The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1949: Gentlemen's Agreement in the Desert

Commander Uyigul of Yarkand who was watching the battle in the heights of the gorge couldn't help but his face was ashen!

He saw that the army was working very hard to launch an offensive. However, the Ming army gathered the team to form a circular line of defense. The iron briers they threw effectively blocked the cavalry's attack. The cavalry could not enter the Ming army's infantry array, but was accused. Relying on the "War Horse Guard Wall," the army defeated one after another, and the formation of the cavalry became thinner.

Some stray cavalry bravely walked over to find the Ming army to fight. The Ming army stopped him with a bayonet, and the soldiers behind fired and knocked down the Yeerqiang.

Uyghur never expected that the ambush he had spent so much time devising would be like this. He held a hope that his subordinates would be more vigorous.

None of the Yerqiangs could inflict heavy casualties on the Ming army. On the contrary, they were unable to do well in the battle with the Ming army, and more and more people fell.

There are several fierce brothers trying to set off an offensive frenzy. They wore heavy armors and used iron shields.

In the end, Uygur ordered a retreat!

Ming Jun fired at their distant back and cheered vigorously!

The young soldiers were glad they were victorious and escaped.

Their chief Ma Jinzhong patrolled the team and greeted them: "Good fight!"

The soldiers happily said: "We withstood the enemy's attack!"

"Okay, okay!" Ma Jinzhong was very happy. He led the infantry to defeat the cavalry in Xinming, and if the infantry encountered the cavalry in the early Ming, it would be a one-sided slaughter.

The enemy fled, and the Ming army continued to advance towards Turpan.

The Turpan area is a desert zone with a hot climate, which put the Ming army in a severe test!

This area has long sunshine, high temperature, large temperature difference between day and night, little precipitation, and strong wind. It is called Huozhou and Wind Reservoir.

Needless to say, think about Flame Mountain, you have to ask Princess Iron Fan’s banana fan to cool down.

The Ming army was dispatched in April, and the temperature was fair, but they were sweaty when they walked around. If they didn't cover their body tightly, they would soon be tanned into black charcoal.

However, the Ming army as a whole has withstood the test. There are not many people suffering from heatstroke and even fewer deaths.

For this march, the Ming army specially conducted adaptive training!

People who know how to save water, find water, shade and treat heatstroke, have two kettles in their hands, make tea in water, carry a waterwheel for logistics, and are equipped with pills. The safeguards are still very effective.

And everyone cares about and takes care of each other. Officers are responsible to soldiers. If a unit suffers from heatstroke, it is the responsibility of officers and noncommissioned officers.

The imperial court is responsible for the military expenditures, and the Ministry of War is responsible for the supply of materials to ensure adequate supplies.

The common people send a young child to the army, and officers and noncommissioned officers have the responsibility to take care of them.

The relationship between the superiors and subordinates of the two Chinese armies is far better than that of the previous Ming Dynasty. The soldiers of the previous Ming Dynasty were inferior to the soldiers in the eyes of the officers, at least not as good as the family members.

Nowadays, both China and China have a welfare system. Local officials are responsible to the people. The imperial court requires loyalty, GDP and popular support for officials. It is difficult for officials who are unpopular to serve as officials.

This is the case for the civilian population, and the army is the same. Even the officers in the army should treat the soldiers well. Every year, there are assessments to examine the treatment of the officers to the soldiers.

Since the two Chinese military academies are set up, they are not afraid that there are no officers, and there are a large number of officers waiting for them. Therefore, the chief officers dare not violate the military discipline to be harsh on the soldiers.

The most important thing is that the information is good. On the calibrated map, get water according to the map, that's right!

Water is the most precious in the desert. It is obvious that the intelligence department of the Ming army has walked the route of the road, knowing the location of the water collection point clearly.

The water there is oasis water, karez water, well water, etc. Thank the enemy, they did not make a strong wall and clear the land, did not pour cow and sheep feces into the water source, and no water source was poisoned!

Later, I learned that the water in the desert is precious. If you do this, both the dead and the enemy will not only die of thirst, but you will also die of thirst!

There have been examples of this kind of incident. One party destroyed the water source and caused the other party to retaliate and destroy the water source everywhere. As a result, he had no water to drink, and eventually gave up the original site. Everyone lost both ends and the people were displaced.

Therefore, there is a gentleman's agreement between the various races in the desert, which is to not move the water source.

Especially Kanerjing!

The structure of the Kanerjing is roughly composed of a vertical shaft, an underground channel, a surface channel and a "waterlog dam" (small reservoir). The Bogda Mountain in the north of the Turpan Basin and the Karawucheng Mountain in the west. A large amount of snow and rain flow down the valley, seep into the Gobi, and converge into an undercurrent, providing a rich source of underground water for Karez.

People use the **** of the mountain to skillfully create karez to irrigate farmland with underground currents. The Kanerjing does not evaporate a lot of water due to the heat and strong wind, so the flow rate is stable and the artesian irrigation is guaranteed.

Turpan is one of the extremely arid regions in China. The annual precipitation is only 16 mm, and the evaporation can reach 3000 mm, which can be called the "dry pole" of China. However, Kanerjing transports water in underground culverts, which are not affected by seasons, wind and sand, with small evaporation and stable flow, and can be irrigated by gravity all year round.

It is extremely difficult to drill and maintain this quarry well. People engaged in this kind of work often suffer from this kind of disease, how can it be destroyed!

Once the water source is destroyed, it will take great effort to divert the water. After all, water is pervasive. When the water flows in one direction, it takes great effort to divert the water to another direction.

Therefore, the Ming army was not restricted in taking water from the Kanerjing area. At the same time, the Ming army also strictly required the soldiers not to damage or pollute the water sources, including the Kanerjing, and a dedicated person was responsible.

In this way, the Ming army complied with the gentleman's agreement and was able to march smoothly.

The Ming army entered the city of Turpan without cutting blood!

At this time, Turpan had a small population, not very large, and not many supplies.

The officers and soldiers who entered the city immediately bought out the raisins in the city!

The raisins produced here are very famous. The desert has strong sunlight, drought and little rain. The grapes produced have high sugar content. Some varieties of grapes are too much to eat. It is really sweet to you!

They put the grapes in the drying room and dried them into to eat or sell them by themselves. However, due to the inconvenience of transportation, people in the Central Plains rarely have the opportunity to eat the raisins here. As a result, these Ming soldiers have a good taste.

"Yeah, it tastes so good!" The officers and soldiers chewed the raisins, full of praise.

In the Central Plains, this kind of raisins can only be eaten by the nobles!

What made the local people not disgusted was that the Ming army’s fair trade, buying goods with silver coins, was welcomed by the people.

There is no strong buying and selling, and there is no robbery or strong* bad behavior. Everything is subject to three chapters. It is also another gentleman agreement, that is: "The murderer will die, the wounded and the thief will be punishable." ", and strictly enforced.

The locals don't necessarily like the Ming army, but they also have to admit that the Ming army is a benevolent army.

Life is always full of accidents. Ma Jinzhong’s troops rested here for three days. When they were preparing to set off the next day, something went wrong in the evening.

Two soldiers who went out to work had their throats cut!

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