The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1441: Comparison of 2 sides and 3


   The Southeast Army carried out a big blast, buried several large bombs shallowly on the ground, and then exploded through the detonation index. The successive explosions made the Asanmen uncovered. When the Southeast Army recoiled, they were defeated one after another.


   Their morale is low, even if the officer uses a leather whip, they can't move them. The war started at 9 o'clock in the morning, and it has been nearly nine hours. Many people have not eaten rice in their stomachs, and have no water to drink, and they are exhausted.


   Ah San’s destructive logistical supply capacity cannot provide sufficient food, and even livestock food cannot be guaranteed. The officers are better, and the treatment for the soldiers is that they can be saved.


   In fact, the so-called "soldiers" were all farmers or unemployed yesterday, and they used wooden sticks to go to the field without training at all. This is for the sake of livestock.


   That night, the generals summoned officers and soldiers, and took down a hundred low-level officers and three hundred soldiers to whipping on the spot.


   Not many people were killed this time, only fifty lashes killed some weak soldiers.


   The officers and soldiers who looked in their eyes were numb,


   It is night. Many people can't sleep at night. As a punishment, the soldiers don't have dinner and eat only one meal a day.


  The wounded soldiers groaned in the night, and the silence of the night spread far away, and the entire army barracks fell into a low atmosphere.


   got liver!


   Early the next morning, it's rare that the Asans came to get up early... The general ordered that latecomers were not allowed to eat breakfast.


   Yesterday, most of Asan was hungry. It was really bad, so he hurried up to eat breakfast. It was just a piece of cake. It would definitely not be a high-class thing like pizza.


  The middle and lower-level officers ate "Dal", which is bean food. They ate the peculiar smell of Dal, which infiltrated livestock feed.


   The high-ranking officials cheated their troops and spared no effort, but it was also because Ah San was accustomed to drinking the Ganges water to treat livestock feed.


   Even so, there is no rebellion, religion has become their anesthetic, and they live better than soldiers, isn’t it? I didn't see the soldiers looking enviously at "Dahl" on their right hand!


   The high-ranking officers are another kind of life. The pancakes they eat are naan, which contains milk and is roasted with a full aroma, as well as pure Dahl, as well as fruits, tea, and even rum!


   The southeast countries dumped rum into the Indian region. The private sector has a large reserve. The upper class of Asan is addicted to drinking. It is not a problem for the senior officers to be drunk.


   so much so that Lulu, who was sent to the Asan army to supervise the battle, said with disgust: "Many generals are intoxicated all day long, and the military orders are vague, conflicting and incomprehensible!"


   I hate and hate, but they cannot be deposed, otherwise the newly promoted general will be worse than them. There is no worst, only worse.


In India, exploding soldiers is a matter of minutes, the cost is very low, and it is easy to raise soldiers. General soldiers don’t understand what military pay is, and they live a life of inferior livestock. No, they have eaten bread and are driven into battle by officers, officers. They were holding leather whips in their hands, and seeing which soldier made him uncomfortable, was just a whip over it, like driving an animal. ;


   The Asan soldiers who were dispatched today caused a demon-moth incident. They had drinks!


   Seeing that the majority of officers and soldiers are going into battle like walking dead, General Barr feels it is necessary to boost morale, so he ordered the selection of warriors from the army and let them drink!


Naturally, the wine they drink will not be good. The low-quality high-quality rum with the spicy throat is better than enough excitement. After drinking, these Asan are refreshed, their eyes are shining, and they only feel that they are in possession of a god. , The small hill in front of him is no problem to attack.


   Then go ahead, the Asanmen, led by the drunks, ran frantically and rushed to the southeast army's camp.


   The Southeast Army looked down at the head of the three-meter wall, but the crowd was surging, as if the tide was vast and boundless, its momentum was unstoppable, and people were frightened.


   The Asanmen of the Imperial Union Army in the Southeast Army are actually fighting with two legs.


The quality of Ah San is the same. It is impossible to expect them to be reborn. The reason why the Chinese can fight is that the history of China is a history of war. My ancestors of China moved from the shore of the Yellow River to the four borders of East Asia and made East Asia the best. All the land in the country is already owned by the clan, is it really based on Confucius' benevolence and morality?


   Even in the weak Song Dynasty, it could not beat Liao, Xixia, Jin and Mongolia in the north, but in the south it was the same as opening up the territory.


   For thousands of years, there have been countless generals and art of war that have emerged. How can the national attributes nurtured by countless wars be comparable to that of Asan?


   There is a generation of heroes leading, the Southeast Army does not move, and the Imperial Army does not dare to move.


  The Assans of the Imperial Union Army are still lucky. At least the Southeast Army does not send them moldy and deteriorating food. They also know what military pay is and they have hope.


   For their education, don't use the righteousness and unyielding spirit of the nation and the country to encourage them. The best use is superstition.


  In the latest Indian superstition, the king of the southeast kingdom is the reincarnation of Kulkin, the clone of the great **** Vishnu. Joining his army is the great army of gods, which is very glorious.


That being the case, fighting for the king is extremely glorious, and the outstanding Asan can raise the ranks, such as the current three classes of Kshatriya, Vaisha and Sudra. The new "Kalkin Supreme Code" solemnly declares that if the Sutra Luo soldiers can be promoted to the Vaisha class if they accumulate five hundred heads, and the Vaisha class can become Kshatriya as long as they accumulate a thousand heads, that is, kill a thousand enemies.


Who said this?


   Culkin said!


The so-called "Caljin Supreme Code" has a vulgar name. It is the southeast country intelligence agencies and imperial literati summoning a group of Asan Brahmins who are flattering to the God of Culkin to the city of Rising Sun. It has been carefully concocted about a superstition about the God of Culkin for five years Mythological stories, including the heroic epic of the Great God of Calkin, use a large number of legends of the Great God of Calkin as an interruption, which contains rich religious philosophy and the nature of the law. In fact, it refers to the Indian epic "Mahabharata" and " Ramayana, used to poison India's Asan.


   This code has a far-reaching poison in India. After all, the Southeastern state has money, opened the way with money, and promoted it vigorously. Over time, the legends and regulations in the Code even replaced the old legends in India.


For example, in the "Code", it is stipulated that the warriors who died in the battle of the **** Culkin can enter the kingdom of the **** Culkin to enjoy the blessing after there are one hundred and eight virgins who can be used by them. If they are reincarnated, Able to upgrade one hundred percent to the Kshatriya!


   I have to say, this has scratched the itch of Asanmen. As long as you participate in the Caljin army, the living have a chance to rise to the ranks, and the dead must rise to rank. What could be better than this.


   And the treatment of participating in the Great God Army is still good, so the Asan people rushed to it.


Unlike the old soldiers who served in the Mughal Empire and the Tibetan military forces in India, the Kaljin Army implemented a system of "retire if you fail to rise to the ranks" of the Southeast Army. Soldiers are always young. There is a mystery in the army.


   Of course, if you don’t obey the military order, the great **** has the right to demote them until they become untouchables!


   Under various systems, the fighting power of the Caljin Army is the highest in India. You don't need to drink to be courageous, and you dare to stand firm.


   Now, driven by the masters on both sides, the Asans once again collide fiercely.

