who are not in military service are not allowed to be knighted, and they finally have the title.

The officers and soldiers of the navy ridiculed the army and said, "What is the use of keeping you out of war? You are the guard of our naval base!",

The brothers of the army couldn't come up with a decent record and lacked confidence. They only felt that they were short. Now they can sit with the admirals with confidence.

Yan Changwu said happily: "The Ottoman Empire is an uncompromising empire. They span three continents, with vast land and resources, and a large population. Europeans are helpless. First, Constantinople in the bridgehead area was captured, and then Greece, Macedonia, Cyprus, etc. When the region falls, the Europeans will not be able to take it back. They will suffer the suffering of the Ottomans."

"Their great geography discovery and the opening of the great nautical era were partly because they couldn't beat the Ottomans, and the east and west trade routes were not connected. Otherwise, who would be willing to sail in the unpredictable sea, earn money, and spend no life!"

"We came across the sea from the east, and we were thousands of miles away from the country. The first battle was under Cairo, and the second battle was at Homs. We wiped out 300,000 enemy troops. That is a formed army, not a flat-headed civilian!" Yan Changwu raised his hand and made a false hack, and said loudly, "We interrupted the Ottoman spine!"

The analogy is very appropriate. The army is not the common people. You can’t run a few laps on the playground and stand for a few times. It takes a lot of energy, money, blood and life to develop a soldier and even an army. Especially officers and senior officers, their promotion path is often accompanied by many bones.

Why Ihassan Pasha was only given a small punishment for his defeat? It is indeed hard to find a general. The court hoped that he would suffer a loss and gain a wisdom. The facts proved that afterwards he dealt with it properly and the Southeast Army had to retreat.

The army is not even a Chinese cabbage. It can grow steadily as soon as the spring rains come.

It can be said that the loss of 300,000 elite soldiers is the tragic loss of the Ottomans. Ihassan Pasha can only watch the Chinese beat the drum of victory, and retreat from the front without any problems in the steps of victory. He can't even organize. The army besieged the city of Damascus!

While defending at all costs, when attacking, it was sacrificed in vain. Ihasan Pasha was unwilling to repeat the old rut of the Battle of Cairo, so he could only bear it.

"...We got Egypt and turned the three continents of the Ottomans into two continents, and the historic city of Damascus in Asia is in our hands. We have won!" So, the first Ottoman war is final!

"I am going back to China. Mr. David is responsible for everything here. Everyone should listen to him and support his work. I will not be stingy on the day of success. What do you want, tell me!" Yan Changwu said. Aroused bursts of laughter from the soldiers.

Since Zhang Shouyun, the four army commanders Zhang Shouyun, Zu Kefa, Li Dingguo, and Li Chengdong have expressed their views one by one, insisting on supporting the leaders' instructions and cooperating with the commander Mr. David to complete the tasks assigned by the leaders.

Mr. David said that he would follow the leader's orders without compromising to complete the task!

This is the characteristic of the southeast country. After publicly expressing one's opinion, what you say is counted and cannot be violated, otherwise the reputation of saying one thing and doing another thing will rest on that person, and the leader can also punish him!

Mr. David was named "Cairo Battalion Director". His task was to maintain the rule of the occupied area, fight against the Ottomans outside, suppress the rebelling people in the occupied area inside, and ensure that the occupied area is not retaken by the enemy. He has to find an opportunity to bite the enemy. , Slash the enemy.

There are 200,000 troops left under his command. They are all elite troops, not many, and they have enough power to deal with the Ottomans.

The logistics supply pressure of 200,000 people is very high. Although there are many ships in the southeast, the transportation of supplies from afar cannot support it.

How difficult is this!

As long as there is land, the Chinese will starve to death?

The Chinese are the most suitable nation for immigrants in the world. If the nations of the world are placed in an unfamiliar area, the Chinese will be the first to survive.

The First Army and the Fifth Army stationed in the Cairo area, they are garrisoned!

Except for the active servicemen who do temporary work, all the old troops retired veterans and left slowly, and spent three years in the Nile River Tuntian.

Establish the Egyptian Production and Construction Corps!

Are you surprised or surprised?

Egypt is really suitable to establish a production and construction corps. The environment is similar to Xinjiang. The conditions of the Nile River are even better than Xinjiang. There is no large-scale development and the population is small. Some of the land can accommodate Chinese people to open up farms.

The Egyptian Production and Construction Corps undertakes the responsibilities of garrisoning and defending the frontiers assigned by the leader. It implements a unified military, government and enterprise system. In its own reclamation area, it manages its internal administrative and judicial affairs in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Southeastern country. The dual leadership of the battalion is organized by the corps, division, regiment, and company. This is also the first time that the title of the corps has appeared, and it has been used since then, and the position is above the military level.

"Tunking and guarding the border is a historical heritage of China's development and defense of the border for thousands of The central government's large-scale reclamation of Xinjiang in the Western Regions began in the Western Han Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, and it has been followed by successive generations." Yan Changwu said: "We The Construction Corps is different from Zhu Hongwu’s Tuntian soldiers. The members of the Construction Corps are militias, militias!"

Yan Changwu was defined as an auxiliary army. He practiced in his spare time and cultivated in farming. Everyone nodded secretly. This is a correction to the Ming Dynasty's army troops, a smart move!

A wise leader is better than Zhu Chongba!

After Zhu Chongba established the country, he once proudly established a guard station. The guard soldiers were the soldiers in the field, and they were always farming and fighting in war. Zhu Chongba once proudly said: "I raise millions of soldiers without spending the common people. A grain of grain has never existed since ancient times!"

Ideals are full, and reality is very skinny. After Zhu Chongba, one generation is inferior to one generation. The soldiers in the field have no combat effectiveness, their quality is reduced, and their combat effectiveness is too weak. They cannot defeat the Japanese pirates and the Tatars, and finally entered the stage of history.

On the contrary, it is difficult to guarantee finance and supplies without using the regular army. Now the Egyptian Production and Construction Corps is established as a supplement to the regular army. It is very appropriate. There is no need to always use the regular army. There are many things that can be done by the militia.

At least, after the production and construction corps is launched, the troops stationed in Egypt will no longer have to transport food from overseas!

"The Nile region is very suitable for farming, and Egypt is the key to controlling Africa. In the long run, we must hold Egypt in our hands. You should take the lead, lay the foundation, and do a good job of defending the enemy and farming. Pay special attention to the construction of the Corps. The role of this!" Yan Changwu gave the strategy face-to-face.

The left-behind generals led orders, Mr. David asked: "So, how to deal with religious affairs in Egypt?"

This is a sensitive topic. Everyone looks at Yan Changwu and listens to his instructions!


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