The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1758: The artillery fire (2)

The battle was fierce, and Baotou’s small warships, such as Calais-style dragon boats and heavy guns on enemy battleships, were devastated so that some had to leave the battle, and some were sunk.

But even if the Chinese had a full 36 battleships and had the upper hand, they couldn't win quickly. Not to mention the opponent's battleship, even the cruiser could not sink a single one.

The Baotou guys are not stupid either. The cruise ships pierced the edges back and forth, and they slid away after firing their guns. They were so flexible that the battleships could not pursue them.

Let’s say you’re a battleship. Just after a round of shelling, Baotou’s cruise ship came in while it was still reloading. They were ready to go. After entering the position, they would be attacked by a round of artillery bombardment. Flash, you just finished reloading, they have already slipped and they can't catch up.

Even if the cruiser's artillery does not break the defense, they are so annoying to play, just like fleas and flies.

Of course, there are also cruise ships that are playing off. They are just catching up with the battleship after the loading is completed. Under the roar of the side cannons, the cruise ship was beaten to death and wounded, and a ship of blood!

Thirty-six Chinese battleships smashed into the wolves like a lion. Baotou guys were still very enthusiastic. Some white-skinned sailors moved a little slower, and were even hacked to death by the blood-red-eyed Baotou guy officer!

Baotou's momentum is not defeated, and the Chinese cannot win quickly, even if Siresma beats them with bruises and swollen ears, but Baotou is still fighting.

This is the characteristic of battleship artillery during the sailing period. It is often difficult to win quickly. For some enemy ships, even if you blast it to the surface, it still floats on the water, giving you cold guns and bangs from time to time.

Unless you hit its vitals, such as detonating the powder magazine or breaking up its structure, it can be done overnight.

When it hit 1:30 noon, Siresma said that this time the luck was not very good, because they had sunk more than 30 enemy dragon boats, but they failed to sink even one cruise ship. There were five of them. The cruise ship has completely rested, lying flat and doing it, but it is not sinking!

The cruise ship was not sunk, not to mention the battleships. Seven battleships were still floating on the sea. The Venetian triumphantly said: "We built a good warship!"

Annoyed, Siresma ordered a ceasefire in the fleet in order to give the crew some rest time and to repair the damage to the ship caused in the battle.

However, the Southeast Fleet still followed Baotou's battleship, but did not open fire.

Baotou also took the opportunity to eat, heal the injuries and repair the ships, and the numbers reported by the ships made Nihat Pasha frowned.

Many ships have been injured, and at least seven cruise ships have been destroyed without the ability to fight back. Although the seven battleships can still fight, the casualty rate of up to 30% makes it inevitable that the battleship's combat effectiveness will decline.

He sighed, and ordered the deployment personnel of each ship to abandon some of the more seriously injured ships and enrich the crew on the battleship.

But Nihat Pasha knew in his heart that new personnel on the new ship would not be able to join the artillery squad without training, and sail sailing. Even the sailors on the cruise ship might not be qualified for the tasks on the battleship.

So he ordered the reorganization of the ship’s artillery squad, especially to ensure the operation of the heavy artillery on the lower gun deck.

The 32-pounder is so powerful that everyone is using it. As long as the 32-pounder can fire, the pagans will not dare to be so rampant.

As for the other artillery, it is necessary to ensure that one side of the artillery is used by the previous artillery squad. In other words, the artillery squad on both sides used to be complete, but now only one side of the artillery can be fired by a skilled artillery squad.

As a last resort, 5 experienced gunners and 5 new gunners are mixed together and divided into two groups. It is very likely that both groups can not shoot well, and a group of experienced gunners and a group of new gunners will at least one group of guns be able to shoot. rolling.

The officers and soldiers are eating, and they are also eating hard biscuits. All the navies in the world eat hard biscuits when they are out of land supplies. It is the head of the red hair fan. After that, all ships from the West to the East eat hard biscuits. Up.

But hard biscuits are good and bad. The best biscuits are from the Southeast, and they are produced by state-owned enterprises. The quality is excellent. If there is a quality accident, the factory director will go to a military court.

Therefore, the hard biscuits in the southeast countries have enough sugar and milk, depending on the type, they are mixed with various nuts. They taste good. There are often new products coming out, and there are many types. Anyway, they change patterns to make the officers and soldiers eat happily, so they are produced in the southeast. Hard biscuits even have a market in the society. People who eat hard biscuits find it delicious!

The southeastern country’s wealth is strong, and the hard biscuits are wrapped in tin foil, which is not susceptible to moisture and is convenient to carry on warships.

As for the hard biscuits produced by sambal and Ottoman, the flour is mostly, milk and sugar are rare, and they are hard enough to be used as bricks. Right now, the Baotou guys are chewing hard.

Therefore, in order to sail across the world, you actually have to have a pair of steel teeth---to bite hard biscuits, and a good stomach---to drink the stinky water on the boat.

Of course, no matter how bitter it is, the sir. Nihat Pasha and the officers ate special biscuits with a lot of sugar and milk. Even the biscuits they ate were not as good as the ordinary sailors in the Southeastern country!

What's more, the sailors in the southeast have dried meat, jam, toffee, and all the soldiers have clean water to make tea or other drinks.

On the ships of Hong Maofan and Osman, this kind of enjoyment belongs to the senior officers.

In contrast, it is obvious that the officers and soldiers of the Southeast Fleet resurrected with blood after eating, and the Baotou men who gritted their teeth and fought with the Chinese, and then gnashed their teeth and biscuits, felt even more tired.

Of course, this kind of contrast is "God’s vision." Nihat Pasha can’t see it. He came out after enjoying a round of feast in his VIP cabin, taking it for granted that he would be able to interact with what he eats. The pagan is on his liver.

He used his binoculars to observe the enemy's situation, and he saw the hateful heretics busy on the poles, on the sails and on the bulwarks. They were repairing the battleship!

Look carefully at The "Golden Devil" (the Baotou's awe of Siresma's flagship) battleship seems to have no scars under their repairs. How long is this?

Nihat Pasha's little joy was missing before, and he hated it, and he was helpless!

The financial difficulties of the Ottoman Empire made it impossible to hire ship repairers, and the materials for ship repairs were not available!

Sudan bought warships, invited sailors, and then it was gone!

If the infidels were to repair all the warships, there would be no need to fight this battle, so Nihat Pasha immediately ordered the fleet to turn into the offensive!

With the roar of artillery and the flames of war again, Nihat Pasha lost his blood. He sent four cruisers to the "golden devil" in the form of a death squad. When they got close, they tried to show up, and the flames came from the four ships Rising from his body and spreading rapidly, the Baotou guy sent an arson boat!

Moving forward with fierce bullets, they are like four evil wolves, intent on devouring the most vicious forward flagship of the Southeast Fleet!

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