The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1650: Russian surprise

   The old Maozi Onufri Stepanov is unlucky enough. Three days ago, a Ming army squad visited this camp. They asked them to join the all-people defense and jointly wipe out Lao Maozi. The tribe in the camp agreed with him.

   Not only is Lao Maozi's reputation bad, the key is that the Ming army didn't use their mouths and send out documents, but real money was delivered.

   Including salt, tea, and rum delivered one by one, the guys in the camp even disarmed the squad---giving their cigarettes. Seeing those tribes smoking cigarettes there, the Ming army team leader was very happy.

   Smoke it, smoke it, if you like it, can you still leave us? !

   He also gave the camp two muskets, ten muskets, a pile of ammunition, and a few large bombs weighing five kilograms, and handed these dangerous things to the tribesmen.

   The tribe hadn't touched the gun to the heat, and the old hairies rammed in, Stopan Kuplinpudding took the gun, and Onufry Stepanov was overturned by the bomb.

   For the novices of the tribe, this is exactly the sentence: novices have good luck!

   For Onufri Stepanov, he was full of evil. He arrived from far away Europe. With the great chief Khabarov doing evil in the East and doing all the bad things, he finally received retribution and went to see his God!

   His end also announced the dissolution of the remnant bandit gang. Without a commander like him, under the attack of the Ming army, the old gang fell apart and eventually disappeared.

   They are almost the last old Maozi to be destroyed. The time is fixed in September 1657, east of the Yenisei River, and there is no news of Lao Maozi making trouble.

  According to incomplete statistics, the entire Ming Dynasty wiped out a total of 2,362 Lao Maozi. About 3,700 Lao Maozi joined the Ming army. Almost no one returned to Europe.

   The old Maozi who stayed in China all became Chinese nationals.


The time was March of 1656. For the northern part of mainland China, the snow had melted. There were long grasses in the south of the Yangtze River, peanut trees, and swarms of warblers flying indiscriminately. The place is open to water and air conditioning!

   In faraway Europe, Moscow is still cold, and there is even a light snowfall in the evening. Streets are rare, only horse-drawn carriages hurried past.

   The road in the Borovitz hills at the confluence of the Negrina and Moskva Rivers is lively. Horses and carriages converge there and finally reach the heart of Russia, the Kremlin.

   The lights are bright there, and the voices are boiling, as if the vitality of the entire Moscow has arrived there.

   The Kremlin stands tall. A Russian proverb describes the majestic and solemn Kremlin: "On the ground of Moscow, only the Kremlin is towering, and on the Kremlin, only the sky is far away."

In fact, the Kremlin is a complex of buildings composed mainly of churches. The Orthodox Church has a profound influence on Russia. Stepping into the palace gate is the central church square paved with red stone. Three golden domed cathedrals stand on the square. Hui!

   Great Kremlin!

The Great Kremlin, located next to the Golden Dome Cathedral, is particularly prominent. This is a palace built completely in accordance with Russian traditions. It is also known as the Polygonal Palace. It has a large area. All the halls and rooms are of diverse architectural styles, coordinated, and gorgeously decorated. Royal banquets are being held. .

   The majestic Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich wore a golden robe and a golden hat, dressed like a Mongolian, except that there was a golden cross hung on his chest.

   In fact, the so-called czar was only a little chief under the Mongolian Golden Horde.

   So his attire can't escape the influence of Mongolia. He really wants to get rid of the influence of Mongolia, unless Peter the Great looks west, but according to the current historical trend, Russia will not have the Great Oder, it's a second question.

   Tsar Alexei was only sixteen years old, and he is not yet thirty years old. He is very young, but because he has taken charge of the court, his great power has made him awe-inspiring, and his subjects are very respectful of him.

   He is still doing something. During his administration, he took a series of measures to consolidate centralization and promulgated the 1649 Code. At that time, this was a fairly complete code with 25 chapters and 967 articles, which made clear provisions on the handling of various phenomena in Russian social life at that time. This code was widely circulated. It was republished three times in a year, and the number of copies issued in various parts of Russia reached 1,173, which was a relatively large number at the time.

If Europe is a civilized continent, then Russia is an alternative in Europe. The technology here is underdeveloped and the culture is very backward. Even European white skins think that the Russians are not white enough, saying that if the white skins of the Russians are stripped off, then inside There will be a Tatar, that is, a barbarian!

Therefore, Alexei is a great code. In addition, Alexei also started to improve the government agencies, set up secret government agencies, food government agencies, mercenary cavalry government agencies, set up statistical offices, and established comprehensive government agencies throughout Russia. Tax system. During his administration, Russia also established the first school, the first charity, the first orphanage and other social institutions.

During his reign, he emphasized commerce and strengthened financial pressure. The salt merchants riots and the Stepan Racine uprising broke out. The Russian-Polish war against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was launched militarily, and Eastern Ukraine was annexed to try to gain access to the Baltic Sea. Can succeed.

   Tsar Alexei is a devout Orthodox Christian, who arranges his own diet and daily affairs in strict accordance with the rules of the Orthodox Church.

  Speaking of which, after all, the czar also had the enjoyment and pomp of the czar. He called the ministers to have a banquet, enjoying Russian cuisine, eating and drinking, very pleasant.

   "For God, cheers!"

   "To your Majesty the Tsar, cheers!"

   "For health, cheers!"

   "Cheers for Moscow!"


   One cup after Monarchs and ministers can drink soju, which is vodka.

   The Russians drank vodka as water. Just when they were arrogant and lively, a tall and handsome court attendant came into the hall with a bunch of paperwork in his hand.

  His purpose is very strong, and he went straight to the Minister of State Du Jintsev.

   Du Jintsev almost drank, but when he opened the papers and looked at it, he looked shocked and drunk.

   Then he found the czar, whispered a few words to him, the czar stood up suddenly, and led Dukintsev away from the door behind the throne.

what's going on?

  The ministers who stayed at the banquet couldn't figure it out, but obviously something happened, so that the czar left midway and made them drink it unintentionally.


   "Outrageous, the Tatars dare to provoke us, they blocked the Yenisei River?" Alexei was very angry.

   Since his father sent a large number of Cossacks to the east, a large area of ​​territory has been included in Tsarist Russia. Didn’t expect that the Tatars would dare to slash and provoke me to Great Russia? !

   "No, my majesty, it is not the Tatars that block the Yenisei River, but the Ming's army!" Du Jintsev thought that the czar was still drunk, and he was clearly talking about Ming.

   "Oh, is the porcelain country against our country?" This time the czar heard clearly.

   Now his head was violently pained under the influence of alcohol and pressure, and his face was distorted by the pain. Du Jintsev yelled the attendant to bring the black tea from China, and he hurried forward to rub his forehead for the czar.