The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 196: I like shipbuilding!

   Yan Changwu first introduced his battle with the Dutch. The two sides battled on the line for the first time, giving full play to the power of artillery!

Phineas Petr whispered: "Shipofthe Line (ShipoftheLine, that is, battleship on the battleline). In fact, the origin of the term'battleship' was originally from Yan Changwu, because he was the first to use battleline combat. Nias followed his statement) The gun deck refers to the number of through decks equipped with artillery, excluding the weather deck, which has at least two or more decks!"

  "The three-gun deck battleship is powerful, but relatively heavy. It is easy to be slowed down when using it on the battle line."

   Phineas Petr showed a model ship and pointed out:

"Three masts are used, namely the fore mast, the main mast, and the rear mast. The fore mast and the main mast are three-section masts, and the rear mast is two-section. The bow has a bow mast, and the top of the bow mast is erected. On the top of the bowsprit, there is also an upright small mast hanging a small square sail, called the bowspread mast and the bowspike."

   He pointed out one by one, and then disassembled the ship model to show its deck structure. He said: "Without the bow, the ship’s aspect ratio reached 4:1 (previously 2.5:1)..."

   This ship model is the "Royal Prince" on the three decks. Yan Changwu held it in his hand and couldn't put it down. Phineas Pate simply gave it to Yan Changwu.

   The meeting on the day was very pleasant. Yan Changwu asked the British guests to get on the carriage and drove to Tainan, where they sat on the top floor of the Tainan Hotel by the sea and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and food (the food at the Governor’s Mansion was not as good as the Tainan Hotel).

It has to be said that the British guests of the Southeastern Mansion’s delicacies were very happy, and Phineas Pate was extremely pleased. He told the secret: “Before he made a new warship, he first made a model of it, and made a model with structural details. Examine the ingenious model, and be aware of it!"

   "Next, use scale drawing, first complete the format of the battleship on the drawing board, and then make it."

   "In the past, ships were made, because the small structure of the ship was simple, and the shipbuilder could build it based on experience, but the big ship was impossible!"

   Yan Changwu greatly appreciated, and immediately hired Phineas Pat as a teacher with a monthly salary of one thousand taels of silver, and went to the Southeast Naval Academy to give lectures and design and command to build a three-tier battleship!


   Including Yan Changwu, there were 33 trainees, among them the best shipbuilding master in Southeast Prefecture and 20 young trainees. Everyone followed the master to learn how to make models and draw pictures.

   Following the master’s study, everyone saw that he was exquisite in hand, like magic. He quickly made one part, one after another, and then assembled into a ship model, showing a very high level of attainments.

   The drawing scale is appropriate, so he can draw straight lines without using a ruler!

   He is confident and fully aware of shipbuilding craftsmanship,

  At the same time, Phineas Petr arrived at the Kaohsiung Shipyard and was very satisfied with the shipbuilding team's professionalism. At the same time, when he saw the cedar used for shipbuilding, he tried wood and said it could be compared with oak.

   Then he looked at various shipbuilding woods in the shipyard’s data room and found several of them. One by one, he analyzed with Yan Changwu and others:

"This kind of (camphor wood)... is good for making small and medium-sized boats. This kind of (Pondian in Southeast Asia, that is, iron camphor wood) has very good performance. The best boat board for you here is this! "

   Yan Changwu saw that it was teak wood, the master would really choose it!

Teak wood from Burma, Thailand, and Indonesia (in general) is a very good wood, even better than oak. It is hard, resistant to water and fire, resistant to sea worms, and extremely resistant to corrosion. Good drying performance, good adhesion, paint and waxing performance.

  Unfortunately, these Southeast Asian regions are within the sphere of influence of the Dutch. Yan Changwu can buy teak through some staunch patriots among the Dutch, but the price is expensive.

   Yan Changwu secretly made up his mind to resolve the Dutch in Southeast Asia as soon as possible, and take that area into existence!

   "At present, if you want to make a Tier 3 battleship, you can still use fir!" Phineas pointed out.


  In the Governor's Mansion, Yan Changwu, Chen Zhongji, Hong Sheng, and Chen Hebin took only half an hour to invest 600,000 taels of silver to build four Tier 3 battleships!

   Southeast Mansion is Wuli Mansion, equipped with bigger and stronger warships. As long as there is money, no one will have any opinions.

  Before, the British sold four battleships in the Southeastern Prefecture at a price of 200,000 taels of silver each, but the price included profit, and the price of the Southeastern Prefecture's self-made battleships could definitely be lowered.

   The first two ships were made, and the funds came from the "dowry" of the Japanese country and the contribution of the Dutch. As the saying goes, all the silver of the East and the West is silver, and contribute to my Great Southeastern Government!

   Thinking of the continuous production of battleships to form a huge fleet, everyone is excited and cannot be alone.


   Yan Changwu discussed a shipbuilding plan with Phineas Pater and the Dutch Barents. Phineas Pater believed that he could easily manufacture the "Southeast Class" battleship that was sold to the Southeast Province without a problem.

   But Yan Changwu’s plan is to abandon the Southeastern level water carving decoration, and at the same time lower the stern tower. Compared with Phineas Pet’s plan, the Yan plan has a wider hull and a deeper draft, which looks very "mature".

The main reason was that he saw that in order to install more artillery, the British always arranged the lower gun deck of the ship too close to the water surface. When the hull shook or the sail was tilted by the wind, the artillery mounted on the lower deck would It is difficult to use.

   He did not hesitate to sacrifice the biosphere space to increase the gun positions of the guns on the bottom of the gun deck accordingly, otherwise the harsh South China Sea storm would make the battle difficult!

   In this regard, Phineas Petter has reservations, because there is no engraving and painting of the hull, such a battleship is too plain, and the battleship should be majestic.

   "Master, you are right, but I have no money!" Yan Changwu spread his hands together.

   Phineas Pate expressed deep regret, but saw him repeatedly and drew the outline map that Yan Changwu needed.

   Three days later, he took out the model!

   It was the realization of Yan Changwu's ideal that made him overjoyed, and Phineas Pate shook his head and said, "It's extremely ugly!"

   He commented: "It's fat and big, like a fat duck!"

   However, he also admitted that this is conducive to lowering the center of gravity, and that the streamlined hull makes the speed faster and has good seaworthiness. The use of watertight compartments makes him shine.

   Phineas Petr drew all the pictures of this class of battleship to Yan Changwu in less than a month!

The parameters are a two-story through gun deck, and a storage deck. There are five floors in addition to the open-air deck and the lower tank. The gun deck is 52 meters long and 14 meters wide in the middle, which is a bit fat and loaded with 70 guns. 24 pounds/26 doors (lower gun deck), 18 pounds/26 doors (upper gun deck), 9 pounds/18 doors (open deck).

   officially classifies this type of battleship as "South China Sea Class"!

   With the blueprint, he will be able to build this class of battleship after he leaves the Southeast Mansion.


   Postscript: Half a year later, Phineas Pate left the Southeast Mansion. Before leaving, Yan Changwu had a good trip for him. In addition to the six thousand taels he deserved, he also gave a bonus of five thousand taels.

   But Yan Changwu knows that this is not a technology that can be bought with ten thousand taels of silver!

   Sailing battleships, equivalent to later generations of aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, are the most important weapons of the country and cannot be bought for much money.

   Yan Changwu asked him why he helped Southeast Mansion so kindly?

   Phineas Pate replied: "I am not kind, because I like shipbuilding!"

   may be the reason why he became a master of shipbuilding!