The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1252: Who is the persimmon?

The battle scenes are actually very cruel, and sometimes the soldiers cannot be blamed for being greedy and fearful of death, because the world will be completely bid farewell in the next quarter of an hour!

I saw that the densely packed rebels were rapidly advancing towards the Xinming Army. A large number of soldiers quickly crossed the trenches under the command of the officers with a dense line of stragglers. Their eyes were covered with red bandages on their heads, which looked particularly dazzling. .

Its murderous aura rushed to the Xinming Army, causing some recruits to fight their teeth.

They wanted to run, but the gazing supervisory team was behind, and the political officer's falcon-like eyes were on their backs and heads, making their scalp numb.

The Xinming Army established the position of "political officer", so that the officers and soldiers did not dare to step beyond the thunder pool, behave in a regular manner, and fought honestly in wartime.

Before the rebels succeeded in the Zhaoqing Xinming Army, they succeeded in getting the chief officer and political officer one after another. Otherwise, how can they succeed!

You must know that political officers have great power in monitoring the army, and even the chief officers cannot interfere.

The officers and soldiers of the Xinming Army could hear the jumbled footsteps on the opposite side. When the faces of the rebel soldiers were clearly visible, the battle started. The ignited black powder bombs and grenades exploded in the Xinming Army. Down, the Xinming soldiers turned on their backs.

The comrades who were standing next to you one minute ago can't wake up again after one minute. The **** facts make people scared, and they can't retreat. The recruits had to hold their guns tightly, aim at the enemy, and wait for the officers. command.

They didn't wait long, and with the command of the officer, the red flag held in front of the battle was waved, so the Xinming Army pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang..." The rifle blasted, and the thick smoke from the muzzle billowed and was dispersed by the wind, and then fired again, and it became one piece again.

The rebels have fallen more, and their firepower is rapidly declining.

They are in big trouble!

To die, Li Daoan learns from the Southeast Army and the New Ming Army to play with firearms, and the truth is revealed.

In the flintlock battle between the two sides, the two sides lined up in a long enough queue, each with a depth of only 2-4 rows. The two sides advance to the effective firing range of the musket and begin to shoot at each other, resembling a collective shooting. It can be imagined that this requires great courage, a high degree of psychological quality, and skilled and stable reloading techniques. In the rain of bullets, the comrades around him are constantly knocked down and the blood is all over the floor. Only the one who has the courage to stick to the end can become the real winner.

The Southeast Army and the Xinming Army were taught by Yan Changwu and often kept the first round of shooting at a closer range before firing, in order to defeat the opponent's courage in one fell swoop.

If the enemy strikes first, the army will suffer casualties, all considering the nerve toughness of the officers and soldiers.

It is no longer a problem for the Southeast Army, but it is a huge test for the New Ming Army.

Facts have proved that the collapse of the army often begins with the officers, and the Xinming Army, under the leadership of Liu Wenxiu, resisted the indiscriminate shooting and bombardment of the rebels!

Bullets flew around, Liu Wenxiu stood like a rock, and the officers and soldiers had to die to accompany each other.

The use of flintlocks must undergo long-term training, and even a skilled soldier can only fire 3 rounds per minute. In actual combat, due to various factors, it is not bad to be able to maintain 2 rounds per minute.

Due to nervousness, all sorts of ridiculous things happened during reloading.

One of the most common mistakes is to forget to pull the cleaning rod out of the barrel after reloading. Once the trigger is pulled, the cleaning rod does not know where it has flown, and naturally it cannot be reloaded.

He accidentally stuffed the warhead instead of gunpowder into the muzzle in a hurry, causing no bullets, so he could only retreat to the back and slowly dig out the warhead. When fighting, many soldiers simply forgot whether they fired or not, and it is not clear whether they fired or not. They often reload multiple times, and the result is of course worse.

Now, Li Daoan’s naval forces made this mistake. They first shot the first round of bullets and then reloaded them. Someone shot the cleaning rods flying, and some people stuffed bullets into the gun's chamber, then put the musket into the gun, and buckled the trigger.

The flintlock device of the flintlock fired sparks and failed to ignite.

Yes, the man thought he had fired the gun, and reloaded...If he didn't deal with it immediately, this gun would never be able to shoot a bullet.

After the war, when the Xinming Army was cleaning the battlefield, it found more than a thousand muskets filled with multiple bullets and misfired, and the most one was filled with 10 warheads!

The ship army has not undergone "silver-burning" training, and it is not for playing flintlocks at all.

After training, some guns came in handy. On average, each person did not shoot ten rounds. Only Yan Changwu was willing to pay a lot of training fees to the Southeast Army, and the Xinming Army was better.

In contrast, some people in the Xinming Army made mistakes. The cleaning rods flew off and the bullets were stuffed indiscriminately. But after all, they burned silver. After the initial tension, their movements became smooth, reloading, shooting, reloading, and shooting. .

The rain-like bullets shot the ship's army to pieces, and the armor equipped was useless --- such a short distance ~ ~ the bullets were safe to penetrate the armor.

Shoot them to the ground, the blood soared, and the survivors groaned in pain. All this is testing the nerves of the ship army!

Li Daoan overestimated the quality of the ship army. The militia is the first civilian and then the soldier, and the people are still the people rather than the soldiers!

The army attaches great importance to the training of soldiers' formations and unified commands. In order to achieve the maximum number of rifle shooting, the soldiers in the front row were ordered to kneel and prone, but if the commander was unable to effectively control the team, after a few scattered shots, the soldiers in the front row would not know whether to kneel or not. posture. Therefore, in the modern army, special emphasis is placed on battle formations, emphasizing the combination of courage and tactics.

The Xinming Army persisted in the kneeling and standing positions, and the firepower output remained stable, while the ship army only persisted for less than ten minutes and collapsed instantly!

It's strange not to run, the opponent shot down 1,500 people, and the remaining 500 people slid away, and the Xinming Army immediately pursued them.

"Go ahead!" Liu Wenxiu ordered.

The troops advanced neatly and rushed straight to the back of the ship army, where there were a thousand men under the command of Li Daoan.

A ridiculous situation happened. Seeing the army in front of him fleeing, one of the thousand soldiers in the rear threw the gun at first and fled backward like a scud.

Why are you still holding a gun? It's terribly heavy and affects speed!

Many more people are learning the same, throwing down their guns, and fleeing for their lives.

It's right to escape. Two thousand people in the front will lose if they say they lose. How much can a thousand people do in the back?

Ren Li Daoan yelled hoarsely, but his soldiers ran away without looking back, even if the supervising team he put down was not worth it. Seeing the menacing escape team, the supervising team first avoided them, and then joined them. Also escaped.

In the end even Li Daoan escaped. The Xinming Army's bullets hit him. If he doesn't escape, he will become one of the many spears!