The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1813: I am the protagonist

With the surrender of the four Spanish battleships, there is no suspense about the outcome of this naval battle.

Cabot’s prediction was correct. He returned to his ship. Several guys, such as Chief of Staff Mr. David, General Cheng Yu, Kostit and others, sent small boats to him. On the congratulatory document, he said that seeing his heroic posture from the binoculars, he rushed from the left to the right to kill, and he played well. This is the case with my Chinese admiral!

But between the lines, there was a lot of laughter, and we should tell the meaning of "the show was really wonderful." Cabot laughed at himself: "Okay, let them show you enough. I hope they are satisfied. Give them. Reply, saying that they haven't paid any rewards yet, tell them to get the money!"

He was uncomfortable all over, and the dried blood made him look like a shell, but fortunately he was wearing a training uniform instead of a expensive admiral's dress.

He simply removed his blood suit on the deck, wearing only a trousers, and let his subordinates wash himself in sea water.

Soon the guys sent a small boat to deliver the paperwork, condemning him for being shameless, and showing the fruit in public in broad daylight! !

Cabot, the red hair fan, had studied Chinese history. He asked the staff on the ship to reply: "I use heaven and earth as buildings, and houses as outfits. Why do all the monarchs enter my outfit?" Bastard guy.

This allusion comes from Liu Ling, the "seven sages of the bamboo forest" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At that time, Liu Ling was very shameless, and when he was scolded in public, he said that, saying that everyone stayed in his clothes.

Cabot was able to speak out. It seems that the promotion of Chinese studies in our army is in place. After receiving his reply, Mr. David told Yan Changwu about this, and Yan Changwu couldn't help but smile!

After winning the battle, Yan Changwu commented on his merits and rewards. In addition to the rewards given in accordance with the provisions, an additional 10,000 silver dollars was awarded to the battleship "Kolkata" and the partner battleship "Southeast Asia 63". He also issued a personal award in his own name. Give three thousand silver dollars each to Zhang Jing, who has contributed to intercepting the Spanish fleet, and Cabot, who is effective in persuading the surrender, to be happy!

The flagship sent a signal, and each ship sent a representative to the flagship. Of course, each ship obeyed the order and sent the deputy captain to board the traffic boat according to the previous system.

Soon they came back, some happy, some depressed.

The first news brought back was: Our army is no longer fighting, withdraw!

According to the words of the high-level participants who held the meeting on the flagship: "We have defeated the red hair fan, and we have achieved our goal. We don't fight anymore, retreat!"

This time I did a good job. I worked on an expedition and defeated the battleship formations of the two great white-skinned nations, captured four battleships, achieved the first stage of combat goals, and boosted the morale of our army!

Look at the ranks, the four battleships seem to be few in number.

I don't know when the enemy will come again, so if our army sees it well, we will accept it and withdraw to Cyprus.

The news is good!

Hearing the first news that came back, the captains were all happy, because returning to Cyprus, they can carry out the great cause of squatting in Hong Kong, which is a happy thing.

In fact, the captains of the world are not happy to sail. It is more comfortable to stay in the port, beautiful women, wine and coffee. The data shows that the more comfortable the dock, the longer the time in the port. At the Nordic terminal, the average naval employee spends 37% of the time in the port, and in the sunny Mediterranean, this figure is 57%.

Similarly, the Southeast Fleet arrived in the Mediterranean. Everyone felt that the place was really good, much better than Southeast Asia. It was warm in winter and cool in summer. As long as you return to Cyprus, you will have a lot of opportunities to hang out in Hong Kong and eat well. It is definitely better than eating outside. storm.

The second news made the captains jump up.

"What, you said that you are drawing lots for the flagship concentration? Those who are drawn can go ashore to Idali to do ‘trading’?"

"Ah, one in five, you got it? Hahaha!"

"Oh my God, you didn't get the draw?! Well, I would have known that I would let the chief of staff to the flagship draw, and his luck has always been good!"

The captains are really happy and sad. The flagship will gather the representatives of the ships to draw lots. If they are drawn, they can be transferred to be pirates and grab people and goods on the Italian turf!

Don't grab white, don't grab!

Yan Changwu believes that Baipi is a beast, fearing power but not virtue. The original saying is "Yidi, a beast, fearing power but not virtue."

The four-character idiom is fearful of might and ethics, and it comes out of "Zizhi Tongjian", Tang Taizong's language.

Translated, in a nutshell-barbarians, just like animals, only know that they are afraid of violence but do not know how to be grateful. Yi Di refers to the ethnic minorities around China in ancient times.

Don't be nice to them, hurt them, it's right to rob them, it's wrong not to rob them.

For such a good thing, it is not good to give it to anyone. The back of the hand and the palm are all fleshy. With Yan Changwu's atmosphere, everyone is asked to draw lots.

Winner: "Hahaha!"

For those who fail to draw: "Welcome to come again next time!"

Generally speaking, the army cannot looting places casually. After all, it is to be famous. Even the generals in charge have the same scruples. Now they are in power and want the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain, but when they lose their power, they will be used by those who are interested. As an excuse, it's hard to say, naming the ginseng strictly, then it will be a big trouble for the upper body.

Today’s decision is to attack the Italian place, so there is no charge for it!

As for fear of ruining your reputation?

Yan Changwu sneered, I am a pirate who I am afraid of, what I do is exactly what a pirate should do.


"Hahahaha!" Cabot, who was once an actor to show others a lot of stuff, looked at the battleship formation behind him on his ship "Kolkata". He was so satisfied that he couldn't help but laugh wildly.

Luck can't stop anything. When it comes to pirates in Italy, ordinary captains must draw lots, and generals must also draw lots. Who decides to lead the lottery.

It can be seen that this team leader is the big money-making corner. Half of the robbed items belong to the navy, and the other half is divided into the team members. The principle of the distribution of the spoils is the captain. As the direct party to the seizure of the spoils, it is divided into four points. one. Fleet commander, as the upper-level leader of the captain ~ ~ has a good leadership, one-eighth. The rest is divided among other soldiers.

Wait a minute, one-eighth of all warships must be paid to the fleet commander, and one-eighth of each ship must be paid to the commander-in-chief who leads the team. And he, Cabot has become this time to Italy. The commander of the autumn wind!

He won this good lot. In addition to his ships, there are 20 battleships, 20 cruise ships to move with him, and 20 transport ships ready to carry things for him.

In fact, Cabot drawn by the lottery is considered to be a good use. He is not too old, and he joined the Southeast Army early. However, when he was a teenager when he did not join the Southeast Army, what he did was those who had no capital. Trading, so after accepting the task, he immediately integrated his troops and set off immediately.

The first point of being a pirate: hurry!

The world of martial arts is not broken, and so is pirates. Riding on the new defeat of the White Fleet, the news has not been completely spread, and immediately dispatched, crossing the Messina Strait between Sicily and the European continent, and going straight to Naples on the Apennine Peninsula. City, where there are money, and some beautiful women, no need to do more, the harvest of a city can get 20 transport ships!

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