The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1228: Governor's Heart (2)

He inspected the military hospital and found that some of the wounded were seriously injured, and he couldn't help but smile.

The more senior the officer was, the heavier the bomb was, and the officer who sat farther was much less injured.

But the doctor kept them in the hospital for observation and refused to discharge them!

The director of the hospital, Zhao Chuansheng, is familiar with Chen Minwu. Every year, Chen Minwu comes to him for a physical examination. Director Zhao takes out a lead ballistic. "Everyone has been shot. Even if a little bit of it is in the body, it will be poisoned. You have to go through it. During the observation period, it will be released only when it is ready!"

"How long is the observation period?" Chen Minwu asked.

"At least three days!" Zhao Chuansheng replied.

"Three days?!" Chen Minwu couldn't help exclaiming. In three days, the army of the pseudo-gui Wang came to the city.

Chen Minwu asked, "Can you let them go to the front line to command operations?"

"In case they fainted with a fever on the front line, I can't guarantee that this won't happen!" Dean Zhao shrugged.

"If so, when the fighting is fierce...the harm will be even greater." Chen Minwu said helplessly.

It was terrible to think about it. Chen Minwu dispelled this idea. Even if some lightly injured people applied to be discharged from the hospital, he did not let him go.

He summoned Chen Qihui, who had done a good job in intercepting the murderer, and praised him. Not long after talking with him, Chen Minwu came to the answer. This Lieutenant Colonel Chen, who was a family with him five hundred years ago, is loyal to the court, but fighting is really not a big deal. material!

Lieutenant Colonel Chen started as a personal soldier of a certain member of the DPRK. He got the first month near the water tower and worked in the government all the way. He had no actual performance and had no experience as the chief officer of the expatriate army.

He must not be able to take charge of the command of this army. Chen Minwu, as the governor of the army and the people, has also studied. He knows that the prime minister must start from the state department, and the fierce general must start from the army. Generally speaking, the training of officers must be Have experience in military academies, army chiefs, and agencies. There are three military academies at the rank of lieutenant, school and general. It is best to have experience of army chiefs as well as experience in agency work. At least it is the chief officer of the army + military academy to be able to control the army!

So disappointed!

Chen Minwu left his senator Tian Shubin to manage the Huanghuagang Camp, with Chen Qihui as his supplement. Without his transfer order, he was not allowed to be easily dispatched.

But he privately told Tian Shubin, "Keep an eye on Chen Qihui, maybe they are acting together to seize command of the army!"

Tian Shubin was surprised, "No way?!"

"No? Yes!" Chen Minwu repeatedly exhorted, "The old man has eaten more salt than you eat rice. Everything in this world is possible!"

He was completely suspicious, suspecting that the bomb case was not easy.

On the way back to the Governor's Mansion, Chen Minwu was thinking hard about how to solve the situation. When he entered the city, he suddenly heard the sirens, and even the Governor's motorcade had to stop because the front was very busy.

A three patrol arrest is under the command of a formal worker and is catching people!

A group of former scholars, with the identities of jurors and scholars, did not know what their nerves were. They actually gave a public speech on the street, slamming the court's new land deal.

It was lively now. The officials led Ah San to hunt and catch people, fleeing, chasing and chasing. The kid next to him clapped his hands and said, "One, two, three, four, big head in green clothes. If you catch a thief, he will beep! "

The southeastern country has few manpower and high manpower, so Asan is specially introduced to patrol and arrest them. Although they are stupid, they are still useful to maintain order on the market.

In the words of a senior official, "It is worthy of recognition to act as a door god, to pretend to be a frightening person!"

Hmm, many hotels in Southeast China have introduced Asanmen.

Of course, the real reason is that you can save money with Asan!

The provincial capital is quite influenced by the Southeastern countries, and it has also brought in Asan to patrol and arrest it. It has become a scenic spot in the provincial capital, and even caused strangers from outside to come and see it.

The Asanmen have big heads because of their Baotou, and they wear green uniforms. The Chinese uniforms are black, while Asanmen are big-headed and green. They often have a beeping flute in their mouths. If something goes wrong, they will play the flute and summon. Handling it by hand is to catch the thief and blow the beep!

Everyone looked at it with a smile, but Chen Minwu's expression changed.

