The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1919: Baotou

There are no high mountains on the seashore, mostly hills and hills. This main peak is only more than 300 meters high, but it has already covered all the ground, and the situation on it is clearly visible.

The Chinese people looked up one after another, and two large flags were erected on the top of the mountain, one is the five-claw golden dragon flag, which represents the visit of Yan Changwu today!

Those with eyesight and those with binoculars all saw Yan Changwu's figure.

The other big flag is the pirate skull-crossbones flag, with a skull-crossbones on top of the two crossed human bones.

This flag is the highest battle flag in the army. When this flag comes out, it shows that there is advancement or retreat, and there is no enemy!

If you don't win a full victory, you will never accept!

Here today!

The skull-crossbones flag is bright!

The founding monarch appeared and opened the aura of invincibility. The Chinese who had always been conservative and introverted suddenly fell into a rage and turned into berserkers. They fiercely killed the Baotou guy. Just now, the Baotou guy beat the Chinese to hold their heads. The situation turned upside down.

Naturally, the Baotou guy also refused to give in. The battle was very fierce, and the Baotou guy fought tenaciously and refused to give in!

One side has a strong religious belief in his heart (although it is a bit shaken, but the blessing of the Grand Vizier has made the belief firm), the other side has a fearless heroic spirit, relying on more and more numbers and superior firepower, two Fang started a desperate struggle!

After an hour of fighting, when the stalemate was still in stalemate, the Danube Regiment, which had previously shown great power, fell over its flag, its soldiers fell, and its position was lost!

Li Chengdong, who was flaunting the word "Lee" in the wind, fluttered in the wind, fighting hard until he got cramps and was unable to carry a mace. Li Chengdong, who had to use a big knife and shield, came forward in surprise and said: "My home, come here. Up!"

"Yes, I'm here, leave it to me!" a hearty voice came.

Under the command of the handsome character, a member of the generals is brave and heroic. It is Li Laiheng of the Fourth Army who led the three members of Hao Yaoqi, Ma Chongxi, and Xu Yong to help!

In the battle between China and the Ottoman Empire, the Fourth Army was ordered to move forward and join the battle group, while their defense areas were handed over to the newly transferred troops from India.

Li Laiheng is one of the best Chinese heroes. He has resisted the Tatars and made great contributions in the war of opening up and expanding China. It is great that he can join the battle!

The officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army hit the Danube Legion hard like a tiger.

The Baotou guys yelled, screamed, and tried their best to resist, while the Chinese rushed and shouted one after another, quickly opening the breakthrough under the leadership of various generals.

Li Laiheng rode a chestnut-colored war horse, braving the howling bullets and flying shrapnel, leading the team to rush forward, draped in all directions.

He almost chased the bombs thrown by the armored grenadiers. They dropped the bombs and caused a deafening noise. The sky was shaking, and the Danube regiment seemed to rise to the sky with the smoke and fire. Li Laiheng, who came from there, seemed to have entered the land of no one, leading the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army to kill the Baotou guy to a river of blood.

The Titan Hao Yaoqi is here, holding a bone in his hand, sweeping the exhausted Baotou guy all the way, like sweeping garbage!

The brave general was like this, the soldiers ran out of their lives, the Baotou guy was defeated and retreated to the hill of the second line of defense. The Chinese caught up with the hill and regained the second line of defense!

However, Baotou guys never give up easily. If you have a new force, I don't have a new force?

The Grand Vizier eagerly mobilized the new force behind, organized them to launch a counter-charge, and launched a desperate struggle with the Chinese.

The two sides are caught in a deadly, stiff battle, and one will not end unless one falls.

In the fiercely fighting hill, "it is already a mountain of human flesh". Every time the fight is repeated, all parties have left corpses here, layer after layer.

"In that position, the soil can't be dug down. Every shovel is not soil, but dead people. The soldiers can't build fortifications, so they pile up the relatively complete Baotou man's corpses and several corpses. The soldiers lie on their backs. On the dead body, shot and dropped bombs at the enemy.

We fought on the side of the corpse, ate dry food, drank water... Just after that summer, the autumn tigers raged, and a few miles away from the position, the smell was smoked, and when we arrived at that place, people had no sense of smell. That maggot crawled everywhere... This is really an unforgettable memory. "Xue Ziwen, the former combat staff officer of the Fourth Army, recalled thirty years later.

Although the age is far away, Xue Ziwen remembers it very clearly, because he once used the body of Baotou guy as a desk to write and write, and the body fluid leaked out and soaked the book. Later, he turned in the book.

I don't feel stinky, because there is stinky everywhere, except for the smell of corpses, and the choking smell of gunpowder smoke is so strong that it doesn't seem to dissipate at all, making people feel insensitive.

What makes Xue Ziwen's memory as new is that he smoked cigars since that day. Think about it, if you don't smoke cigarettes in such a smelly environment, you can't stay there anymore.

Xue Ziwen's cigarettes just ran out, but the military industry did not send new cigarettes up, and just met the Fifth Army's troops to reinforce. Xue Ziwen is very fortunate to be a hometown with the Fifth Army's cigar guest Dou Fame, and Dou Fame never lacks cigars. In addition to smoking, he has the money to smoke, and from time to time there is a reward today --- today there is a list, and he often gives gifts to his celebrities, and the best cigars are given to Dou Mingwang. Let him smoke. After all, he has Ma Bian to carry cigarettes for him.

Xue Ziwen boldly greeted Dou Mingwang in his native dialect, and Dou Mingwang threw him a pack of ten cigars. Since then, he has smoked cigars.

"I smoked the cigar, and I ran out of money!" Xue Ziwen, who was lying in a rocking chair in the rest room, smiled to the reporter.

The two armies broke the ground, and the sky was covered with a bleak blood!

When the battle is in full swing, Yan Changwu's golden flag and pirate skull-crossbones flag move forward!

He dispatched a reserve team, the whole army pressed on!

The spear is like a forest, covering the sky and the The armor is like a mirror, shining brightly.

All the Chinese people were excited. They took out ten times the combat effectiveness and turned to a full-scale offensive.

The Baotou guys roared and fought hard, and their Grand Vizier also moved forward the three-pinches of ponytail flags that represented the majesty, trying to compete with the Chinese king.

However, the Chinese were dispatched by the head of the country, and the Baotou men dispatched by the ministers. Although the ministers are also very talented, the ministers are the ministers.

The generals of the leader of the country have belonged to the leader for a long time, knowing that he said one thing, surrendered to him, or feared three points, so the order was forbidden, and the burst of power far exceeded that of Baotou.

Grand Vizier had to retreat his three pinches of ponytail flags because the Baotou guy couldn't hold it.

He watched the victory go away with the wind. The Chinese not only defended the second line of defense, but boldly stepped forward and took back the first line of defense!

The Baotou guy had a hard time and didn't know who was busy, and finally ended up with a tragic ending.

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