The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1416: Push dominoes

The war broke out completely. Smoke and dust billowed on the battlefield, heads surging, and shouts shook the sky. The A-San army swarmed at the sight. They had to bite the bullet and arch forward under the flogging of the officers, trying to kill them. Consume the firepower of the Southeast Army.


   The Southeast Army fired a volley of guns, together with the artillery and unscrupulous artillery, which fired fierce artillery fire, then pushed forward and collided head-on with the enemy!


   To be honest, the tactics adopted by Chief of Staff Zhang Jiayu panicked the commander-in-chief Yan Yu. There are so many enemies in front of him. It should be the priority to defend and counterattack. How can Zhang Jiayu be so radical?


   But Zhang Jiayu told him: "Although the enemy is many, they are all chickens and dogs. If our army defends and counterattacks, we can attack our army calmly and attack our army in stages, and it will last forever!"


   "In this way, our army will force them back and let them collide with themselves, causing chaos, and our army can learn from it!" Zhang Jiayu told Yan Yu about his plan.


   Despite his doubts, Yan Yu finally made up his mind and adopted Zhang Jiayu's battle plan.


  The plan was drawn up by Zhang Jiayu, and the offensive order was Yan Yu, so the credit goes to Yan Yu. It is not his credit for grabbing Zhang Jiayu. It is recorded in military history that Yan Yu made up his mind and won!


The Southeast Army’s firepower was extremely fierce. The enemy was knocked down in rows, and the artillery continued to shoot along with the infantry’s offensive. Both the Wuya Cannon and the Unscrupulous Artillery had wheels that could be dragged away. They took a few steps and fired one shot continuously. Ground support for front-line infantry operations.


   Amidst the sound of guns and guns, Ah San’s screams were endless. Their equipment was very bad. More than half of them had no metal weapons and went into battle with wooden sticks. Many of them were bare-handed.


   As for the armor?


   Only military officers have leather armor. Most people are clothed, and some people charge directly with their upper bodies naked.


   is simply the favorite of lead bullets. An unobstructed lead bullet can exert the maximum lethality when it enters the human body. If Ah San is strong enough, he has to kneel!


When Asan fell one by one, Asan who continued to push forward inevitably slowed down, while Asan behind maintained his previous speed. As a result, an accumulation of personnel was formed, and the Southeast Army took the opportunity to launch unconscionable artillery. And throwing bombs, the explosion caused Ah San to fall apart, more and more people died, and the troop's advancement speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped.


   This is even worse. The Southeast Army’s artillery rumblings, they used explosive bombs to bombard the enemy’s position continuously, destroy and disperse the crowds, and maximize the power of explosive bombs.


In the deafening rumble, Yan Yu found that despite the many enemies, the soldiers of the Southeast Army showed a happy expression on their faces instead of fear. The roaring cannons and the dazzling sunlight combined together seemed to produce A joy that motivates the soldiers to arrive.


   He has this understanding, we should be able to win this battle!


   As Zhang Jiayu expected, Ah San, who couldn't move forward, couldn't retreat. After the comparison, the crowd at the back was still easy to break through, and the fire wall in front was sad.


   Under the impact of firepower, Asan’s camp was like a wave of rice struck by a gale, falling down in rows.


   So they started to flee, the camp was in chaos!


  The spirit and fighting spirit had been destroyed in the impact just now. The Asanmen had completely lost their minds. They fled southward in a hysterical panic, and they happened to collide with the Asan army that continued to rush.


   If there are decisive officers in the back formation, they will immediately attack the fleeing front army to prevent them from colliding with the army and avoid an uncontrollable tragedy.


However, the A-San officers were of poor quality and didn't know how to fight. The thousands of defeated soldiers in front of them rushed in like a tide while they were hesitant, and crashed into their queue, following them closely. It was the Southeast Army armed with a stabbing rifle.


The formerly neat A-San Army was immediately washed away by this turbid current. Now they don’t want to be in chaos. They are trapped in a vortex of chaos. They can’t do anything, they can’t fight, and the people around them. He continued to die again and was killed to a **** blood, causing him extreme panic, so he instinctively ran away.


   "Their spine was interrupted!" Zhang Jiayu looked at the battlefield situation in the Chinese army with a satisfied expression, and he easily said to the officers next to him.


   The officers nodded unanimously and praised: "The army is brilliant!"


   "It's not good to be clever, it's better to make a good decision, the second prince is good!" Zhang Jiayu said.


  He is calm and calm, he only offers suggestions and does not compete for credit. He is so highly praised that the officers secretly think that Zhang Jiayu is indeed clever. The second prince’s legs are very thick. Zhang Jiayu supports him, and the future benefits will be great.


   "Kill!" Surrounded by a group of soldiers, Yan Yu, wearing thick armor, brandished a saber and a fire gun, and personally attacked!


The soldiers fired desperately, and the enemy in front of him was either dead or wounded. The wounded were hacked to death with a saber, killing 17 people in a row. Those who were not injured or killed saw so many of them come with wickedness and evil. Was scared to death and was killed.


   The princes are all fighting, the Southeast Army attacked aggressively, and the oppression of the Asans collapsed!


Their morale was originally low, and they were never a good-fighting race. In the face of the Southeast Army's onslaught, many Asan could hardly fight back. What's more, panic and fear are contagious and affected by them. , The chaos in the back also began, and the chaos even spread to Rajeev's troops in the position of the central army.


   Rajeev has 10,000 elite soldiers, but his face changed drastically, because he saw the collapsed soldiers swarming like a tide, how could he fight this!


"Hold up, hold on, don't back up, hold on to me!" Although Rajeev stood at the forefront of the position and shouted and killed two deserters with his own hands, he was tens of thousands of people. The troops of the United States could not stop the soldiers from routing backwards, and they were suddenly rushed to a stalemate.


Tens of thousands of people on the front line were attacked and killed by the Southeast Army like tigers. They were so scared that they jumped like monkeys, pushing each other towards Rajev’s army. Rows of Asan seemed to be pushed down. They fell like dominoes, and they simply couldn't run away from the fast-moving Southeast Army, because there were many uncles in the Asan team, and even grandfather-level veterans with white beards and hairs!


   The three soldiers served until they were old after entering the military until they couldn't run. They were generally too old. They couldn't fight, they couldn't run, and they became broilers.


Almost all of the killed Asan lay face down and back up on the ground. The Southeast Army didn't even shoot him to death, but chased him up and stabbed them in the back to give them a chill. This It is no longer a war, but a slaughter of lambs by lions and tigers!


   The main commander Rajeev yelled desperately. He opened his bow left and right, and then killed two deserters. Then he was hit by a stick on his head, and a gold star was in front of him.


   There are too many people, there is no room to dodge and move, and there is no way to avoid it. When he was pushed again, he couldn't help but fell to the ground.


   Thousands of pairs of big feet trampled on him, trampling him into mud!


   He was trampled to death shamefully!


   Wonderful Book House