The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1406: Good food and strong

The sky was full of sunset clouds, and there was a busy scene in the Southeast Army forward camp.

The troops are camping and making dinner at the same time, and the smoke rises, overflowing with the scent of sacred cows. This is the easiest meat to get!

In fact, the Southeast Army had no scruples about the sacred cow, and the A-San mercenaries who followed pretended not to see it. As for those A-San civilians who wanted to protest, did the guy who passed us allow it? !

During this march, there were no food problems, the nutrition was very good, and Gein was rich in ingredients.

There are sacred cows everywhere, as well as horses, donkeys, pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks. There are countless birds and beasts. Take a musket to kill, and you will have a lot of gains in a while.

Most Indians eat vegetarian food, and the mountains and wild animals here make the Southeast Army harvest full.

Even if you don't bring a musket, you can directly use the knife, and it will be rewarding!

The birds and beasts there are idiots, and they are not afraid of people. You use a stone to kill a bird. Think about killing a peacock and roasting it to eat. Hey, brothers are blessed to share, killing a hundred of them. The peacocks roasted together, the fat deer were caught alive, and the wild monkeys were so bold to come to tease humans. Naturally, the Southeast Army let them settle in their stomachs. It is said that even elephants have eaten and eaten. People who have ever said the meat is too thick!

After all, there are Cantonese in the Southeast Army. They eat everything.

As soon as they ate it, it was really fragrant, and other comrades in the army followed up and enjoyed it.

One thing that is very popular is Wang Ba Tang. The Wang Ba soup that Chinese people like is everywhere in Xiaohegou in India. They are basking on the shore in piles, or swimming up and down on the water in groups, with their heads stretched out and their shells half-floating on the water, which is very pleasant.

The Indians did not eat the bastard, and the result was cheaper for the Southeast Army. It was a lot of catching alive. The Cantonese immediately performed his soup-making skills, cutting the **** into pieces, adding red dates, wolfberry, wild onion, ginger, salt... etc. There are so many **** caught, that a large army can be satisfied, and a bowl of soup with one hand shows how the **** are overflowing in India!

In the cities of the southeastern country, the wild **** are long gone, and even if they exist, they are too expensive!

There is no shortage of fuel, and a large number of trees are available for felling, making the coal bags carried by the Southeast Army’s heavy-duty troops a suspicion in vain.

The battle is not fierce, the food is good, this is not what an outing is!

There are Indians accompanying the army in the camp. This refers not to the Asan mercenaries trained by the Southeast Army, but the ordinary people who were forced into the army by the Southeast Army. Perhaps it cannot be said that they are forced into the army. After all, we are paid.

At first, the Southeast Army was very suspicious of the Indians, but as they walked, they found that they were not harmful at all. More and more Indians joined the ranks of the Southeast Army, working as porters, donkey-driving workers, and working for the Southeast Army. Cleaner!

They were extremely respectful to the Southeast Army, bowed their heads and bowed their waists, and some people even wanted to kiss the Chinese and the stinky feet of the soldiers!

The class of Chinese in India is Kshatriya, which is unattainable for these Indians who are engaged in low-level industries.

In the Chinese camps, the Indians were not indignant at the sacred cows, let alone rebellious. They whispered privately that in the next life, the omnipotent **** would punish these Chinese and turn them into a gadfly. The Chinese are so scared to be careful!

At the dinner, the Chinese joked that they would give them a taste of the sacred cow. They thanked the insensitive and started eating their food.

Some Southeast Army soldiers watched the sanitary three sisters eat. They seemed to eat rice soaked in water, certainly not rice porridge. They picked them up with black hands and brought them to their mouths. The tongue was rolled into their mouths, and there was a piece of cake on the side. Without food, they can see that their chrysanthemum-flowers are straight and tight, mainly because their tongues are too flexible.

The main thing about Indian cuisine is that the concept is different from ours. It is better for Indians to cook the ingredients until they can’t see their true colors. Very good things make people look at the chrysanthemums.

An veteran officer of the Southeast Army had been to the country before. In contrast, the Japanese people can make rice with excrement, and the Indians can make rice with excrement!

After dinner, everyone had some free time. The Southeast Army boiled water to make tea and distributed it to Indian helpers. They lined up in front of the dining car and waited for the tea.

When it comes to water sources in India, since the industry has not risen without industrial pollution, the water quality in many places is still good. Regarding the various unsafe factors in the water, the Chinese have a big move to instantly make those factors disappear --- drink boiled water!

Boiling the water and cooking the food, there are very few non-combat warfare losses due to broken stomachs.

There was a tumult around the camp. Could it be that the enemy is coming?

But seeing the soldiers not nervous, it shouldn't be.

Soon I saw the soldiers came back with a big wooden stick carrying a tiger. It didn't take long before the blood was dripping dripping!

The arrogant tiger was accustomed to eating Indians, and wanted to provoke the Southeast Army. It killed an Indian who could not escape at the camp of the Southeast Army. Then it dreamed that there were Cantonese in the Southeast Army. It is the natural enemy of all birds and beasts. Not only is it not afraid to see a tiger, but it also shines with eyes: "Tiger bone soaks in wine, drink it to cover you Qijirou overnight!"

Brothers and feet, split the channel!

Although the tiger is brave, but its enemy is the southeastern soldiers. As soon as they swarmed up, they didn't even fire their guns, so they rushed forward, swarmed up, and beaten up with swords, guns and iron rods. The poor tiger can't stand this kind of love. Although it is brave, Also quickly fart.

When he was carried back to the camp, he immediately began to decompose, peel off the skin, dismantle the bone, cut the meat, and cut the meat. The chef in the camp seemed to be omnipotent, and there were many enthusiastic soldiers to help.

Seeing the **** look All the Indians were silent, and the fear of the Southeast Army increased by three points.

In ancient times, tiger killers were often regarded as "tiger fighting heroes" and were widely respected and rewarded by the people and the government. Because the tiger has caused a "tiger disaster"!

Among all the animals, the tiger is the one that hurts the most people. There is no one.

Tigers have superb strength and agility, which is equivalent to vigorously + high-sensitivity, which is terrible to think about!

The tiger’s average weight is close to 270 kilograms, and its 100-meter speed is less than 5 seconds. The average speed is twice that of the "fastest human" Bolt; the palm power reaches 1 ton, and our human top boxer-Tyson's boxing power But 282 kg. In addition, the tiger's jumping ability is also very outstanding. It can jump 7 meters with a single jump, and can jump over 2 meters high obstacles without any obstacles.

In addition, tigers have tough fur, sharp claws and sharp teeth. It is easier to kill a person than to kill a chicken. At the same time, tigers can also use their brains. They are good at lurking. Think about the cat’s mats. Tigers also have them. They can pounce silently behind you and can inadvertently kill people.

Tigers can eat people too much. For example, in the third year of Emperor Tianshun in the Ming Dynasty (1459), villages in the north of Yishan County, Putian County, Fujian Province were attacked by tigers, causing hundreds of human and animal casualties. Qianlong (Yongchun Zhouzhi) Volume 34, "Auspicious Difference", in Dehua County in the 20th year of Hongwu (1387).

Tigers in India are more severe. They feed on humans. Humans are delicious snacks for tigers. The Indians who eat them are regarded as the destruction of the village.

Now, tiger meat has become a supper. Roasting tiger meat is the most powerful. Even tiger blood is not spared, and the meat is cooked with the internal organs. Everyone who has eaten it can't sleep at night, and the next day is refreshed. The incoming enemy!