The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1894: An army of Baotou guys arrives

Mr. David is an authentic English red-haired fan, blonde foreign devil, like a fake replacement.

But this man is an out-and-out egg man. He is good at Chinese traditional studies. He can memorize the Four Books and Five Classics back and forth, not to mention quoting the classics, and he can make good Chinese poems.

For example, he once wrote "The Mid-Autumn Festival in the Battlefield", which said: "The war is overwhelming and the West is fighting, the waves and the sea are surging, and the athletes fight for the blood of the Turk-jue, and the chieftain is smiling at the moon." "Wan Shou Zhao All Army Generals Congratulations", said: 30 years of dreaming back to Beijing, year after year national fortune and long prosperous, there is no language to meet today, I hope people are like Qi Jiguang! "

Its ability is like this! He also administers history. He hoped that the imperial court would give him an ambassador to "concurrently study the history of the country". He did get it, but it was just a nickname, because he led the army abroad for a long time. It has greatly enriched the national history and war history of the southeastern countries, as well as the history of foreign countries. Every time he went, he would pursue the previous history. For example, he had studied a lot of history in Egypt and Syria.

Therefore, Mr. David is quite familiar with Chinese and foreign history. He believes that Yan Changwu has the Saladin style in Arab history. A generation of heroes Saladin captured Egypt and Syria. In addition to military power, he also had his dinar. When he entered Syria, In Damascus, he took fifty thousand dinars and sent out all the money. He did not encounter any resistance. A large number of Damascus defenders joined his team on the way and spent a lot of money in order to arrange Damascus.

The same is true now, when Adana City returned, Yan Changwu offered hundreds of thousands of silver dollars without frowning.

Mr. David and Yan Changwu are in good tune. They think that high firepower and bribery are the only ways to deal with Baotou guys. Well done!

"Saladin has captured the Holy Land Jerusalem, maybe Yan Changwu can occupy Constantinople!" Mr. David muttered.

Constantinople is known as the "City of Thousand Years" and has a very strong historical significance. Once it is occupied, it will be an unworldly achievement. Now the Chinese are marching towards Constantinople under the leadership of Yan Changwu!

Yan Changwu entered the city of Adana and saw a scene of devastation. The people were panicked all day long. They showed great pity and announced that they would give each one hundred catties of flour, one can of cooking oil, one catty of salt and three catties of sugar in the city!

So he won the hearts of the military and the people, Babel Pasha led the crowd to swear allegiance to Yan Changwu, absolutely no two-hearted!


Adana City is tentatively set, and the Baotou's army is about to be killed!

According to the intelligence and scouts from various places, the Baotou guys raised 500,000 troops, led by the Great Vizier Koplulu Faqier Pasha, to counter the Chinese invasion.

The momentum is huge, but from the top to the bottom, there is not enough confidence.

The title of "Pasha" of Little Coplulu Fakir Pasha was cut off, and was regained because of leading the army to fight, but there can only be a handful of honour guards with a horsetail, which is twice as good as the veteran Pasha in the army. Pinch of ponytail.

With so many troops, only the Sudan or the Grand Vizier can command. When the Sudan did not come, the junior Coplulu had to reluctantly.

The Baotou guys should have come long ago. The Chinese attacked Asia Minor. No matter which city they lost in Longxing, it would be painful.

In fact, they also made preparations, but encountered great difficulties.

Since last year, various parts of the Ottoman Empire have suffered droughts and poor harvests, resulting in insufficient grain stocks in various places. In some places, only one-half of the grain in previous years has been stored, and in some places it is one-third.

The influence of the loss of Egypt is reflected. In the past, Egypt was a granary as far as the Roman Empire and as close as the Ottoman Empire. With the supply of Egyptian food, the empire can be stable.

In the current years of war, the Ottomans have no talent for farming, and a large number of males have joined the army. They have to build cities, mining, smelting and other labor-intensive industries. Agriculture is deeply affected. The harvest is reduced.

Little Coplulu Fakir Pasha finally assembled a large army, accumulated a batch of rations, and then led them out.

The forefront of the army is the Crimean archer, with about 20,000 people. This cavalry is from the Crimean Khanate, capable of fighting, using sabers in close combat, firing arrows in long-range attacks, and extremely mobile.

But as soon as they fought with the Chinese, they found that they could not eat cheaply.

The musket phalanx formed by the Chinese army firmly resisted the cavalry attack.

Before the Crimean archers approached, they encountered the rifled rifle. When they approached, they had their own shotgun attacks and spears blocking.

The lost archers did not give up, like a nasty fly circling the Chinese, trying to find a chance.

Generally speaking, in ancient times, cavalry had natural advantages in fighting infantry. It is not uncommon for infantry with weak willpower to collapse when encountering cavalry.

For example, in the Ming Dynasty, when the Ming army encountered Tatar or Mongol cavalry, or the current situation when the white skin encountered the Baotou cavalry, it was almost always a one-sided slaughter.

However, the Chinese musket phalanx made any cavalry stunned. They dare to fight and have the ability to attack from a distance. How can this cavalry win!

After several consecutive attacks, the cavalry lost a thousand horses, and the infantry only died a hundred, and the battle could not go on.

There were only infantry against infantry. Baotou guys swarmed with a large number of infantrymen, trying to bully fewer people with more people, while the Chinese retreated to the rear, resisting each other, and taking cover alternately.

They bombarded the Baotou guy with intensive bullets, so that the Baotou guy couldn't get close, and the gunshots kept roaring all day.

Originally this way of playing is the most ammunition, but the Chinese retreat along the coast, they have sea supplies!

The advantage of shipping is this. To open the way with firepower, none of Baotou's troops want to carry them hard.

On the one hand, the ammunition of the Chinese seems to be endless. On the other hand, Baotou Lao’s military system has shown its drawbacks. Many troops do not belong to the country and belong to If the loss is too great, the tribe will fall, so they don’t want to fight hard. , Then gift the Chinese out of the country.

As we headed towards the city of Adana, the resilience of the Chinese army was revealed. Once the Baotou guys attacked fiercely and rushed from the left to the right, the Chinese chose to retreat to avoid their edge.

They built a large number of fortifications, consuming Baotou's offensive posture.

But when the Baotou guy's offensive slackened slightly, the Chinese were like maggots attached to bones, entangled in the shadows, especially good at night harassment and morning assault tactics.

Today, Baotou went ten miles, and tomorrow Baotou went back five li, just like that, he kept Baotou guys out of the city for eleven days.

In addition, the army responsible for the siege took the city of Adana within ten days, and everyone completed the mission of the military warrant.

When Baotou came to the outskirts of Adana, what he saw was the rising mountain and star flag of the city, and what he heard was the surrender of Babel Pasha and Burhan Pasha.

So the Baotou guys were shocked!

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