The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1710: Working language for negotiation

The two sides started talks early the next morning.

The meeting place was held in a big house in the middle of the yellow line. This house was built early. The hall is a pavilion with pillars around it, and the surroundings are empty. In the middle is a large table. On the table is a tea set for tea, which is a little far away. There is a cabin as a lounge in each place.

The meeting place was in this house. According to the agreement, the guards on both sides were not allowed to carry any weapons except sabers, mainly firearms.

Some people in the Ming army were upset, but Yang Tiansheng didn't care. He ordered Feng Shuangli to shoot when he saw the enemy's wickedness.

Representatives of the two sides each sent 300 officers and soldiers with swords into the arena. The soldiers of the two sides searched each other to prevent other weapons from being hidden. After that, they retreated a certain distance to set up guard posts.

After the negotiation was over, the representatives of the two sides returned to the country, and the reports to their bosses all admitted that they were hidden, but fortunately they didn't use those weapons.

Among the guards sent by the Russian side were Cossack Musketeers. Although they did not have guns, they were hiding several extremely lethal bombs. These bombs were similar to Ming army bombs. They were ignited with black powder and then thrown out at close range. Explosion, everyone has a high probability of getting their lunch.

As for the Ming army, it is also not a good crop. It not only carries bombs, but also has tubes, that is, as many comrades as there are tubes similar to bazookas, they cleverly turned it into a high-ranking official’s guard of honor. One part, once something happens, put it into use immediately.

Three hundred meters away, the Ming army and the Russian army were loaded with their own bullets, bayonet out of the sheath, and they stood ready.

Yang Tiansheng wore a Da Ming first-grade civil official robes and an official hat. The guards carried them to the meeting site with a sliding pole. He sounded gongs to clear the way, followed with an umbrella and a stick. In his words: "Come on stage and sing!"

But in order to show the prestige of the Ming Dynasty officials, and to facilitate the entrainment of the bobbin, Yang Tiansheng reluctantly became an actor.

His title is "China's Emperor of Ming Dynasty", which means that he is an imperial commission of the Chinese emperor and exercises Chinese sovereignty. In terms of the division of borders and the belonging of the two peoples, he uses "China" and "Chinese". . This is the first time that "China" has been designated as a sovereign country in the form of an international treaty.

The reason for using "China" and downplaying "Daming" is that the Emperor Daming is still Zhu Youchan, and after all, he is not a family. The achievements made shouldn't let Daming and Zhu Youchan get too much light.

The main officials who accompanied him were Ruan Dacheng, the minister of courtesy, Qin Haisheng, the minister from the Ministry of Industry, Pan Gui, and Feng Shuangli, the general officer.

As for the main negotiators of Russia and Mao Zedong, Constantine, Deputy Envoy Sergei and Archbishop of Siberia Boris, and several other officials.

Representatives from both sides enter the arena, sit on both sides of the big table, while five people can sit on the table. Naturally, they are centered and face to face with the other's.

Everyone looked at their opponents, Constantine was born in the military, and Yang Tiansheng's tough temperament was revealed, even if he was wearing official robes, he was not easy to provoke.

After they were seated, they introduced each other separately. In addition to the officials, the Chinese side produced two translators, Guo Tianze and Cheng Wanshan, who were able to use Chinese, Russian, and Latin fluently.

As for Russia and Mao, they stared. They couldn't find a qualified translator. There were two so-called translators, who were not Russians at all. They didn't know which tribe from the corner of the head. They were stammering in Chinese. .

It is normal that the Chinese are all learners and learning foreign languages ​​is not a problem. For those Russians and Maos with insufficient IQ, the square character can recognize them, but they don't know the square character.

After learning about everyone’s language situation, it was found that the envoy, deputy envoy and archbishop all speak Latin. Yang Tiansheng suggested: “In order to facilitate communication and improve negotiations, we can use Latin as the working language of the meeting.”

The three Russian and Maoist chieftains were slightly shocked, and then nodded in agreement.

The diplomatic negotiations between the two countries have determined a non-national working language that everyone knows. As Yang Tiansheng said, it is conducive to exchanges between each other and speeds up the negotiation.

Russia and Mao Zedong do not agree to using Chinese as the working language. On the contrary, we will not agree to Russian as the working language.

Ruan Dacheng, Qin Haisheng, and Pan Gui were silent on their faces, but secretly applauded, because they were dispatched this time, it was Yang Tiansheng's decision. The three officials had all undergone emergency training in Latin, and there was no problem in talking and communicating!

Before coming, they conducted surprise learning. On the way, they used Latin for daily communication. They did a lot of language practice. As a scholar of the ancient college entrance examination---the imperial examination, they have quite strong learning ability and have generally mastered it. This language.

Latin is a medium of communication among different European countries in the Middle Ages. It has a very large background. It is the prestigious official language of the Roman Empire. After the disintegration of the Roman Empire, Latin is still vigorous and is now widely used in European countries.

Yang Tiansheng had a lot of dealings with Hongmaofan before washing white. He knew that their languages ​​were varied, but most of the Hongmaofans could speak Latin.

In this way, Yang Tiansheng judged that he was in the interior of Europe and belonged to the distant relatives of the white-skinned Russian Mao. The essence was weak and the culture was backward. The nobles would definitely use the tall and tall Latin in their eyes to show their difference, just like China. The rulers of the Eight Elementary Schools all use Chinese as their daily language, and they can't speak their own language. For example, King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty invented the language "Hunmin Jeongeum", which was used by the minions and Chinese by the nobles. Hiragana and Katakana have long existed in the Wa country, and there are many Chinese characters in them, but the nobles use pure Chinese, just like the Chinese.

Unsurprisingly by Yang Tiansheng, the four envoys of the Ming Dynasty and two translators now use Latin, while the Russian and Maoist three use Latin. How can the other Russian and Maoist officials speak Latin? This gives the Chinese a six-on-three, two-to-one advantage.

Russo-Maurice found that the Chinese had the advantage in numbers and had more opportunities to rest during the tongue war, and suddenly felt regretful.

Everyone spoke a few words pretending to be affectionate, and Yang Tiansheng immediately went into trouble. He ordered his entourage to take a bag of baggage and threw it out on the big table. It was a bag of clothes, and a strong urinary air filled everyone. Nostrils.

Lao Maozi knew what was going on, they all laughed with unrestrained personality!

laugh? !

Yang Tiansheng downplayed: "According to the agreement signed by both The houses east of the yellow line in this village are owned by our country, and the houses west of the yellow line are owned by you. However, it is regrettable that you have violated the agreement!"

"You not only broke the contract, but you also humiliated us, **** the personnel we guarded here, and even shaved their heads!" Yang Tiansheng said in a strong manner.

Speaking of it, the Ming army sent two soldiers to garrison here. Unexpectedly, when Lao Maozi came, he dashed across the yellow line, tied them up, not counting, and shaved their hair, beard, and eyebrows. !

The Ming army came and rescued them. Although they don't suffer a lot, shaving people's eyebrows is to shovel my face!

In addition to being smoked all night tomorrow night, Yang Tiansheng said coldly: "You go around destroying our place, peeing and shit, which made us suffer a great sin. To comfort our injured hearts, please pay 100,000 silver dollars. If you don't give it, then go to war!"

"Scared!" The Russian hairs' smiles were frozen on their faces, and their mouths went wide open!

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