The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1519: Austrian (1)

Austrian military barracks outside Veszpré, Hungary.

There are three hundred troops stationed here, under the command of the young knight Putnock, a distant relative of the Austrian Habsburg family. He participated in several battles, and then was allocated and became an honorable man. knight.

His troops belonged to the army under the command of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, and they went forward to take on the role of early warning.

The Austrians intercepted the news of the Turks' retreat, but the Austrian army moved very slowly and was also quite cautious. They walked and stopped as if they were facing a major enemy, and must repair the fortresses when they stopped to ensure that nothing went wrong.

As a result, Grand Duke Ferdinand was "famous" as his way of using troops just like his age... Grand Duke Ferdinand was very old. He was good at defending but not offensive. Although he had no great achievements, he had no great deeds, and he was stable.

Putnock is now taking a group of his brothers as construction workers, using spades and rakes to dig trenches, and using stones to build walls. Although he is a knight, he is young and energetic and leads the brothers to work together.

The feudal society was deeply hierarchical, but Putnock followed Grand Duke Ferdinand to work as a soldier, and Grand Duke Ferdinand asked them to start small things, so Putnock's construction work was unambiguous.

"Dig the ditch deeper, so that the enemy's horses can't get through!" Putnock greeted with a shovel, his body dirty.

"Okay, sir!" the soldiers replied, also muddy all over their bodies.

They came here in clean and tidy clothes, and at the beginning they did hard work to repair various fortifications. Of course, they didn't wear the armor, and the clothes on their bodies quickly became dirty and torn.

Working every day, everyone almost forgot whether they came to fight or do hard work.

However, the results are very good, their barracks are deep and thick, according to the condescending defense, there are deep trenches, and the carbine on the left and right sides of the trenches---they do it whenever they have time, and ring the camp for a week, which is quite impressive. confidence.

The rows of tents in the barracks are neatly arranged. The several bungalows built are warehouses and houses, dug wells, and toilets and toilets. They are orderly, clean and tidy, and they look pleasing to the eye.

If you have been to the barracks of the Southeast Army, you will find that there are similarities. In fact, the exchanges between the East and the West are very smooth, forming a situation where I have you in me and you have me in you.

After checking the defense, the soldiers are meticulous. They use binoculars to observe the surroundings and pay attention to caution.

Putnock stretched his upper body and looked into the distance.

The barracks were on the side of the road, with a good view and an endless wilderness. Winter was approaching, the trees were falling, and there was an atmosphere of desolation. He saw the houses in the villages in the wasteland, smoked, and seemed very calm.

Follow the road and extend your gaze to the east. In the distance, there is a standing mound and a three-legged tower. It is a sentry tower in a nearby fortress. There are two soldiers on duty. They also have telescopes in their hands. Stop watching.

Today, the glass industry in the West has made great progress. There are many telescopes in this army, but they are forced by the glass industry in the East.

At the beginning, there were very few countries in the West that could produce glass. At that time, there was no patent law protection. After the East stole Western glass production technology, the production capacity was quickly increased. Even children can use telescopes as toys.

The Western technology blockade was meaningless, so production was released, and the Western glass production capacity immediately increased, leading to the popularization of telescopes in the military.

At noon, Putnock got off the camp and arrived next to the camp, where the soldiers were lining up for dinner.

The water in the marching pot bubbling on the bones, exuding bursts of aroma: broth.

At this time, the land of Europe did not have a large population. Once out of the city, it was a wilderness, and wolves barked at the edge of the city. There were a lot of prey in the natural environment. In Austria, the army is part-time hunter and improving food is necessary.

The staple food is bread, the welfare stationed in the camp, if marching, they will also eat biscuits, this is passed in from the sea unit.

Soldiers lined up, and the officers’ food had been prepared long ago and placed on a wooden table in a shed nearby.

After eating lunch, taking a break, training in the afternoon, the day just passed.

As a knight, he doesn’t live in a tent, he lives in a wooden house.

They have been stationed outside Vespere for a week, and the army has not come up, that is, they have not continued to advance east, and they don't know what the **** is going on.

At first, I said that I would advance eastward to liberate the land of Christ, but I actually moved forward at the speed of a turtle.

As a little knight, Putnock certainly did not know that the opinions of the big men were not unified. Some people were eager to hunt down the Turks, but Grand Duke Ferdinand held down the speed of the army. He said that he would rather not have land. Also protect the lives of children.

Those people have opinions, and Grand Duke Ferdinand said that as long as he is the commander of the army for one day, so do it!

So the Austrians stopped advancing, busy consolidating the city defense, mobilizing the people, and fighting steadily.

As a result, the Turks' attempts failed, and it was their turn to find the Austrians!

Putnock was still asleep when it was pale, and suddenly he opened his eyes suddenly.

"Bang!" The sound of a gunshot triggered his sharp nerves.

It was gunshots, no doubt!

He was taken aback and sat up abruptly, still confused in his mind not knowing what was going on.

At this time, a soldier "banged" open the wooden door. The young man with freckles on his face was the personal soldier Berkanan. The probe came in and shouted: "My lord, the enemy is attacking the camp, the Turks are here!"

Seeing Putnock's reaction, he knocked on the wooden door to remind him, then left, shouting all the way: "The enemy is attacking the camp, get up quickly, everyone go to the wall and find your place!"

As the voice faded away, Putnock came to his senses and hurriedly took his armor.

It is the oriental vest-style armor that UU reads once it is put on and buckled up, which can play a protective role, which is very convenient.

It is another manifestation of the East’s influence on the West. In the past, Western knights were very heavy and inconvenient to wear. One person wears armor and two people wait on it. When worn, it looks like an iron can. Even the famous Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I wore knight armor. , Fell into the water when crossing the river, he fell into the water like a mound, and drowned in the river all at once!

Nowadays, in addition to some high-ranking officials, they also wear the majestic but cumbersome Western knight armor, and low-level officers like Putnock all use Eastern armor.

Although the protection area is insufficient, it is more mobile and can not be maneuvered immediately.

He picked up his saber and flintlock blunderbuss, bullet bag and binoculars, rushed out of the door and rushed to the top of the city wall.

When I went up to the city wall, the first thing I saw was the smoke from the guard tower in the distance, but there was no one.

This is wolf smoke, they were the first to sound the alarm.

Putnock grabbed the binoculars and took a look, and couldn't help but gasp!