The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1566: Treating migrant workers kindly at the c

The military contractor was Yan Changwu’s pioneering work, but in fact it was a mercenary and became one of his three great weapons in foreign warfare.

That is, the regular army, the Imperial Union Army and the mercenaries. For the regular army, Yan Changwu is taking the road of high-paying elite soldiers. He thinks it is not appropriate to use the elite troops for public security, transportation, city defense and other tasks. This is a waste of resources, so he summons the Imperial Union army. , And then formed mercenaries, that is, military contractors, mainly companies run by retired veterans of the Southeast Army.

There are a mixture of fish and dragons, including retired veterans of the Southeast Army, and retired veterans of the Ming State, and then personnel from the eight small countries in China, as well as Indians, Persians, white skins, etc., and even Ottomans.

They are responsible for second-line combat missions, so there is no need for the Southeast Army to deploy troops to do some non-combat missions.

The emergence of mercenaries is a product where the commodity economy has developed to a certain level. You must have enough silver dollars to be able to build a mercenary. At the same time, you must have enough troops. In some armed forces, soldiers have long-term service, and soldiers have no surplus. The Southeast Army has retired veterans every year and has a rich source of troops.

However, mercenary activities are strictly prohibited in Southeast China, and their headquarters are mostly located in the southeast enclave of the three continents.

In order to save costs, the mercenaries recruited a large number of attendant members of the Eighth Elementary School in China, which is cost-effective and loyal enough.

Among the eight Chinese elementary schools, the Japanese are the most ruthless, and the Koreans are also fierce and used the most. Another reason is that they know more Chinese. Nowadays, the influence of Chinese is great. The Koreans of Korea, Annan and Ryukyu commonly use Chinese, but the native language is reversed. useless!

Under the management of mercenaries, the white slaves dared not speak up, and worked honestly.

Time flies quickly. At twelve o'clock noon, the migrant labor teams suspend work for dinner.

In order to strengthen management, for migrant workers’ food, a special catering company has been established to serve migrant workers in an unprofitable manner to ensure that they eat well.

As far as the Egyptian migrant workers are concerned, their staple food is naan or flatbread. They usually eat naan for breakfast and Chinese food. There are many types of naan. They are eaten in turn, some with milk, which is very fragrant when roasted. Add meat to the meat and become a steamed bun.

Naan is not only a regular meal, but also a snack. In the morning, there is a special extra serving of naan, which is given to migrant workers during the morning break, and there is also one in the afternoon. They are also eaten during the break to replenish their physical strength.

With tea, it is a free supply. From morning to night, I don’t know how many ships of tea are shipped to Egypt to supply migrant workers.

Drinking tea is good, and it is a must for migrant workers who are exposed to the scorching sun.

Every time they start work, they will fill themselves with two kettles of hot tea---the supply of coal is never scarce, boil boiling water to make tea, reduce the incidence of digestive tract infectious diseases, and avoid the possibility of heatstroke, and the guarantee of tea The effect is remarkable. After they taste the benefits of tea, everyone loves to drink tea. Even if they don't like it at first, if you don't drink the free tea, you don't want to drink it.

When the project is over and the migrant workers return to their hometowns, Chinese tea will completely occupy the market, and they will no longer be able to do without Chinese tea.

This is a very successful marketing example. The Southeastern country provides free tea and gets a country’s market.

For dinner, I eat mutton pilaf, sometimes beef pilaf, mixed with various vegetables, beans and spices, served in a large pot, rich in meat, vegetables, spices, and oil. It is very popular with Egyptians.

The pilaf is served with mallow soup, it is a supreme enjoyment.

The dishes include hummus and potato pancakes. Kofta can be enjoyed once a week, which is to chop the lamb, season it with spices, and then grill it on a skewer. The roasted meat is fragrant.

Fried fish is often eaten offshore. The fish is cut into pieces, wrapped in flour, and fried in an oil pan. It is golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a fragrant aftertaste.

When improving the food, the chefs will cook Chinese food for the Egyptian migrant workers. For example, the simple and easy-to-make smashed noodles are absolutely delicious!

There are also soy milk fritters, wonton dumplings, sesame seed porridge, take a porridge, the old fire porridge made with mutton, chicken powder and dried vegetables, it is delicious!

There is also mutton and spicy soup, mutton is a favorite of Egyptian migrant workers, and mutton and spicy soup is a perfect match for naan!

Every month, engineering activists are rewarded, and they are organized to have a dinner. No local food is needed. It is all Chinese food. Needless to say, it is just a Fujian-based "Buddha jumping over the wall", so that the migrant workers will not let go of even a drop of soup!

In addition to tea, Chinese food has completely moved the Egyptians.


It smells so good!


The Egyptian migrant workers have never eaten such good food in their lives. The food at the canal construction site is sufficient, fresh, and delicious. It is like this every day, every day!

In addition to them, the Chinese engineering battalion, migrant worker team, the eight elementary school migrant worker team, and the Asanmen have always had a good meal. They eat a lot of meat. They are treated as ordinary infantry soldiers in the Southeast Army. The food is not stingy at all.

Even the white slaves' food is personal, instead of feeding them pigs. Although they don't have human rights, they can only work when they are full.

The establishment of the supply chain was by no means an overnight effort, but a long-term preparation. The Egyptian Governor-General, Mr. David, took the top priority. He organized farming and had a stable supply base for food, livestock, vegetables and vegetables. Now the migrant workers are smiling.

The food is good, it is the true nature of the Southeast, and I have always been willing to eat.

It is a pity for the migrant It would be great if the food expenses were converted into wages and sent to them.

They would rather eat a little bit, but also want to make more money.

With enough food and nutrition to keep up, the migrant workers are energetic, hard to get sick, and full of energy.

There has never been a conscientious employer like that in the Southeast. Generally speaking, in order to save money, large-scale projects were carried out in ancient times. They were often forced labor, that is, corvee.

Even if they have wages, they often employ thousands of migrant workers with extremely low wages, and let them engage in extremely heavy labor in a hot environment, not to mention drinking tea, even drinking water is a problem!

Drinking water at the construction site was very scarce, and a large number of migrant workers died of thirst. The food provided by the project party is poor, and one meal is not even enough for a child to satisfy the hunger, and most migrant workers are often half-starved. The sanitary conditions are very poor. Diseases such as bronchitis, hepatitis, lung disease, and red dysentery are extremely common, especially the epidemic, which has claimed the lives of a large number of migrant workers.

Typhoid fever can sweep the construction site, and many migrant workers die suddenly. Due to unsanitary drinking water and food, cholera often breaks out, and a large number of migrant workers die. Even the people who sent the patients to the first aid can not be found, and no one has dealt with the dead migrant workers on the construction site. The corpse, the living and the dead stay together...

However, the Suez Project organized by the Southeastern Countries is in good condition, the food is very good, the wages are never deducted, and they are paid on time.

If a migrant worker becomes ill, he will be sent to the hospital for treatment and will never sit idly by. Of course, medical expenses will be deducted from the migrant worker’s salary to prevent them from fishing in troubled waters. Once work is suspended for half a month, they will be repatriated, but a small sum will be given when they leave. They return home, benevolent and righteous!

"Actually, we made it!" Chen De said to his deputy official Min'er on the rail car heading north.


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