The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 140: Both sides are not convinced

   The weakness of the wooden houses in Edo Castle (there was no cement at the time, and there were few stones in the Japanese land), everyone knows, but ordinary princes can't threaten Edo, but these bright people have this ability!

   is really going to burn, everyone can only have fun.

The one who made up the knife was the "old middle" Hiraizumi Yashiro, who was sent to the Southeast Fleet to contact Mingren. He told about the situation he saw: the cannon giant ship, the strong and strong officers and soldiers. These are not counted, mainly because he ate on the warship. Meal.

   I didn’t say that when he came, Yan Changwu had confessed that he wanted his subordinates to greet the old man, but his understanding was so poor that he invited the old man to the soldier’s dining hall instead of the officer’s dining room for dinner.

   But Yatsushiro Hiraizumi was very satisfied, and I ate white rice, pork jerky, and beef jerky!

   Yatsushiro Hiraizumi has seen the world before and knows how rare it is to have hot rice on a warship.

   The Southeast Fleet controls the islands and obtains water sources, so they use transport ships to transport clean water to ensure hot food!

  I will do this whenever possible, and I am not afraid of spending money.

   More beef jerky!

  In the east, uncle Niu who works is respected. From the country of Japan to the country of Ming, although it is not necessary to get the approval of the government to kill the cattle, who dares to kill the cattle indiscriminately, the Taigong will use crutches to beat people.

   This Southeast Fleet actually let soldiers eat beef jerky? !

   In fact, the ratio of beef jerky to pork jerky in the meal is three to seven. After all, pork is easy to get, but beef jerky is beef jerky!

  Furthermore, it is natural to see the officers and soldiers eating meals. There is no such bad phenomenon that the leaders are cautious about adding meals when they come to inspect, or they rush to eat and roll their eyes when they are unprepared.

   They usually eat these things!

   Yatsushiro Hiraizumi's face was wonderful after eating this meal, and when he came back to talk to everyone, the high-ranking Japanese were silent.

   Nobles and high-ranking officers are justified in eating white rice. They can eat white rice for ordinary soldiers, but they can also be beaten and eat beef jerky!

   It's hard to say that they are young master soldiers. Everyone is strong enough to learn Wu Song to fight tigers. Obviously, they have enough training!


   After the two parties reached an internal consensus, the signing of the "Southeast Prefecture and Edo Shogunate Friendship and Trade Treaty" was a matter of course.

   Each has their own gains. The Japanese people have been given a security guarantee. The Southeast Government cooperates with them to ensure the smooth implementation of the Japanese lock-up policy, and it will definitely not cause them trouble.

   In addition to helping Ryukyu regain the lost land, the Southeast Prefecture has obtained the exclusive right to trade!

   is the transaction between the Japanese Kingdom and the Ming people, only the Southeast Mansion is recognized, and the other Ming people’s ships come, but they don’t recognize it!

  Silver only accepts products from Southeastern Prefecture!

   This is the shogunate’s strategy of slashing the mess with a quick knife, reducing the complexity to simplicity.

  Too many trading partners, people are in a mess, and they don't agree with the shogunate. As long as the ambitions of the Wa country towns pay high prices, they will be sold by the Ming people to sell weapons, which is unfavorable to the rule of the shogunate.

After the Southeast Mansion and the Shogunate signed an agreement, the other people could not come. Only the Southeast Mansion could do trade. They should not lose faith in trading with the Japanese town. It is relatively easy to find out that the Shogunate will be able to break the rules. Trouble with the Southeast Mansion, the righteousness of the dawn, the Southeast Mansion will have nothing to say.

   Although Yan Changwu uses his soldiers to be deceitful, he is not tired of deceit, but once the two sides sign an agreement, it is different.

   As for not allowing other Ming people to come, that is a matter of the Southeast Mansion.

   Well, it’s just a trader, isn’t it that the Southeast Mansion will sell it at high prices as it wants?

   There are so many old treacherous tortoises in the Japanese country, why don’t you take it one step at a time, first agree on the annual commodity price agreement between the two parties in the agreement, and the agreement should be followed, not at any price that the southeast government wants to sell.

   The exclusive right to trade is for Ming people. Ming people is a trader in the southeast province. In addition, there is another trader, the Dutch, who has chartered trade with the Dutch.

