The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1223: Zhu Family's descendants against Daming

The head of the city changed with the Great King Banner, and the people of Zhaoqing City woke up and were shocked to see the city changed its banner at dawn.

The Zhu family's banner has not changed. The previous phoenix banner disappeared. It was the banner of the princess Zhu Zhenzhen of the State Administration of Supervision. It was changed to the big "King Gui!"

It's still in the Zhu family's world, it doesn't matter!

The change of dynasty did not last long, and the people didn't care who sat in the Dragon Court, anyway, their surnames were Zhu!

A lot of things happened in one night, and Zhu Youlang, the king of the Guilin of Ming Dynasty, appeared on the stage, and led eight hundred heroes to attack Zhaoqing City, and succeeded!

Zhu Youlang, the grandson of Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun, and the son of Guiduan King Zhu Changying, was enfeoffed in Pingnan, Guangxi. He is the uncle and brother of Zhu Youchan today.

Zhaoqing City was originally the resident of the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi. After the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi moved to Guangzhou, Zhaoqing declined. However, it is bordered by the Xijiang River and has water available. It is still prosperous. The 5,000 troops are all new-style Musketeers. Bingbei Road jurisdiction.

The fort is the easiest to break from the inside. Guangdong chief envoy Lin Jiading played a key role. Last night, he came out to have a banquet for the military officials. During the dinner, he threw a cup to win the military officials. At the same time, he mixed with the guns. The partisans of the army seized the opportunity to get rid of those loyal to the court and seized the military power.

Lin Jiading seriously failed the imperial court's expectations!

He is a native of Putian, Fujian. He was a scholar in the 7th year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty (1634).

He is reused because of his native place, Fujian province.

In ancient times, the "township party" was very important to be an official. For example, when the thief Yan Changwu did not make a big success, he raged overseas in Fujian Province. The land belongs to Da Ming, and the sea is his world. It is rampant!

Those officials from North Korea, Central and Fujian provinces who wear official hats and respectful officials all turned a blind eye to them, and even helped him when other officials impeached the thief, saying that Yan Dasha is a good comrade!

Whoever impeaches Yan Changwu, they will be anxious and cover up.

Similarly, when Yan Changwu gained power, Fujian officials were also ascended to heaven. As long as they showed their loyalty to Yan Changwu, they had more opportunities to be reused. It was against this background that Lin Jiading went one step further.

Unexpectedly, he was the fifth column in the team, and he succeeded by surprise.

In the Flower Hall of Zhaoqing Mansion, Gui Wang Zhu Youlang sits on top. He is only over thirty years old and very young. It is the time to make progress. Now he has taken Zhaoqing and is full of spirits.

Wearing a bright yellow silk robe, Zhu Youlang is tall and thin, with two sword eyebrows quite heroic. But Xu is a bit mean because of his thin mouth, white skin, and few wrinkles.

At the first one sat a big scholar, Qu Shiyu!

Qu Shiyu (1590-), a native of Changshu, Jiangsu Province, he used Qian Qianyi as his teacher in his early years.

In 1623, Ding's father returned to Li, and returned with the Western priest Alurie. He was baptized and became a church, named Dormer. He once wrote a preface to the sexology written by Ai Shi.

In 1628, the emperor used his words frequently when he repeatedly reprimanded the ministers in charge during the affairs of the household division. Later, he was squeezed and framed by Wen Tiren and Zhou Yanru, and was demoted with his teacher Qian Qianyi, and then returned to Changshu. The style is in the garden of the township, and he uses poetry and wine to send himself. The collection of great Confucianism is "Gulin Manlu" ten volumes.

After Yan Changwu entered Nanjing, Zhao Qu style was used in Beijing, and Qu style was rejected by the leg disease. At that time, Yan Changwu was furious and said, "The scholar-officials are not for the emperor's use, and sins are the crimes!"

Wanting to take him down, Qu Shiqi has a good reputation. The Minister of the Korean Central Government provided cover for him. Yan Changwu gave them face. When the Donglin Party was in disaster, Qu Shiqi was the Donglin Party. He had not been in the court for a long time, and it was difficult to be convicted after all. Then nothing came of it.

