The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1496: Toy boat hits the big boat

The toy boat is so fun!

The river surface of the lower Nile is vast, and there is a lot of room for maneuvering. Even if it takes up half of it to drill, it will not affect navigation.

The Southeast Army's Mediterranean Fleet became the Nile Fleet, and they were training. The shouts and gunfire on the river continued all day long.

The equipment and personnel of the fleet are now neatly organized, and the officers organize training, from morning to night, like the stars and the moon, and at night, they also use the lights to fight at night.

The lights on the river bank are brightly lit, and the crew members are very anxious. Under the leadership of their instructors and middle-level officers, the officers and soldiers of each ship are training rowing, sailing, platooning, shooting, dropping bombs, guns, and jumping. Help..., the sound of footsteps, the sound of killings, the sound of passwords, the sound of guns and even roars and swearing filled the entire river. It was so noisy, everyone was sweating, drips of sweat dripping like rain in the sun. On the deck, it quickly evaporated, and the strong smell of sweat dissipated with the wind.

The training section included sailing, formation, battles, etc. The various movements and the roaring of guns attracted many local children and adults to watch on the river bank. They were not afraid of being seen by outsiders.

In the past, the Ottoman empire’s spies were numerous and extremely rampant. The Southeast Army had to implement military control in Cairo, set up roads, curfew at night, and bought locals as "Yu Zecheng" to break into them.

After several years of rectification, more and more Cairoites have taken refuge in the Chinese, and the number of people in the Ottoman Empire has gradually decreased. In recent months, no one has been captured.

If it is kept secret, the delta of the lower Nile River is densely covered with water, and it is no problem to block a few sections for training.

However, the military found that there are too many mosquitoes in the delta area, and it is easy to get malaria, so they can only drill on the river.

The river is better than the river network, and they call some large sail merchant ships to act as enemy ships to carry out simulated attacks.

In order to win, they set a target and built three shipyards within a month to make Calais ships with sails and oars to act as the "blue team" and conduct simulated attacks.

The country has the power to pour the sea, and it’s easy to build a new shipyard. The big sailboats are from the Mediterranean shipowners and Arab shipowners, and even the Ottoman shipowners. They covet the high fees of the Chinese to buy ships, and the Chinese give generously. The owner is enough to replace the new ship, there are more, why not?

Seeing those Baotou guys lighting up the silver dollar, smiling, and casually dressed Southeastern intelligence personnel participating in the transaction, they found it unbelievable.

However, some people thought of the Ming dynasty unscrupulous merchants who colluded with the Tatars outside the Guan and provided gunpowder, iron, tea, medicine, and salt to the Tatars during the Ming Dynasty, and they were relieved.

Which dynasty did not have traitors who colluded with foreign enemies!

The galleon and the Calais constitute the two major ship types currently owned by the Turkish fleet!

In the past, the Turkish fleet was mainly equipped with the Calais ship type. This ship type is called the "evergreen tree" on the stage of ship history, and it has dominated for nearly three thousand years. The "Calais" ship type has struggled for hegemony in the history of the Mediterranean. Played a very special and important role. The Greeks created the glory of the "Calais" ship, and the Romans who came from behind. They built a large Calais ship that could carry 1,600 tons of cargo at a speed of 6 knots. To sail across the Mediterranean. Such a speed is ridiculous to people today, but don’t forget that this is BC!

It is a Mediterranean paddle sailing boat, which is a narrow, long, low and flexible boat with paddling as the basic means of propulsion. Because the hull is narrow in width, shallow in depth, and low in freeboard, its stability and seaworthiness are extremely limited, but as long as it does not go out of the Mediterranean, it is very suitable for the Mediterranean with low waves and small winds.

Although it is also equipped with sails, it is only used as an auxiliary propulsion method for the oarsmen to preserve their physical strength during long-distance sailing so that they can be in a favorable position in battle.

The Calais was defeated as the main force of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Lepanto. The enemy in this battle was the Spanish. The Baotou had learned from it, and introduced the Spanish galleon, which was used in the 15th to 17th centuries. Large three-masted sailboats usually have two or more decks, especially used as merchant ships or warships by Spain. The most typical application is the treasure ship that transports silver back to China from the Americas, which is the galleon.

The most notable feature of the Spanish galleon is the towering bow and stern decks. When the two ships get stuck side by side during the war, its advantage is that it can easily board the enemy ship. Its scary castle-like shape also acts as a psychological threat to the enemy. It is also very advantageous to attack low enemy ships.

"We are a toy ship. We are indeed inferior to the enemy's ship in terms of tonnage. We must find a good strategy to deal with the enemy ship and defeat the enemy!" Cheng Yuzhan, who was lame, walked on a "toy ship", they moved from port to starboard. , A few steps to the other side, no way, the width is only six meters.

The officers nodded unanimously. For the sake of their own lives, they really had to think about ways to deal with enemy ships. After all, the weight of a "toy ship" is 70 tons, and a large sailing ship generally weighs more than 500 tons. Calais The ship is also 150 tons, twice the size of the toy ship. People don’t even have to hit it. You don’t even have to hit it.

Everyone is thinking about the way to deal with the enemy to promote my strengths and overcome the enemy's shortcomings.

Opinions are constantly being collected, and the crystallization of wisdom is condensing. With continuous exercises and experiments, the answers are gradually improved.

"The big sailing ship is tall, we can only fight in close combat and fire close to them!" an officer said forcefully: "Use our mobility and let them die."

"Yes, use the method of bayonet on the cannon to blast the enemy fiercely!" another officer said.

"I think we need to play the role of bombs and fire altars. Burning them with fire is the best way to break the enemy!" An officer's statement was approved by everyone, but more officers discussed that the enemy came down to blow us and ours. It’s faster to burn us, after all, it’s easier for people to throw things down from a height.

However, they did not back down, how could they not take risks in the war.

For Calais ships, a way to deal with them with toy ships has also been found.

"Hit their oarsmen!" It was one of the weaknesses of the Calais.

The Calais ships have long oars on both sides and are highly mobile. The "Calais" ship fortress in Venice contains about 240 oarsmen. Some "Calais" ships have more than 500 oarsmen, and the large oars are 12 meters long , Weighs 300 kilograms, therefore, each oar is generally worked by 3-8 people, and the cooperation of many oarsmen must implement a strict rhythm. This rhythm changes according to the length of the oar and cannot be changed easily.

Attack the oarsmen and disrupt their order, as long as the oarsmen shit, the Calais will become a **** ship!

In order to avoid the ideals are full and the reality is very skinny, the officers and soldiers of the Southeast Army’s Mediterranean Fleet have been training hard for a full half a year, constantly experimenting with tactics, and soon, as the Southeast Army begins to fight, they also come in handy. Down the river, into the Mediterranean!


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