The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1204: 1 Flower difference

Yan Xiaoqiang from a treasure world introduced the evaluation system 100%, divided into good reviews and bad reviews, and this evaluation system is definitely not for buyers and sellers to fool around. First of all, they are all qualified, real-name certification, Very familiar!

Then, Xinfangsheng Human Resources Market manages this evaluation system as a third party, and every negative review must be verified, at least spot-checked. Sellers or buyers with many negative reviews will be disqualified from trading and be held accountable for corresponding laws.

At that time, the people were well-educated in Chinese studies, generally cherish feathers and pay attention to credibility, and there were few counterfeiters. Practitioners cherished their reputation as if they cherished their own eyes.

Fourth, the most important "commodity" here, the most popular is female slaves!

The southeast countries have frequent foreign wars, plundering foreign countries, and the country and the army can share the dividends of the war-those confiscated goods, the army likes to fight the war, and prefer the leader who gives them everything!

The slave dividends are shared with the domestic people. The rich investors get the male slaves to open farms, mines and infrastructure abroad, while the female slaves are sold to the domestic people---foreigners do not have the right to buy the female slaves stolen from the southeast. .

This time, General Gan Hui ransacked the Mughal Empire and took away a large number of female slaves. They were shipped to Mumbai. They were auctioned off at that time. Those slaves bought them from the market. They could not be sold at the beginning. They must be trained and transformed. .

The slaves mainly organized teachers to teach them Chinese, and most importantly, to transform their religious concepts!

These female slaves, after entering the Southeast, wanted to become concubines for men in the Southeast, and they wanted to give birth to children for the men.

The leaders of the Southeastern countries will never allow their children to follow their religion!

Preconceived, so you have to plan ahead.

Therefore, before entering the thousands of households in the Southeast, the female slaves must reverse their religious beliefs and let them believe in the Buddhism and Taoism of the Southeast. For women, Mazu is a good object of faith.

Brainwash, brainwash!

He kept telling about the miracles of Mazu and his mother, instilling the greatness of Mazu to them, and chanting her holy name every day and accepting her teachings.

In addition to her elders, there is also the compassionate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva who is also a very good object of faith. These two supreme beings are outstanding in Buddhism and Taoism.

Then there is coercion and temptation, believing that they are treated well, their living environment and diet have been greatly improved, and they will marry a good family in the future!

This is not exactly the benefit of believing in them!

If they don't believe it, they won't be treated well. They start to do heavy work in the female slave camp, wash clothes, move things, cook, and they will end up in the factory or mine for a lifetime!

The sharp contrast is immediate. Many of those foreign girls who have not been deeply involved in the world and are isolated and helpless have believed in the two supreme Chinese of China! ,

Dear, before the goods are "on the shelves", the shop Xiaoer guarantees that all the goods are believed to be Chinese gods!

After their religious beliefs are reversed, they will begin to teach according to their aptitudes. Girls with first-class qualifications will be taught "playing the piano and flute, reciting poems and writing, drawing and drawing Go, playing double-ludging, playing dominoes, and all kinds of silver tricks." And fine makeup skills and body training.

Girls with second-class qualifications can also read some words and play some music, but they are mainly trained as accounting talents and know how to keep accounts in order to assist businessmen and become good assistants.

Girls with third-class qualifications learn to be female red, cut, or "fry and steam pastry, cook food, put fruits, and have their own skills", and are trained to be qualified housewives.

Of course, all these painstaking trainings are for the purpose of finding a good buyer and selling it at a good price in the future.

Hmm, a bit familiar?

In fact, the largest female slave sales company here, whose boss was originally from Yangzhou, treats the female slaves as thin horses in Yangzhou!

Some female slaves bought them from a young age and started training, but there were enough female slaves robbed this time. Some were over fifteen and did not have much training value. Then they were put on the market for auction after a little training. There were a lot of them. There are some high-quality "goods". As a result, the seven-day auction attracted countless pig brothers to help out. It has almost become a public holiday in the city. Many people lazily ran out of the city, and the employers went with them. In public units, the superiors only opened their eyes and closed their eyes. They were left alone to the market where their subordinates went out of the city. Even the superiors also skipped work. Everyone was on holiday together, and they were spending a lot of money together.

Don’t care too much. First, you can solve your physiological needs; second, you can respond to the call of the country and give birth to the country; third, you can buy female slaves to contribute to the country’s taxation!

When Yan Changwu arrived at the market, he saw a crowd of people, but they were VIP customers, and there was another channel for horse-drawn carriages to enter the market through the side door.

The agent who received them was a young woman in a waistcoat, named A Tao, who was quite handsome and had big lights on her chest. As soon as she received Yan Changwu's crowd, she couldn't help but smile, knowing that the local tyrant came!

Yan Changwu wore a kimono, glued two small beards, and touched Rendan. He was wearing wooden shoes with two oriental swords stuck in his waist. He spoke fluent Japanese language and walked like a Japanese pirate on the road.

In the southeastern country, carrying weapons is legal, provided that they have obtained the certificate of holding weapons and holding guns. When holding the weapons, they are required to carry the certificate with them. Officials will conduct inspections at any time.

As for the three beauties, Yang Yinger is naturally beautiful, elegant and noble temperament is very unusual, slender body wearing a pink dress, bumpy figure is extremely eye-catching, enviable ~ www.mtlnovel. com~ The tall posture and graceful posture are very good points, it is like a fairy!

Chen Yuanyuan's white suit is full of immortality and fresh and lively atmosphere, and the simplicity and brightness with a strong sense of texture, her good figure makes people stare intently.

Yuan Yuan is tall and tall, with long and beautiful black hair, which also brings her a kind of ladylike demeanor. A yellow dress and a small white long-sleeved shirt are particularly distinct. The short white shirt just reaches the waist, showing the slender waist and the tall lower body. The youthful posture is beautiful and very eye-catching!

When Atao saw them, she knew they were rich ladies, because they all covered their faces with white masks with peach-colored bears, pigs, and kittens. They wore dresses with socks on their feet and hands. Wearing long gloves, revealing a little snow-white skin, but not many. The rich and wealthy ladies and the rich ladies of the Southeastern countries go out, it is this kind of dress!

Seeing their close attitude with the "Japanese pirate", Atao couldn't help muttering that the dead Japanese pirate was lucky!

Such a beautiful woman, following this Japanese pirate, is really three good cabbages for the pig.

She didn’t recognize Yan Changwu because his headshot was taken. The color difference between the real person and the portrait was serious. A college student from Deng recognized him because he was wearing a generals uniform. No one in China dared to wear it. No way.

Awesome by their temperament, Atao dare not give any means, otherwise the big guest will come, she will immediately snuggle up affectionately, and use her big headlight to shine the man's arm, hehe, before coming, she heard that she was prepared The guest who picked up was a VIP high-profile guest, who had already gone into battle in a vacuum... She also worked hard to make a fortune.

She warmly said, "Welcome to the Lord and the three beauties!"


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