The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1553: Winter is coming

The old Coplulu made this conclusion based on his old experience. He eats more than others eat rice and has rich experience. Mr. David relies on the weather data of Asia Minor over the years!

The money invested by the Southeastern countries in the intelligence agencies has not been spent in vain over the years, and fruitful results have been achieved.

For many situations in the Ottoman Empire, it is guaranteed that the Chinese know better than the Ottomans!

"Have all the troops' winter clothes been distributed?" Yan Changwu asked, "Don't let the tragedy of Stalingrad happen again."

Stalingrad tragedy: At that time, the Germans were playing happily with the old men. Unexpectedly, the winter came so fast that year. It was an icy place overnight. The Germans were caught off guard. The tanks were frozen and could not be opened. The result was a complete failure.

When he talked about Stalingrad, it was like Qin Shubao went to fight Guan Yunchang. Mr. David just listened with a smile and didn't regard him as a neurotic!

Mr. David reported to Yan Changwu: "The winter clothes have all been issued, there is no problem!"

Yan Changwu was still relieved when he was doing things. He didn't ask further, but instead asked a question: "How about your compassion for Wang Xiang?"

Cavalry major general Wang Xiang was martyred in the daytime battle. The news reported to the imperial front, which made Yan Changwu very sad and amazed!

He is a man who loves soldiers like a child, and cares for the officers and soldiers under his command. Over the years, officers at the rank of generals have rarely been killed in battle, and Wang Xiang's death made him very much moved.

At the same time, due to Wang Xiang's death in battle, the left-wing army He Zhen's accusation of Zu Kefa lost its basis.

He Zhen unceremoniously filed a complaint, saying that the Zukefa cavalry did not assist them in the fight, leaving them on both sides, so that they were unable to do so.

The concentrated cavalry battles have lost their generals. If the troops are divided, I am afraid that the cavalry will lose more

"Routine pensions are available, and the rank of lieutenant general is added. The title is raised by two ranks according to the leader's will. In addition to the normal pension, another five thousand silver dollars will be given..." Mr. David said.

Generally speaking, the title has been promoted by one more level, now it has been promoted by one more level, and another five thousand silver dollars have been given, all of which are the result of Yan Changwu's "increased" treatment.

He said solemnly: "Wang Xiang died in battle, and my heart aches. Although the general will inevitably die in battle, you know that, I always want to concentrate on killing chickens with a sledgehammer to end the battle quickly and reduce the casualties of our army..."

Mr. David echoed: "Yes, the amount of weapons per capita in our army is the largest in the world, and there is no country to reach!"

"It now appears that the Ottomans are hundred-legged insects, dead but not stiff!" Yan Changwu sighed.

His army's firepower has been exerted to its fullest, and he has fought very bravely. The strategy is also the right one. However, he still lost the general and failed to win.

Hearing his uninteresting interest, he was already willing to retreat. Mr. David was silent for a while and said: "It will snow in more than three days, maybe we retreat, and Japan will be long!"

Yan Changwu turned to Zhang Jiayu, the chief of staff next to him, and asked him, "What do you think?"

"The Ottomans still have strong strength. If our army fights hard, the final victory will be ours, but it may pay a higher price. The minister agrees to retreat!" Zhang Jiayu said.

"Very good!" Yan Changwu did not consult Mr. David's opinion. The two met and knew each other. He knew that Mr. David also meant to retreat.

"However, before we retreat, we have to shoot out the arms and bleed the Baotou guys." Yan Changwu instructed.

"Received!" Mr. David replied with a modern term of "received", and Zhang Jiayu and others had to reply with "compliance.

On the second day of the battle, the Chinese and Baotou guys all agreed to attack instead of defending.

Both armies are infantry-to-infantry, throwing an infantry phalanx into battle, but the cavalry is not on either side!

The young Sultan never wanted to embarrass the cavalry, but Yan Changwu couldn't bear it.

Cavalry is a technical force, far more expensive than infantry.

The phalanx came out and the war broke out. First, the two sides lined up to shoot. You came and I shot, just so awkwardly.

There is still room for strategy in such battles. The two sides are like ‘warriors’ standing face to face. You punch and I will return a knife. Whoever has more blood will have the last laugh.

This is taking the lives of soldiers to consume ammunition.

But soon, the Baotou guys dispersed from the square and swarmed up, taking knives and trying to chop the Chinese.

Can't stand up to shooting, there is a way out for melee!

The firepower of the Southeast Army was intensive, causing Baotou guys to fall down in rows, and the rate of fire was fast, even if Baotou guys used the strength of milking, including rifled guns, smooth-bore flintlocks, arquebuses, and bows and arrows to attack together. , They are not as good as others.

Moreover, the Southeast Army also had a lot of artillery shells, and the number of shots reached five to one compared with that of Baotou.

Solid bullets are not very powerful. Compared to battleships, they can be hit for five hours without sinking, but the whistling iron **** created in each other's arrays are not terrifying, but they are very shocking. .

Even though the two military’s phalanx formations have been expanded as much as possible, the iron **** that crossed the entire formation often bounced and bounced on the ground several times after knocking down several people. It finally stopped after rubbing several people.

All soldiers who were hit or touched were killed immediately, and stuck—either dead or maimed.

The soldiers who were touched by the shells would be taken away with arms and legs even if they didn't die, and they wouldn't necessarily be able to survive in this era. Even if the Southeast Army’s medical conditions are the best on the planet, but with limited technology, no one can guarantee that every disabled soldier will eventually survive, let alone Baotou!

Moreover, the number of Chinese iron **** is five times that of Baotou Guys, the bullet density is three times that of Baotou Guys, and they use poisonous bullets---lead bullets.

It's ridiculous to say that Baotou guys spent a lot of silver dollars in developing lead bullets. The lead bullets developed are not soft---it cannot break the armor, or they are hard---it won't break after being penetrated into the human body!

Unbreakable lead bullets are useless to penetrate the human body, and lead bullets that cannot be broken are equally useless.

So I can only watch the Chinese lead bullets raging. Taking a step back, even if the Baotou guy develops qualified lead bullets, it is no use, because there are so many Chinese guns!

Baotou believed that "a bullet is an idiot, and a scimitar is a hero", he did not hesitate to block the gun with his chest, rushed in front of the Chinese, and fought with the Chinese with a stabbed musket.

Speaking of the Chinese firepower configuration, there are solid bullets, shotguns, flying thunder cannons, rifled guns, smooth-bore flintlocks, bombs, bobbins, as well as fire blunders and sprays. , Let the young sultan who watched the battle be extremely hurt!

After one day's battle, Baotou lost another 5,000 men, while the Southeast Army only had 3,000 men.

Perhaps the prayers of the young Sultan played a role. The astronomical phenomenon that was originally expected to change in three days later changed, and it changed on the next day.

When I woke up, it was white snow covering the earth, but the whitening light seemed to dawn earlier in the snow.



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