The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1543: Ottoman Cavalry lost

Within a few breaths, the Southeast Army cavalry rushed all the way, and they were already deeply involved in the Ottoman army. The shouts of the two armies fought close to each other. Coming in all directions, the two sides are in full swing!

The Ottomans wanted to get rid of their depression, and the Southeast Army fought to save their lives.

The scream of sabers twirling each other resounded through the sky, and the clusters of sparks brought out were shining like fire trees and silver flowers.

Killing until the head rolled around the ground like a ball, blood sprayed wanton, before a moment, the ground was already full of corpses, the dying horses were tumbling and neighing, and the **** soldiers screamed.

The Southeast Army's cavalry knife was heavy and fast, and it surpassed Makucu's cavalry.

There are very few real Turks in the Makucu cavalry. They are all recruited from nomads. They are good at riding and shooting, but they are dwarfed by the results of the Southeast Army.

The two armies fought desperately, and the Ottoman cavalry died many times.

Before a moment, the two armies had already passed by. The Sman cavalry was defeated by the sword fight. At this time, they were pierced by the Southeast Army's iron cavalry, and the army was chaotic for a while.

In front of him suddenly opened up, Markuku brandished a long knife, husky voice, and shouted, "Turn around, turn around..."

He is not convinced, he has to fight again to see who is high and who is low.

Hearing the command of the master, the guards around him shouted orders, "Turn around...Turn around..." Hundreds of people shouted in unison, and the Ottoman cavalry suddenly turned around, took a big circle, and once again rushed towards the southeast army brigade. go with.

It's another battle!

Both sides gritted their teeth, fought silently, slashed with guns and bayonets, only the screams of the people who had been cut down.

A Southeast Army war horse galloping at high speed rushed into Markuku's group of soldiers. The war horse was afraid that the dazzling knives and guns of human beings would flash, but could not stop at all.

"Tong!" The iron gun in the knight's hand slammed into the chest of an Ottoman, and in the scream, the gun had penetrated the person's torso, and the spear head came out from the back in an instant, bringing out a puff of blood!

The knight with only a layer of light armor on his body, without a helmet, let go, and passed by with his horse and man, leaving only the Ottoman, who had not fallen down on his horse, with an iron gun stuck in his torso.

Seeing that the Southeast Army knight had no weapons in his hand, the two Ottoman cavalry wanted to find a bargain, so they forced him.

"Huh!" The knight didn't even want to immediately drew his saber from his waist, with a long blade forward and horizontally to the side, quickly engaging in the battle.

Ding-ding-dang-dang is like hitting iron, and the saber fights fiercely.

An enemy horse suddenly yelled in horror and ran away frantically. Before the owner could see what was going on, he couldn't stop strangling his horse.

He turned his head and saw that he didn't know how to slash his horse's neck, and blood poured out wildly. No wonder the horse went crazy.

Then the horses screamed, and suddenly their front hoofs knelt on the ground. The knight seemed to be pushed out of his horse, and slammed to the ground, like a ball rolling on the ground.

He cursed, but he didn't expect that his falling horse would let him escape, because another Ottoman cavalry fought the southeast army knight five times. They were like the speed of the game, and they made one more attack. It was about to go. The little life of that Ottoman cavalry.

The killer, the reputation of the Southeast Army Titans Dou!

He came from the Western Army and was short and slender. He was originally not suitable for playing cavalry, but he shot very fast, that is, he was extremely fast, so he occupied a place in the cavalry world.

Dou Mingwang is a legend in the army. He used to drink well in the Great Western Army. Every time he fights, he has to drink to the fullest. Then he does not wear a helmet or armor, and goes shirtless. He has the demeanor of a war horse. To prove: Xu Chuxingqi, flew back to the formation, unloaded his armor, leaped all over his body, raised the knife in his naked body, turned on his horse, and came to a decisive battle with Ma Chao. The two armies were stunned.

After joining the Southeast Army, he was not allowed to drink. He fell in love with smoking. It was a famous big smoker in the army. He smoked a cigar, that kind of thick and thick smoke. He was a famous cigar smoker in the army.

Cigars are made from air-dried and fermented tobacco, while cigarettes are made from air-dried and dried tobacco, and the quality of cigar leaves is better.

The main producing area of ​​cigars in the southeastern country is Luzon, but other islands are also produced, and the output is not low. Although the price is more expensive than cigarettes, it is within the range of people's acceptance.

Dou Mingwang always likes to attack after he is full of cigars. He has just eaten cigars well, and he is very addicted. He is very energetic. He hits the enemy line and slashes from left to right. He is so fast as lightning, wherever he goes. No one can stop the enemy riding in front of him.

He succeeded in influencing the Ottoman cavalry, all around him to hack and kill, so that they did not notice the new wave of attacks by the Southeast Army cavalry.

The cavalry phalanx that formed a line at the back continued to rush up!

The Southeast Army cavalry have almost the same posture and action. First they use their right hand to hold the slanting spear or red sakura spear, the arm is clamped to stabilize the posture, and the left hand is holding the horse rein and running on horseback; when accelerating the charge, everyone will use the sakura spear. With both hands up, he rushed forward desperately!

They all know what they want to do, and what they want to do is very simple. There is no hesitation or choice. It doesn’t matter whether they are afraid or not. A large number of galloping iron-hoofed horses can’t stop, and the roaring and shouting of the huge horseshoes behind seems to drive everyone away. Charge forward The long weapon pierced the enemy or the horse directly. No matter what the outcome of the battle, the Southeast Army cavalry did not hesitate at all. They immediately drew their swords and beat their horses. The two sides fought in a mess, and the scene was scattered. Unbearable.

The killing was so bloody!

Makuku Timur was shocked to see his soldiers staying incessantly. Ten pairs of people competed, and seven or eight of them were Ottoman cavalry!

how can that be!

The enemy's situation introduced that those Southeast Army cavalry were dragoons, that is, the masters who dismounted and fired in the formation when encountering the enemy, no matter whether it is riding, bow and arrow or swordsmanship.

Now he was reborn, killing bravely, wielding a sharp saber like frost, and stunned the Ottomans abruptly.

A close attendant watched the menacing battle in front of the enemy, and shouted Markuku Timur: "My lord, let's retreat, this battle is not very easy to fight..." The noise around him was thunderous, that The human voice was quickly drowned, and the second half of the sentence was covered in a huge roar.

Makucu just hesitated for a while, the other party had already encircled him!

The cavalry of the Southeast Army were cunning enough to see his two pinches of horsetails representing Pasha. The army is coming!

This time he couldn't run away, Markuku cheered up, his tongue was spring thunder, and he rode his horse to Dou Fame, as long as he could kill him, he would be avenged.

People have the intent to hurt the tiger, the tiger is harmful to the people, the two powers are fighting, the sword flashes suddenly, and numerous sparks burst out in the series of unvoiced sounds, which is like iron strike!

Suddenly the blade light disappeared, the two men ceased fighting, and Markuku Timur opened his eyes and looked at his fame.

Then Markuku Timur lost the light in his eyes, and a red line on his forehead gradually bleeding.

He pushed Jinshan and fell down like a jade pillar.

The third Pasha died in battle!