   The Dutch have a good RP. They are a Protestant country. Unlike the Spanish and Portuguese Catholic countries, which are keen on preaching, the Dutch are very businessmen and only talk about money regardless of religion. Therefore, the shogunate traded for the Dutch.


   After the agreement was signed by the supreme rulers on both sides, it came into effect with seals. As a result, people on both sides were dissatisfied.

   Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu signed it, but he was a bachelor and didn't say anything.

   Some people complained about the cedes of land and compensation, which was very disgraceful.

   We didn’t lose, so we gave people something for nothing?

However, the mainstream public opinion of the shogunate still spoke highly of this agreement. It optimized the diplomatic situation of the shogunate. The Southeast government, with its powerful maritime power, promised to only want silver, not to make trouble, and stepped forward to control other Ming people, saving the shogunate to manage Ming people. , Offended Mingren, thus ensuring the smooth implementation of the shogunate's policy of locking the country.

Postscript: After trading with the Southeastern government for two years, I found that the Southeastern government strictly abides by its promises, only trades with the shogunate, and does not do anything that is detrimental to the shogunate’s interests. Support the shogunate and help the shogunate to fight against the bad feudal towns that want to break through the shogunate's lock-up policy, good people!).

   So, in a good diplomatic situation, the Shogunate officially locked the country!


The officers and soldiers of the Southeast prefecture were full of confidence, and they had no power to fight back against the Satsuma clan. After they saw the "Azaka ships" of the Japanese country in Edo Bay, although these ships were tall and mighty, they were top-heavy and slow, and the fast cruising of the southeast prefecture The captains of the ship boasted that they could abuse them all!

Not long ago, when we only fought the Satsuma clan, some people took medals and silver dollars. Everyone was jealous and eager to fight. Many people advocated "touching" with the Edo Japanese. Anyway, the fine tradition of our army is to get past the fight. If you can't fight, you will switch troops strategically (I won't run away from the Great Southeast Mansion), you will definitely win without defeat!

   As a result, the boss actually signed a peace and friendship agreement with the Japanese?

   There was a lot of discussion in private. Yan Changwu knew the emotions in the army. He was pleased with the combativeness of the army and knew that he needed to resolve it. So he appointed Chen Zhongji to a meeting to teach the big soldiers.


   The conference room of the "Southeast Mansion" was a bit crowded. Chen Zhongji sat on one end of the long table. The senior officers of the fleet, the captains and deputy captains of the fleet were seated in their fronts, and their military caps were on the table.

   The officers have strict etiquette, and the meeting room is silent.

   also depends on who is presiding over the Zhongji is absolutely qualified!

Although he is not in charge of military orders, he is in charge of military affairs. His ultimate position in military history is "He is one of the founders of the Imperial Navy!" He participated in almost all the construction of the army: personnel, supplies, ship construction, etc., in the navy In the early days of its inception, he signed the salary list for everyone, and he allocated the money to build every battleship!

   If Yan Changwu is the Taizu, then he is equivalent to Zhou's prime minister.

   And he always has the post of military chief, he is now a general! In order to restrain the senior officers, when he called the names, all the officers who called them responded loudly, otherwise he would be borne by him and there would be nowhere to avenge them.

   "To call everyone here today is to unify our thinking and let everyone realize the necessity of the agreement we signed!" Chen Zhongji said straightforwardly.

   "Because!" He picked up a piece of paper and said: "The latest military situation!"

"On the fifth day of May, my cruise ship Kaohsiung No. 35 clashed with two Dutch armed merchant ships on the'Green Island' and found that they did not receive our order flags. The Kaohsiung No. 35 will be arrested according to the law. Resistance and artillery battle with our side, Kaohsiung 35th is good!" Chen Zhongji said with a thumbs up.

   He raised his voice and said, "Sink the other ship and capture one, but the deputy captain of Kaohsiung No. 35 was killed in action!"

"Furthermore, on May 6, the king's family in Quanzhou received our flag, but was robbed by the pirate Li Kuiqi during the trip to Batavia (in the Yuehai and Yuehou areas). Because we have not yet extended the control area to Guangdong and Hai, but Li Kuiqi put our flag in front of the royal family, threw it into the sea, and then released the royal family!"

   Chen Zhongji slapped the table heavily and said: "The two things are by no means isolated. You said, is it important to fight against Japanese pirates or is it important to our hometown?!"