The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1771: Istanbul Surprise

Ah, Istanbul!

A thousand-year-old city across Asia and Europe!

It is also the only city in the world where the Christian and Christian empires were once established here.

In the eyes of Westerners, it represents the mystery of the East.

In the eyes of the Easterners, it represents a distant conquest.

Located at the eastern end of the Balkan Peninsula, on the west bank of the southern port of the Bosphorus. Strangling the entrance to the Black Sea and serving as a hub for transportation in Europe and Asia, its strategic position is extremely important.

In 330 AD, Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire here. At first it was called New Rome, but soon became known by the name of its founder Constantine—Constantinople (also translated as Constantinople). Dinburgh). In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was divided into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, and Constantinople became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the following thousand years, Constantinople steadily resisted the invasion of various barbarians until it was conquered in 1453. It was captured and became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

At that time, the king of the Roman Empire regarded this place as New Rome, and Rome has 7 mountains, which is similar. Among them, 6 mountains are along the Golden Horn, and 1 is lonely to the southwest. Most of these mountains have flat tops, but the slopes are quite steep. There are about 40 scenic spots and historic sites distributed in 7 mountains.

The first mountain has the St. Sophia Church, St. Irene Church, Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Ahmed III Fountain, Color Brick Pavilion, Topkapi Palace, Marmara Waterfront City Wall.

The second mountain has the Nuru Ottoman Mosque, the Fire Pillar, and the indoor market.

The third mountain has the Laleli Mosque and the Valence Water Channel.

There are Fatih Mosque and Old Imalite Mosque on the fourth mountain.

On the Fifth Mountain, there are Gule Mosque and St. Mary's Church of Mongolia.

The sixth mountain has the Kariye Mosque, the Adria Fort Gate, and the Palace of Constantine.

The Seventh Hill has the Seven Towers Fort and the Imrahor Mosque (that is, St. John’s Church in Staudion).

The downtown business district is very prosperous. The ancient indoor bazaar on the south bank of the Golden Horn is one of the few giant indoor markets in the world. Founded in 1461, it has been expanded several times later, covering an area of ​​30,000 square meters. Opened on 8 sides, there are 4000 shops, 20 inns and 65 streets and lanes, and there is a lot of traffic and people every day.

The museums, churches, mosques, palaces, markets and wonderful natural scenery it possesses will make people linger.

Prosperous like a dream, like a dream like an illusion, this is the capital of the gods!

Once upon a time, the people of Istanbul were very energetic. From 1453, when the Ottoman Empire crossed the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, one after another victory glorified the ancient capital for thousands of years. One of the core of the world, when the sultan was angry, Baipi was shocked, the pope couldn't sleep, and the group of chiefs bowed their heads.

But today, the empire is setting sun!

A terrible news came out. After the Chinese from the East captured Egypt and Syria, they occupied Cyprus again!

Cyprus guards the maritime routes of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and its strategic position is very important. It is the land of the Ottoman Empire—an important barrier to Asia Minor. Once it falls, the coast of Asia Minor will be exposed to the pagans in the East. At the same time, The pagans in the East used this island as a springboard, attacking the coast of Asia Minor at a distance, and crossing the Bosphorus Strait to Istanbul at a distance.

The ocean cannot be fortified. Why did the Chinese stop after they got Syria? Because the Ottomans fortified the upper layers of the road to Istanbul, building double walls, Tibetan soldiers' shelters, sotters, bunkers and deep moats, A large number of destroyer regiments and artillery were also assembled. If the Chinese dared to come, they would have to pay a heavy price.

Therefore, as strong as the Chinese, they had to stop in Syria.

Now that the Chinese are here, their invincible fleet that has defeated the Whiteskins in Asia and the Indian Ocean appears in the Mediterranean. How is this possible!

"How is this possible!" In Topkapi Palace, the young Sultan Muhammad IV said in amazement: "How could a Chinese battleship appear in the Mediterranean and defeat our fleet in Cyprus?"

Because of the fall of Cyprus, he called the important ministers to discuss countermeasures. The magnificent scenery of the Bosphorus can be seen from their location. The beauty is current, but the monarchs are frowning.

"Could it be that they are a repeat of the incident in the Golden Horn?" Mohammed IV guessed that he was very clear about the conquest of the Golden Horn in 1453. The Golden Horn was a sea area on the side of Constantinople. Tantinburg’s defenses in that area were weak, but there were chains on the Golden Horn, and the Ottoman warships could not retreat, so they bought the Genoese garrison who was stationed at the Galatian Fortress on the other side of the Golden Horn. The Genoese did not fight with the Ottomans. The Ottomans laid wooden boards and greased the ground overnight, and used a lot of manpower to drag the warship to the Golden Horn, attack Constantinople, and let the defenders lose sight of the other. Tantinburg fell.

It is reasonable to think, but it is impossible to realize it. It is possible to tow ordinary ships on land, but it is impossible to tow battleships.

Karzai Pasha, who is in charge of military affairs, reported: "The Chinese opened the Suez Canal, opened the canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, and their battleships are here!"

"Ah!" Everyone was stunned.

The Chinese completed such a large project in three years, which is incredible!

In fact, the Chinese still know about the construction of the canal, but they don’t believe that the Chinese can succeed so quickly. They ignore the capabilities of the infrastructure madman.

"They built the canal and drove the battleship across the Mediterranean. They had many battleships, so our fleet was defeated!" Karzai Pasha said solemnly.

"This is really a plan that can't keep up with the changes!" Da Vizierkoplulu Pasha said helplessly.

Everyone nodded in understanding, and to be honest, the Grand Vizier tried his best to plan for the empire, strengthen the domestic army, repair the city, and prepare for the war, and make full preparations.

Foreign countries did not hesitate to put down their figure, fight with their former enemies, and get a lot of silver dollars from Baipi to arm the Ottoman Empire. He has done a lot of work, but he never expected that the Chinese were so capable.

"Our fleet was defeated. Only the battleship'Imperial City Wall' returned to the port of Famagusta City for repairs due to a malfunction. When the Chinese battleship formation arrived, its captain Diaedin served as the main guard of the city. The danger of the city of Magusta was very difficult for us to fight back then, but the number of people in China broke the city!" Karzai Pasha has a lot of information, but the more he talks, the more the monarchs and courtiers feel about the Chinese. The fear is getting worse.

"There is an insider in the city, the inside should be combined with the outside!" Vizier Eshim Pasha, who has visited the city of Famagusta and inspected the city's defenses, coldly He knows the city's defenses are strong and thinks that the opponent is not If you can break the city with a hard attack, you must have used a bad trick.

"That's right!" Karzai Pasha sighed, reinvigorating his spirit and said after the defeat: "Someone opened the city gate and let the Chinese in. The city of Famagusta fell."

"But the other cities are also very strong, and there are not always rapes, right?" Someone said unconvincedly.

Karzai Pasha said: "The Chinese used the seal of the city of Famagusta to mobilize soldiers and horses from all over to relieve the siege. They set up an ambush on the way, and many of our troops disappeared. Live, they finally captured Cyprus!"

"Ah, **** it!" The monarchs were extremely angry.

"Zhou Qing, do you have a good strategy to deal with the pagans in the East?" the young sultan asked.

Everyone's eyes were cast on Da Vizier Koplulu Pasha, but this time even Koplulu Pasha, who has the reputation of "skilled soldier", felt extremely troublesome!

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