The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1480: Mr. David's black background

In Cairo, Yan Changwu just summoned the local upper echelons, inspected the military camp, and met with representatives of the officials and people of the Southeastern countries in Egypt. To them, Yan Changwu was kind and kind, and asked them very kindly about their work, business, and happy life. Are there any difficulties? If so, say it, and he will deal with it according to his own circumstances!

Some elderly people in Southeastern countries said that Boss Yan’s style has not changed at all. For the helpers, those people said that they had missed their mouths. It should be said that the people are caring.

The people who call Yan Changwu the boss of Yan have been in Yan Changwu’s Pirate Army before. At that time, Yan Changwu, who was only 15 years old, was a Taiwanese leader (self-appointed). They followed Yan Changwu from that period, and then Yan Changwu’s military banner. They will follow wherever they go, first for the army and then for the people. Their sentiment has not changed. Yan Changwu thanks them for their continued follow!

Everyone said yes, very good. As long as you work hard in Egypt and Sudan, there are still a lot of silver dollars, where resources are abundant and there are many opportunities to make a fortune.

As for the officials, they have always been good and caring about the Chinese. Sometimes the locals clash with the Chinese, and the government must be biased towards the Chinese.

In Sudan, the government implemented a policy of free treatment after contracting malaria, and the Chinese people are grateful.

There are many difficulties, but there are more solutions than difficulties.

Yan Changwu encouraged them to use their brains, work together and solve difficulties.

Some people talked about some difficulties, but they were all written down by Yan Changwu and told the relevant departments to solve them.

There was a descendant who stood up and talked about a difficulty. There are many males in the local Chinese, and it is not easy to find a Chinese wife. Should we find a black woman?

As for the local women are religious, Chinese men do not like women with this background, and naturalization is not easy. The Southeastern country expressly stipulates that only foreign women with the same religious beliefs as their husbands can be naturalized, and they can join the "hukou book" to enjoy the benefits of the Southeastern country.

It turns out that the boss and the young are going to solve the women's problem, and everyone can't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Davy, who was sitting by the side, interrupted and said that a large number of red-haired and white female slaves would be auctioned in Cairo soon and sold only to the Chinese. Everyone should prepare the silver dollars. You can warm the bed with them first, and let them become naturalized if you feel it fits.

There were some female officials among the attendees. When they saw this red hair seller, he didn't even blink when they talked about selling white slaves!

Out of curiosity, a woman loves gossip and inquired about this red-haired fan's many dark history. It turns out that he was a slave-owner before entering the southeast. He was young but his career was red. He once ran routes in Africa and the Americas. For a period of time, he was very knowledgeable about selling black slaves. He was very experienced in how to load more people in a boat. Now he is naturally familiar with returning to his old business.

Mr. David's appearance is sunny, fresh and hearty, but he knows his face and does not know his heart. He has become the largest slave owner in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean!

This is a big business, selling black people and green followers to Hong Maofan, selling Hong Maofan men to those green religious elements as coolies, and then selling Hong Maofan women to the two Chinas and selling them for silver dollars. It's like the sea is rolling in.

The sale of black slaves is a "traditional" trade. The slaves looted from the east coast of Africa travelled through the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and Red Sea to Suez, and then crossed Egypt to Alexandria on the Mediterranean Sea, where they were sold to the Americas. .

The advantage of this route is that there is no need to pass the unpredictable Cape of Good Hope, even the longer distance is worth it.

Selling green religious elements is a must, can make money, and can eliminate instability factors.

As for white slaves, this is a big business!

For example, the famous Barbary pirates, also called Berber pirates, mainly occupy the African continent north of the Sahara Desert. They use the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic as battlefields to plunder the European colonial merchant ships passing by, and enslave the European captives on board. Huge ransoms and protection fees, otherwise all the Europeans on these ships will be captured as slaves.

It is said that in the three hundred years of the mid-nautical age, more than 1.2 million Europeans were arrested as slaves in North Africa and the Middle East. At the craziest times, the Barbary pirates even crossed the Mediterranean Sea directly, rushing to European ports to capture people, rob things, and then demand a ransom and trade in slaves. This scene is even worse than the Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty.

In addition to them, there are other pirates, as well as the white people themselves who are selling white slaves. Many people are involved. This kind of business has formed an industrial chain, and the benefits are huge.

As a Chinese governor who controls such an excellent geographical location as Egypt and Damascus, the slave trade business cannot spare Mr. David. He has a huge power, and without his approval, the slave business will lose the chain.

Unexpectedly, his enthusiasm is so high, maybe he is very happy to return to his old business. He actively supports this business. Within a few years of his tenure, hundreds of thousands of foreign women have been trafficked to the southeast to meet the men of the southeast. The strong demand for Na-concubine has surpassed that of the previous Southeastern countries.

Most of these women are white women, including European women, Persian beauties, and Indian Brahman women!

More than 200,000 white men passed through Alexandria and sold to the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire and India and 300,000 black slaves were sold. The business he did, Alexandria was overcrowded, and pirates from all walks of life came and went here, knowing that the red-haired governor among the Chinese would pay for slaves, and those who came would not refuse.

After Yan Changwu knew his "contributions", he praised him: "The most qualified arms dealer can sell weapons to attack his own country, and Mr. David, you are born in a red-haired fan, and you are able to sell red without mercy. Sell ​​Mao Fan, you are the most qualified slave owner!"

And Mr. David said solemnly: "I am a Chinese now, and everything I do is in the interests of China!"

What a legend, I heard little stars in the eyes of some unmarried women among those female officials!


Yan Changwu is very generous and kind to his people, but this kind of light will not be given to the local people.

For a long time, he has exercised a "plus 10%" rule for the people in the occupied land, that is, after occupying the land, if the aborigines cannot be completely driven out, they must coexist with them, such as Egypt, and treat the local people. Shun people in China implement a policy of 10% increase in living income.

Don’t have to be too much, they may not thank you too much.

Shengmi is enthused against the mistress, this principle has been taught to us by our ancestors.

If we don't give it, it won't work. If we don't give it, it will not show the difference between us and the previous ruler.

There are also some people who simply sold their souls and followed the Chinese firmly to slaughter their compatriots. As long as they passed the "political trial" and determined that they were the most steadfast Chinese fans and the Imperial Army, they would get rich. In return, senior officials have something to do, and they have something to pay for. Yan Changwu really doesn't hesitate on this.


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