The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1966: Xinming Mongolian Division

It was April, and the mountains on Tianshan North Road were full of wild flowers, red, blue, blue, and yellow. They fluttered in the wind, which was particularly gratifying.

A majestic cavalry unit is marching among the wild flowers. Seeing that their horses are skilled and well equipped, everyone wears armor. The worst is leather armor. Many of them are equipped with iron armor. Their sabers, bows and arrows are all available. The spears were sharply sharpened, and most of them were very young and walked vigorously.

Listen to their accents, this is a Mongolian cavalry team, the more you look at it, the more unique it becomes.

The Mongolian cavalry used to be messy, free and unruly, dressed in all kinds of colors, walking down the road in groups, all mixed and mixed together, everyone walked freely, the formations were strange and messy!

Some people were singing, some were quarreling, yelling, verbally, some were eating, some were drinking, and some got into the heavy truck and fell asleep.

This kind of team is on the road, no one thought of danger, never thought of the enemy, and the commander almost ignored it. If anyone wanted to organize this torrent of people casually, it would be nothing to do if they were full.

Now it is different. They are neatly dressed, marching in an orderly manner, there is no disorderly jumping in line, and there is no phenomenon of bragging, drinking and sleeping.

There are scouts on the front and back, and it is not easy to sneak attack on this unit.

This is a Moxi Mongolian cavalry who has been trained by the instructors of the Ming army!

They may not have the best equestrian skills, nor are they top-notch equestrian and archery skills, but they have discipline and no alcoholic!

When the Ming army was conscripting troops in Moxi Mongolia, all the soldiers required to be young, not those who were not young!

Although military officers are not necessarily young, they are required to obey discipline and cannot be alcoholic, otherwise they would not want it.

The Mongolian cavalry selected in this way, and then trained and trained, is completely different from the previous Mongolian cavalry.

Their training is very strict, especially the discipline is very strict. They expelled many people, and it made many people unbearable, and there were some strange things outside the barracks.

But when the military pay was issued, nothing was said.

The Mongolian cavalry units don’t pay only a small allowance as recruits. They are all treated as technical soldiers. Therefore, the income treatment is good. The lowest-ranking soldiers also have two silver dollars, and there are 24 silver dollars a year. The meal is free, and the officers do. With military ranks ranging from tens to hundreds of silver dollars, they became rich all at once.

After all, their riding and shooting are mature and can come in handy without training. What needs to be trained is their discipline and cooperation.

Not only that, as Li Dingguo said that the army’s food is quite good.

In addition to the meat, there are sugar, tobacco, wine, and tea, all for free!

Some Mongols visited the barracks and saw the officers and soldiers drinking tea every day. They said, "You are living the same life as the leaders of the past!"

There are no melons and vegetables on the grassland, and eating meat is easy to get rid of feces. Drinking tea can solve it, but only the southerners produce tea, which is expensive and less expensive to sell on the grassland. Many herders cannot drink tea comfortably.

These young Mongolians are lucky to be able to drink tea every day, and drink as much as they want.

Suddenly, they began to sing. Although they sang out of tune, they heard that it was "Faithful to the Country".

"The smoke of the wolf rises, the country looks north, the dragon curls up and the horse sighs like frost..."

They sang vigorously, howling ghosts and wolves, swaying youthful vitality to their heart's content, making the two commanders walking in the middle of the team sound harsh, and couldn't help shaking their heads.

They are Galedanbai and Chahan, respectively serving as the chief general and deputy general of this army, and they are receiving the treatment of the deputy commander of the Ming Dynasty!

"He is X, and the smoke is still in the smoke. We Mongolians made this smoke? The country looks north, what is it, the Han people look north to us, we look north, the snow field of Siberia, what's the snow? Hopeful!" Galdanbai said pity.

Chahan nodded repeatedly and said: "It sounds really dizzying, we Mongolians actually sing "Faithful to the Country"! Who do you want to fight?"

It's too strange to say that the Mongolians sang "Being loyal to the country", you know, they made the Han people to be faithful and loyal to the country.

But those Mongolian boys like to sing!

Luan bell rang ahead, and a small group of cavalry was coming towards them. Galdamba and Chahan recognized that the other deputy commander He Xiaotian was headed by him, who was from Chengdu who was in charge of political work.

Galdamba and Chahan have already understood the weight of political officers. To a certain extent, they are equivalent to supervising the army. Their task is to control the army absolutely in the hands of the court, to carry out the political study of the army, and to implement the rules and regulations and other laws and systems. To maintain military discipline, ensure the unity, stability, and concentration of the troops, and coordinate with the chief general to organize and command operations, training, and completion of major tasks. Combat orders must have his deputy to be effective!

In addition, the religious affairs of this cavalry unit must be reported to He Xiaotian, who has the right to govern religious affairs.

There were some people who were dissatisfied that political officers could manage religious affairs? How can a man take charge of God's affairs?

They quarreled, and they were speechless by He Xiaotian's words. He Xiaotian asked them whether they were the emperor or the living Buddha?

"If there is an emperor and a living Buddha in the two armies separately, if there is a war, when they meet officially, they shouted:'The living Buddha is here, you don't surrender immediately.' This side shouted:'Which living Buddha is not The emperor is here? The emperor is here, and you don’t immediately return.’ I’m afraid it’s too late. It’s a good time. There are hundreds of people left in the army of the Living Buddha. The others have all returned. The Living Buddha took a few hundred people and fled in a hurry." He Xiaotian smiled and said to the people without a smile: "My words are not true? (Sichuan dialect

All the questioning people were speechless!

He Xiaotian taught them From then on, the Mongols have figured out that China's monarchy is more powerful than divine power, and national law is more powerful than monastery regulations. In China, the world official is in charge of the affairs of the world, and all major and minor matters are in charge. People have any objections to the religious affairs of the military officers in charge of the army.

Of course, He Xiaotian will not care about it. He respects the customs and religious affairs of the Mongols, and performs his duties in strict accordance with the military regulations. He also respects the chief officials. Galdamba and Chahan did not feel any constraints. It's okay to get along with each other.

The point is that Galdamba and Chahan have also been trained!

They understand what should be done and what should not be done. Everyone strictly abides by the rules and regulations, so there are many fewer problems.

"Two officers, our striker has already crossed the mountain pass!" He Xiaotian reported to them.

"Okay, let's have a good time!" Cha Han said excitedly.

Their unit has 10,000 people, and is organized as the 1st Division of Xinjiang Cavalry. Most of them are Mongols, only a small number of Han are crossing the Tianshan Mountains, attacking the south from the north, and preparing to attack the Yarkand Khanate on the South Tianshan Road.

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