If Zhu Youlang wants to get up, someone must support the stage, so he invited Qu Shiyu to enter the scene. Qu Shiyu was overjoyed and said: "King Gui is the heir of Shenzong. Set the chaos, how dare you not!"

Qu Shiyu helped, because he used his reputation to instigate Lin Jiading. Lin Jiading sat opposite Qu Shiyu. At that time, he met Qu Shiyu in Guangzhou. Qu explained his intentions and said: "Dare to be the first in the world, why should Qu be here!"

At that time, although the people were moved, no one dared to move first. Qu Shiyu meant that he followed Zhu Youlang's first righteousness. Lin Jiading said bluntly: "The Han and thieves are not incompatible, I should follow them!"

Regardless of the high-ranking officials in Xinming, he joined the rebels without hesitation, thinking that he was acting for righteousness.

In addition to these two monarchs, there were civic ministers Wu Zhenyu, military minister Ma Jixiang, Liu Chengyin, **** Pang Tianshou, etc., as well as a group of local gentry cheering for them, actively contributing money and food, and sitting together in the hall, the power gradually rose.

Zhu Youlang was overjoyed when he won Zhaoqing, and he called everyone to discuss it, thinking that it would be a long-term plan.

He first thanked the people for their strength, and then pretended to say: "The king is not talented, and he often reads the grace of the emperor's brother. Now there is Nanjing annihilating the husband and the silver woman colluding with inside and outside, killing the emperor in order to usurp the throne. The country that comes down is at stake. This king really can’t bear the corruption of the national ritual. He advocates the first righteousness and restores me to the great world!"

All the ministers said in unison: "His Royal Highness King Gui's first righteousness has won the hearts of the people, and the whole world will respond to it. The anti-thief awarding the first is just around the corner!"

Speaking of high-sounding, in fact they are almost unable to withstand it!

In the city of Nanjing, Ma Shiying was eager to make political achievements after he came to power.

Zhang Juzheng's new method of measuring land and spreading acres into acres caused great harm to the interests of the gentry and landlords, which severely compressed their black box operation space.

His reforms brought huge financial revenues to the Treasury of the Ming Dynasty, but they angered the bureaucrats and the landlord class. After Zhang Juzheng died, he was liquidated, most of the new laws enacted were abolished, and the old interest groups remained. For the sake of self-interest, they form groups and fight against each other. The government tends to be useless, and the more important role is to prevaricate.

First, Sun Chengzong was the first assistant of Xinming and implemented Zhang Juzheng's set, but it was greatly resisted and it was difficult to implement it.

Yao Minggong is in power, adopting new methods and old methods for the elderly, and has not touched the interests of those classes for the time being.

However, he left a tail, that is, he did not recognize the legality of the former gentry-landlord class that occupied acres without paying grain.

Ma Shiying was the first and second assistant and used this as the starting point. In addition to paying a lot of money and paying for the gentry, he also paid taxes on the land progressively.

The latest method is that the landlord’s rent cannot exceed 30%; the agricultural tax is one tax for the door of one hundred acres of land, one tax for the door between one hundred acres and five hundred acres, and one tax for all those over five hundred acres.

No matter who it is, there is no exception, his spearhead is directed at the princes of Daming!

He took out the old Taizu system and claimed that according to the system, the prince could only own 10,000 mu of land, and other land would be taxed!

When the news came out, the princes were in an uproar.

Although it shows that the prince of the dynasty is raised as a pig, after all, he is a noble prince and has a high political status. How can you allow you to be a betrayer to act boldly.

They often own thousands of acres of land, and more of them own tens of thousands of acres, tens of thousands of acres, or even tens of thousands of acres. This set of Ma Shiying came from, this is the meat of everyone.

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

The princes of Daming colluded, and this time they no longer kneeled at Que Cry Ling, but simply opposed Daming.

Floods washed down the Dragon King Temple!