The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1334: The Japanese Chief Discussed Together

As Baoke Masaichi expected, the fallen army in Kyoto soon received the news that the Ming army would come to support the shogunate army, which plunged them into fear, confusion, and tension.

After all, Daming is a celestial dynasty!

The prestige of the celestial dynasty was so prestigious that it weighed heavily on the hearts of Japanese people.

There is no shortage of people in the army who have a deep understanding of Chinese history, and they also have the deep pains not long ago.

Far away was the Baijiangkou naval battle in the Tang Dynasty. The Heavenly Dynasty successfully defeated the Japanese ambitions of invading the mainland. The imperial Ming Dynasty's Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent troops to invade North Korea and was beaten by the Ming army, and the southeast king of the Ming Dynasty directly killed it. In the native country of Japan, there is no failure, let the Japanese people face to face to learn what the celestial dynasty is!

The great chiefs of the fallen army gathered in the imperial palace to discuss military affairs. The imperial palace is also called the Kyoto Imperial Palace. It is a high imitation of Chinese architecture. The buildings include Jianlimen, Pingtangmen, Chengmingmen, Chunxing Hall, Zichen Hall, Qingliang Hall, and Rihua Gate , Yuehua Gate, etc., listen, pure JJ China's palace visitors.

The palace here is quaint, but in fact it is dilapidated and decayed, and there is no money to repair and decorate.

The area is over 100,000 square meters, and the total area of ​​the shogun’s mansion has reached 2.64 million square meters.

The relationship between the Japanese emperor and the shogun is not harmonious. The emperor only has the right to worship, just like the largest priest in the country. The ruler is the general. Without exception, the Japanese emperor is deprived of worship. The Japanese emperor does not even have money to build the palace. There was even a shortage of food, so that a certain Japanese emperor ate three small salted fish and said to his satisfaction: "Good food!"

For such a Japanese emperor, there were tigers in front, wolves behind, and drove away from the shogunate. It was one thing for those rebellious lords to become Japanese emperors. Shi Shiran occupied the small imperial palace to discuss matters to show their respect.

To the northeast of Zichen Hall, there is a wooden structure with juniper skin roof, called "Small Imperial Palace".

During the Kamakura Shogunate, Kogosho lived where the shogun’s sons lived, so it was called “Kogosho”. During the Jianchang years, the small imperial palace was used to hold ceremonies such as the imperial palace of the East Palace, reading books, and the erecting of the crown prince, so it was also called "the imperial palace of the imperial palace".

The rebellious daimyo sits on the left and right, no one in the middle. The position is determined by the public opinion. The main reason is the strength. Among them, the Tosa feudal feudal feudal feudal feudal clan, the Hizen feudal feudal feudal clan, Nabeshima Mitsushige, and the Changshu feudal feudal clan feudal name Mori Tsunahiro occupy the first position. The most resolute, besides them, there is a strong bald monk who looks like a samurai but not like a monk at all. His strength cannot be underestimated, and it is Hyuga Sect's current lord Suigetsu Daizong.

According to the information obtained by Nabeshima Mitsumo, the envoy of the Ming Dynasty had landed in Edo, bringing news that the Ming army was rushing to assist the shogunate.

After he finished speaking, it was obvious that the hall was plunged into a low pressure, and the effect was immediate!

The Ming army is coming, and it is the southeast king Yan Changwu who has bowed to the former general of the shogunate Tokugawa Iemitsu!

The shadow of the tree of human fame, Yan Changwu is so cruel to the Japanese!

During the Iemitsu period, the powerful feudal lords Hizen, Tosa, and Changzhou, and Satsuma, rebelled together with Satsuma, and Iamitsu had a good relationship with a certain Ming man with ulterior motives, Yan Changwu. Yan Changwu led tens of thousands of soldiers on land and water to enter the country of Japan, and he was suppressed by iron and blood. As a result, the Japanese and Satsuma clan were disintegrated, and the lord was annihilated.

In the Jiagang period, it was rumored that the Southeast King did not want to pay attention to the Japanese Kingdom. If the Ming Dynasty sent important officials to participate in the Jiaguang funeral, the Japanese would not dare to rebel.

Rebelled, but Yan Changwu is coming!

Thinking of his huge cannon ship and well-trained army, who had resolutely rebelled and vowed that none of the famous names were not short legs trembling, many people thought to themselves: "This time the pill, this time the pill!"