Even the provincial capital is rioting, is it possible that the striker of the pseudo-King Gui has already arrived?

His guess is reasonable. When he returns to the Governor's Mansion and rests for a while, his master Ding Yongxin is here, looking around no one, mysteriously taking a piece of paper from his sleeve, and presenting it to him." Toon, please see!"

Master, it should be called a consultant. Senior officials can also have consultants. It is called in-depth study of national policies and strategies for senior officials. It can also be called "high-level ginseng."

Ordinary officials have no mentor to use, and all have to manage their own affairs. This is a New Deal introduced from the Southeast.

Ding Yongxin is an expert. He has a good memory and a strong understanding, and he can figure out the imperial will of the court. He has a good idea for Chen Minwu. He does have the ability to say everything, and he is deeply used by Chen Minwu.

Seeing the first few lines of that piece of paper, Chen Minwu's eyelids twitched!

It is the essay that Qu Shiyu wrote about the thieves. When I read it, I saw him in the article, scolding Yan Ni for three generations. The essay is beautiful and the skeleton is clear. Without a dirty word, he has already scolded people to the bones, and I am ashamed of it. For contemporary Confucianism!

The layman watched the excitement and the insider watched the doorway. Chen Minwu became more and more frightened as he watched it. This is simply an article of the same level that Chen Lin scolded Cao Cao and Luo Bin Wang scolded Empress Wu.

"What do you think of Dongweng?" Ding Yongxin asked.

Putting down the message, Chen Minwu said sternly, "The King of Southeast is not Cao Cao!"

"Dongweng Gaoming!" Ding Yongxin said with fun.

"The southeast king is very big-minded, but he needs manpower!" Chen Minwu said hesitantly. "If you provoke the southeast king, Qu Shiyu will be exiled the lightest, and then teach the children to teach Chinese culture."

"Dong Weng is right. It's easy to go to Guoxue. Maybe it's all about being beheaded!" Ding Yongxin said. "If you talk about the Southeast King, he might not mind, but when it comes to the princess and the empress The master over the sea..."

He did not continue, Chen Minwu nodded knowingly.

Southeast King is a madman who loves his wife and is not very keen on female sex. Instead, his wives give him So, his wives are his dragon scales, irreversible!

Qu Shiyu dared to write like this. I'm afraid that the trouble will not be small this time. It's like Chen Lin scolding Cao Cao but Cao Cao has to reuse the beautiful thing, I'm afraid it won't happen again!

such a pity!

Chen Minwu briefly talked about the Huanghuagang camp and said gloomily, "The army of the pseudo-King Gui is imminent. How to deal with it, Mr. can teach me!"

Ding Yongxin pondered for a moment and said, "The change in the land system of the imperial court has offended scholars and landlords in the world, such as the ancestor dragon and Zhu Wen's old things, I am afraid that this time..."

Chen Minwu knew his master's position and deliberately said, "The court reorganized, and the old man's 20,000 mu of land was harvested. The old man is ashamed of his ancestor!"

Ding Yongxin knows that he is always treacherous, so he can't believe it, but the situation is like an arrow, and he can't go back. He gritted his teeth and said, "I have some friends recently, ask me to bring the latest news!"

"Why say it." Chen Minwu asked.

"If Dong Weng can do it anyway, Dong Weng's chief assistant of His Royal Highness King Gui!" Ding Yongxin said softly, and refused to say more.

The price is not small, but Chen Minwu is really worth the price. He is a high-ranking official in the south of Xinming. The governor of Guangdong and Guangxi is one of the top local officials in the south. He has always been a follower of the southeast. The shock has a huge impact!

After Ding Yongxin left, Chen Minwu looked back at the thief's message and saw that the chief envoy Si Lin Jiading had also reversed it. It was an elite of Fujian Province. As long as he followed the rules, the senior officials of the ministry would not be a problem.

The matter of Lin Jiading cast a huge shadow in Chen Minwu's heart. Is it possible that this time King Gui is the King of Yan, can it really be difficult to succeed? !

Thinking about it, the door said, "Mr. Chen Zisheng, come and worship!"

Chen Minwu's spirits lifted up, and those who came to say "Hurry up!"

This is a loyal loyal to the Southeast, let’s see what he says!