The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1895: Ways to defeat the Chinese

Some knowledgeable Baotou know that the defenses of Adana City are extremely strong. It is called "Little Istanbul", which is used to describe how strong its defenses are.

How many days have it been, I have been conquered!

Two Pasha surrendered!

There was also the fall of Iskenderun and the main general Abdul Wahid was killed.

The bad news flooded in, making Baotou feel suffocated.

In the golden military tent, before sitting alone in the case, the Great Vizier and the young Coplulu silently thought about his thoughts.

He was not reconciled, not reconciled to the future tragic fate of the Ottoman Empire, and not reconciled to the future experience of the Coplulu family.

In such a big battle, Sudan did not personally conquer it, which clearly shows that Sudan itself is not optimistic about the outcome of such a war!

The Sultans of the Ottoman Empire have always been war madmen, wishing that the enemy country was like a person, let him wield a Turkish machete to chop off their heads.

If the war is easy to win, Sudan will definitely come.

He was absent from this battle and was presided over by the Grand Vizier. Once defeated, the Grand Vizier assumed responsibility for the defeat, which meant that the Koplulu family was completely unlucky!

Think about his father Coplulu’s hard work, and finally got the position of Grand Vizier, and at the cost of his own life, let his son inherit Grand Vizier. He has not yet been hot, has not yet made a big picture. Facing the outcome of defeat.

No, I will never accept such a fate!

Little Coplulu roared wildly in his heart, feeling bitter in his mouth, this battle is not easy to fight.

Thinking of a good strategy for breaking the enemy, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, I just find it extremely tricky!

The voice of the guard disturbed him, and the guard said: "Sneijder Ahmed Pasha and Van der Velbey ask to see you!"

Little Coplulu lifted up his spirits: "Please come in!"

Sneijder Ahmed Pasha is an important ally and his lieutenant. Van der Weerbey is the DD of Coplulu Jr. and is now the official position of Bey.

The two came in, Sneijder Ahmed Pasha's full-faced beard, his face was serious, gray, and a little tired, while Van der Velbey was young and lively, unable to appreciate the other two. Heavy heart.

They saluted the Grand Vizier, and Little Coplulu raised his hand and said, "Sit down!"

After sitting down, Little Coplulu asked Sneijd Pasha first: "You tell me the situation!"

Sneijd Pasha said solemnly: "The Chinese have an obvious strategy, which is to defend and counterattack. They have completely reduced their forces and built solid fortifications. Hundreds of thousands of people rely on the fortifications and are not eager to attack. We attack!"

Van der Wilbey felt the depression when he spoke, because he walked along the Chinese camp with a quick horse and felt extraordinary pressure.

The Chinese are already crowded, their fortifications are well built, and they have enough ammunition, and they are not afraid of death!

"Their king is in the army!" Little Coplulu couldn't help but say.

Well, no matter what the king is, at least the morale can be compared. Now that people have come out of the king, and the Baotou guy has come out of Vizier, it really can't be compared.

How can this battle be fought!

The two Pashas knew the enemy well, and Van der Velbey couldn't help but sighed: "We Ottomans have never seen any enemies. Even the Chinese can defeat them. After all, we have half a million people! "

He moved with the army, but he saw cars like dragons and horses like water, crowds like tides, and extremely powerful.

The current morale is still very high, so he is confident, and what he wants more is to get the title of Pasha in this battle.

His elder brother is the chief general and has the ability to take care of his family.

If the two sides fight a battle, even if they have lost 200,000 people, they will be able to recover 100,000 people. Then continue to conscript the army, come one million more, I Ottoman has no shortage of people!

As a big empire, there is really some capital.

But Sned Pasha gave him a blow, and he asked: "You can speak Greek, do you understand Greek myths?"

Van der Velbey gave Sneijder Pasha a positive answer, so Sneijder Pasha told him: "Unless their shipping can be cut off, the Chinese will be Antai!"

Hearing what he said, Van der Wilbey was in a trance.

Antai, the son of the goddess of the earth Gaia and the sea **** Poseidon, these two great gods are good enough to break, give birth to a son Antai is infinitely powerful, as long as he touches the ground, he can get infinite power from his mother, yes Invincible.

Until Hercules, the most powerful human hero in Greek mythology, fought with him and discovered the invincible secret of Antai, Hercules lifted Antai in the air, making it impossible for him to take advantage of him, thus killing Antai.

Now Sneijder Pasha says that the Chinese are Antai and they are not invincible. The question is how can Baotou deal with the Chinese navy? ! If they cannot defeat the Chinese battleship formations, they will not be able to cut off the Chinese sea, and they will be able to replenish them by sea and obtain endless power!

The news of the first Sino-European naval battle in Sicily has already let Baotou guys know that the Chinese used hundreds of battleships to defeat the European coalition forces and shocked Baotou guys.

Hundreds of battleships, my God!

It’s unthinkable for the Baotou guys, because Baotou doesn’t have that much money, nor so many sailors, and it’s impossible to have a first-tier or even a second-tier battleship, at most a third-tier battleship, and the number is only 20. , I have exhausted all my strength to form it.

Not to mention cutting off the Chinese sea, it would be good to be able to hold the strait.

"The Crimean cavalry has cut off the road between them and Syria..." Little Koplulu said.

Of course, there is a hairy use!

The Chinese rely on the navy instead of land transportation. Even if Syria is defeated, it will not affect the advancing army. Moreover, the Syrian region has been fortified, and the light of Chinese infrastructure madness is shining in has indestructible fortifications. Baotou did not dare to attack before, and now he cannot attack Syria.

"Then, I don't believe that we can't beat them!" Van der Wilbey gritted his teeth and suggested: "We insist until winter, if it snows, the Chinese will withdraw their troops if they are not frozen."

"What a great idea!" Little Coplulu smiled wryly: "I'm afraid that if they don't retreat, we will collapse."

"Because we only have enough food for one month!" He told a terrible fact, which made Van der Wilbey completely wilted!

Beginning last year, the Ottoman Empire suffered a severe drought. Until this year, the amount of rain was still low, the crops failed, and another 500,000 troops were dispatched. The daily cost of food was huge, and it was difficult to receive aid from various regions. Before the battle, there was already a possibility of food shortage.

But without dispatching so many people, 500,000 people came, and only the same 500,000 troops, or they could live in the enemy, without so many people, even the qualifications for dialogue!

Little Coplulu is facing various unfavorable circumstances and wants to fight the Chinese. Can he turn the tide? !

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