The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1569: 20 months to complete the canal

Feeling the lovely Chinese silver dollar, the countries welcome Chinese tourists with open arms and effectively protect the interests of Chinese tourists. Therefore, the Chinese travelled unimpeded and headed west to Egypt. It is reported that a considerable number of bold Chinese tourists went to Europe to see Notre Dame Cathedral. , The Holy See and the British University!

Some Chinese tourists even disguised themselves to enter Istanbul, which is now the enemy of the Chinese. There are many physical objects from Istanbul, such as scimitars, robes and hookahs displayed in the southeast, indicating that the Chinese have visited here.

Hearing Fang Min'er say this, Chen De readily said, "This is a good thing!"

Although he doesn't know the tourism industry, he will settle the accounts and know that only enough people can support the development of an industry.

More and more Chinese people are going to the world: the army, businessmen, migrant workers and tourists, they are constantly flowing, and the world is driven by them and has become


The rest stops along the way are large in scale and the site covers a large area. When they arrived in Ismailia, they saw a cargo yard at least one kilometer above. There were many warehouses filled with all kinds of goods, including cement. , Stone, wood and

Support the construction of the canal and the huge team of migrant workers.

Local military officers lined up on the simple platform to welcome the arrival of the marshal. The marshal who had just got out of the carriage asked eagerly how their construction was.

Yes, they started work on schedule, and the migrant workers were scrambling to get ahead, and the work was about to begin!

The officers led Chen De to the construction site and saw that the deep trench had been dug up in just one day. Chen De joyfully said: "Very good, very good!"

Suez started construction on August 15, 1655, and the battle began. As many as 350,000 migrant workers entered the construction site. They came from the countries and forces controlled and influenced by China to jointly build the Suez Canal.

They swaggered into the construction site, and for a while, on the construction site nearly two hundred kilometers long from the shore of the Red Sea to the coast of the Mediterranean, the red flag was fluttering and a joy.

The desert was alarmed. The builders were divided into six strands, and each two strands attacked one section. They used a north-south approach to dig the canal!

Adopting a Chinese approach, the builders shouted the strongest voice in Egypt: "Three years of hard work, the canal runs through!"

The Chinese said: "The Great Wall was built by people, and the canal was dug by people!"

They fought high temperatures, faced the wind and sand, digging their shoulders with their hands, and started working day and night!

For the part of the project that started from Suez City, due to the convenient supply of seagoing ships to Suez City, the migrant workers turned on the lights to fight at night, and the night was cool, which could avoid the scorching sun during the day and work more efficiently.

A huge amount of palm oil was transported from Southeast Asia, and barrels of palm oil were unloaded on the dock. Using palm oil as fuel, they lit up large searchlights and illuminated the construction site.

After that, palm oil was transported to various construction sites by rail, and the migrant workers also worked in three shifts. In addition to the hottest period at noon during the day, work was not started, and work was stopped when the wind and waves swept in. The rest of the time was spent. Work.

The Chinese workers took the lead, and they worked frantically. In this warm atmosphere, no migrant team would be willing to fall behind, even the pure Ah San and the Egyptians would not admit defeat.

The Suez Canal adopted the method of army building. A command headquarters was established to coordinate and take care of engineering affairs. As the commander-in-chief of the project, Chen De won the hearts of the army.

They led and urged more than 300,000 migrant workers to work, and the trenches were growing.

In less than a month, as deputy official Min'er received a happy news report to Chen De: We have completed 5 million cubic meters of earth!

What an amazing number!

The estimated length of the Suez Canal is 190 kilometers, and its average depth and width are planned to be 15 meters deep and 35 meters wide.

The heaviest battleship at that time had a displacement of nearly 3,000 tons, a draft of seven meters, and a width of no more than 15 meters. The Suez Canal had fully taken into account the conditions of battleships in the sail age to ensure that they could pass through this canal.

Although it can pass battleships, ships going north and south can only pass in one direction. In order to allow ships in different directions to stagger each other, the Chinese thought of a good way to build an extension to both sides of the canal every 8-10 kilometers. There are already several natural lakes in the canal, and these lakes have naturally become the best ports for staggering ships, allowing ships to wait for refuge here.

Increasing river bays will increase the amount of work, but natural lakes also reduce the amount of work. Therefore, the total amount of work on the Suez Canal is 190*1000*15*35=99750000 cubic meters, which is close to 100 million cubic meters.

Now five million cubic meters are completed in one month, which means that the construction can be completed in twenty months!

Chen De was very happy in his heart, but warned officers at all levels not to slack off!

Different from the oppression of migrant workers by the rulers of various countries in the past when they built large projects, the Chinese mainly adopted the method of ranking rewards, that is, calculating the daily amount of work of the engineering team, and the completion of the inspection and acceptance will be given corresponding remuneration, and pay according to work. Those who are advanced will be rewarded, those who are behind will be cleared out.

The more projects completed, the greater the rewards given.

The rewarded items include the Star of the Day, the engineering team that completed the most work that day, or the Star of the Week, the Star of January, and the Progress Award. For example, a certain engineering team has achieved a considerable amount in a single month. Progress is rewarded.

The prizes are varied, mainly silver dollars, as well as food and beverage rewards. For example, once a Chinese national labor team won the star of the month. According to their request, a chef from Cairo was specially invited to cook a meal for them. Donkey meat feast!

The whole body of a donkey is treasure, and the meat of a 500-jin donkey is only It can be said to be precious. Pick one from a hundred miles.

Donkey meat is sweet and relieves troubles, cools the heart, nourishes qi and nourishes blood.

Donkey face nourishes blood and nourishes qi, donkey heart and liver have a strong nourishing effect on the internal organs of the human body, and it has a significant effect on people with weak spleen and stomach, depression of qi, and impaired pulse.

Donkey tongue can nourish the heart, soften the liver, nourish blood, nourish the spleen, and nourish qi; eat donkey belly with raw garlic to prevent diseases and improve immunity; donkey intestines can prevent wind and cold, donkey blood is beneficial to the intestines and small intestines, moisturizing dryness and knots. heat.

This migrant worker team seems to be very good at eating it. It seems that the cooks on the construction site are not strong enough. They would rather get less silver dollars and have a good time. It can be said to be a glutton.

An Egyptian migrant worker got the Star of the Week, and the prize they got was excellent shredded tobacco!

This kind of shredded tobacco tastes and refreshing, but it is expensive. In foreign countries, only high-ranking officials can enjoy it, and money can't buy it. Reward them with a tube of hookah in the middle of their work.

Other prizes include good tea, sweets, famous wines, silks, and medicines... The southeastern state has resources that can be exchanged for rewards. For example, an excellent Egyptian employee was rewarded with five acres of good paddy fields on the banks of the Nile. The migrant workers immediately let go and got 100 silver dollars!

The rewards are jealous, prompting the migrant workers to work hard and dig ditches.

If there is a reward, there will be a penalty, and the engineering team that fails to meet the rated engineering capacity for three weeks will be repatriated.

However, since the beginning of the project, no engineering team has been repatriated, which shows that all migrant workers are positive energy. They cherish job opportunities and are pushing forward at an average monthly rate of 5 million cubic meters.

The silver dollar is in place, things are easy to say!

The project is not all smooth sailing, the problems encountered are very existing!


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