"It seems that the shogunate is inviting surrender, shouldn't you contact the shogunate..." There are not a few people who have such thoughts!

Fortunately, there is the Tosa clan’s Daimyo Chombu Shengdang. The Tosa clan originally belonged to the Chombu clan, and was later abolished by the shogunate. The Nagambu’s ruling and reform committees were abolished by the shogunate. The family of Gein Changzong has been operating in the local area for hundreds of years, and the local foundation is very solid.

In particular, the feudal lord, the leader of the emperor, was famous in Wajima during the Warring States period. The army was famous for its bravery and swiftness in combat. It took the four kingdoms in just twelve years and the people of the Tosa clan were proud of it.

This time when the curtain fell, the Great Hall of the Nagazong Division called for the restoration of the clan, claiming to be an authentic child of the Nagazong Division, and the Tosa clan's followers were like clouds, and he was successfully regained to rule.

The regime was lost and regained, and the Changzong We Department Shengtang cherished this opportunity very much. Seeing that the great name was shaken, he sternly said with a Japanese sword: "If you want to open the bow without turning back the arrow, it depends on whether you want to please both sides!"

"We have done righteousness before. Things are not in harmony. Everyone divides things up again, but wants to surrender. The kings can see the fate of Satsuma clan!" He threatened Xu Ren said: "Who can guarantee that the shogunate will not Will cut the feudal clan, we will not have the end of Satsuma clan, please stand up and talk about it!"

Changzong's Shengtang is less than 1.5 meters tall, but it is aggressive and overwhelming everyone has nothing to say.

After a while, Hizen feudal clan daimyo Nabeshima Mitsushige said: "The Tosa feudal clan is very reasonable. My father (Katsushige Nabeshima) was forced to cut his belly when I failed in the Hizen feudal clan's righteousness, and I felt so painful!"

"How can I not avenge my father for the Son of Man, but it is really unbearable to bear the humiliation, princes, do you want to let your children and grandchildren fall into my condition!" Nabeshima said, adding one more sentence: "I decided to fight to the death, not to do it. Three family slaves!"

His words touched many people, so the great names, under the suggestion of the Changzhou feudal feudal clan dynasty Mouri Tsunahiro, agreed to break the shogunate together and never surrender!

"The road ahead is not easy. The shogunate army hedgehog set Edo Our army's offensive must be difficult and obstructive! There is still time, and we must rush to defeat the shogunate before the Ming Dynasty reinforcements arrive, and then deal with the Ming army. , We must advance at the fastest speed, attack and attack Edo!" Nabeshima Mitsumoru said firmly.

Shuiyue Dazong, the once-sect lord, said viciously: "The fact that the shogunate colluded with Mingren and blasphemy is unquestionable. I have always been willing to be the forerunner and eliminate those blasphemy!"

No wonder he was so angry. During the Edo shogunate, he had good relations with the two Chinas, and the belief in Mazu Niangniang of the two Chinas, with the help of the strength of the two Chinas, naturally spread to the Japanese country, affecting the coastal areas of the Japanese country, and then extending inland. , Incense is becoming more and more prosperous, and the number of Japanese believers is increasing day by day.

Originally, the Japanese government had a serious guard against foreign religions, but they found that this kind of religion from the two Chinas blessed the people, advised people to be good, and the doctrine was good, and it inherited the characteristics of Chinese religion and did not interfere in politics!

In China, it is a top-to-bottom consensus that religions do not go out of temples, and it is no exception in the country of Japan.

The native religions of the Japanese country have a lot of advantages, and they often interfere in politics. For example, the famous Yixiangzong, the monks marry wives and children, rebel against the flag, occupy the land as the king, and challenge the big names.

For the purpose of suppressing the rebellious local religions, the Edo Shogunate gave the green light to the belief in Mazu Niangniang, allowing temples to be built as sacrifices and to occupy incense. This deeply offended the Yixiangzong who is the leader of the local religion. Monks.

People fight for a sigh, Buddha fights for a stick of incense, incense comes from the people, here there are more Mazu Niangniang, there is less incense for the Buddha, and Mazu Niangniang is the inheritance of Taoism, when did Chinese Taoism be exported to the country of Japan. ? !

Annoyed the great monks, they stood in the form of a King Kong demon, picked up a knife and spear, and killed the shogunate, and went to tear down the Mazu Temple!