The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 1994: Spend money and eliminate disaster!

Arisher Gulyam led his army to follow the trail of Morigen's troops, and suddenly took over the cavalry from the rear to report the disaster.

It turned out that Morigen was familiar with the terrain and transferred the cavalry behind Arisher Gulyam, and raided the rear army led by Cavour Hakimzaj Nyazi and Hamza Alimzhan. After annihilating their three hundred cavalry, they escaped calmly.

Arisher Gulyam received accusations from two other generals, which embarrassed him.

Don't chase Morigen, the other party will make trouble and chase Morigen. He is a eagle archer. He has a few arrows as a pastime when he has time. However, the army does not have such a long range as him, and is in a state of being beaten and unable to achieve results. If the morale of chasing down is low, Morigen will catch the opportunity and take a hard hit!

No way!

After thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he ordered the troops to leave Morigen alone and head towards Kashgar City!

You hit you, I hit mine!

He shared his idea with the other two generals, and they all agreed, and joined forces, 20,000 troops, and marched eastward, ignoring Morigen.

Even if Morigen repeatedly provokes and humiliates the Braha people and the Bukhara Khanate Khan Abdullah Aziz on the road ahead, they will not be moved, just rush to Kashgar!

They were all cavalry. Morigen had few soldiers and could not restrict the actions of the Braha people. Of course, he would not give up his own life and use 6,000 men to carry 20,000 people. This kind of thing would not be done.

Had to send people to report to Kashgar urgently, asking them to prepare for defense.

The atmosphere in the city of Kashgar was tense. Ye Sufu Uygul jumped in anxiously, checking the city defenses everywhere, scolding when he saw people, and when he was unhappy, he would deal with him at every turn!

Beating people is commonplace, and it makes people cry and howl.

He is now worried that his life will not be preserved and that he will not be able to enjoy the benefits that Da Ming has given him, so he has a bad temper, causing complaints from the army and the people in the city.

Fortunately, there was also a delegation of Ming Dynasty envoys in the city. They were paying close attention to the situation in the city. Seeing that the military and the people's mood was like a volcano, the commander Cheng Wu went to see Ye Sufu Uygur.

Although Cheng Wu's rank is not high, he is very knowledgeable. After meeting, he didn't accuse Ye Sufu Uygur for his actions, but only advised him to give up his money.

That is, "rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished." Those who do poorly will be punished, and those who do well will be rewarded!

To spend money? Ye Sufu Uygur was a little bit reluctant.

There are not many silver dollars in the public treasury in the city, and he moved them into a small private treasury.

The new and the old are about to be replaced, and I have a great deal of trust in the whole city. How dare Daming come back for the little money I took!

Cheng Wu told Ye Sufu Uygur: "Have you heard of Lord Saladin?"

Of course, Saladin is a celebrity in the Green Cult. He defeated the Crusaders and regained the holy city, and he was famous.

"The secret to Lord Saladin's success lies in his willingness to spend money. He conquered Damascus with the wealth of Egypt, conquered Aleppo with the wealth of Damascus, and conquered Jerusalem with the wealth of Aleppo!"

Ye Sufu Uygur understood Cheng Wu's good intentions, so when he inspected the east gate wall, he asked: "This section of the wall is well built, who built it?"

Someone said that XX brought a hundred people to build it. Ye Sufu Uygur called him and rewarded him with ten silver coins, and then gave his people one hundred silver coins.

The morale of a certain unit of the city defense army is strong, and its slogans are loud. Reward the unit with one thousand silver dollars!

The official XX organized well, handled the affairs in an orderly manner, and rewarded one hundred silver dollars!

During the inspection, it was found that the soldiers were well prepared and used 20,000 silver dollars to buy cattle and sheep to feed the entire city!


In the past few days, Ye Sufu Uygul spent tens of thousands of silver dollars, and the direct result was that the Braha people never received any further surrender.

It turns out that his previous perverse actions caused anger and resentment, and some people secretly prepared to organize surrender.

"Since the city lord is not benevolent, I am not righteous in waiting, and turned his back!"

But when he spends the money, the disaster will be eliminated, and the atmosphere in the city will take on a new look.

Everyone says that if you do well, you will be rewarded. If you don't do well, you should be punished, and no longer sympathize with the punished.

As a result, the original mentality of surrender changed drastically. Seeing that everyone didn't want to surrender, the people who contacted the Braha people no longer returned.

Ye Sufu Uygur didn't know that his actions had eliminated a catastrophe. What made him even more pleased was that the Ming Army cavalry brigade arrived!

The Ming army rushed there were Sengge Hutaiji, 10,000 Mongolian cavalry led by Mandu Latu, and five thousand Ming dragoons led by Ma Jinzhong. When they arrived outside Kashgar, they also received the arrival of Bukhara cavalry. news.

The Ming army had a topographic map of Kashgar. After seeing the terrain, they did not enter the city, and rushed to the Tiger River west of the city to intercept the Bukhara cavalry.

According to legend, the Tiger River is named after the tiger jumping over the river from the narrow part of the river. The water source comes from the melting of snow from mountain glaciers. The water has a large water potential and the river surface is wide. I don't understand, the staff also knows the strategy of "crossing the river without success, hitting the middle of the river", so the two generals slammed to the river and fought fiercely with the Bukhara cavalry who were crossing the river.

The Mongolian soldiers shot arrows at the Braha people who were riding across the river, killing people and horses, and the river was red!

The slow movement of the Bukhara cavalry crossing the river is a good target.

But the Bukhara cavalry were brave enough. They rushed forward with their shields and arrows. When their horses hoofed on the river bank, they immediately fought against the Mongols.

The Mongolian cavalry fought fiercely with the Bukhara cavalry, and the killing sound shook the sky.

As for the five thousand Great Ming Dragoons led by Ma Jinzhong as the reserve army, he was smoking, swallowing clouds and fog, waiting for Bukhara's body to be exhausted before killing, so that he could pick up a bargain.

Suddenly his staff screamed, and Ma Jinzhong took a closer look, and saw the Mongols commotion, seemingly defeated by the Bukharas, and some of them began to strategically transfer troops.

how can that be?

We must know that the Mongolian cavalry is strong, and there are still seven to eight thousand people. How can they be defeated?


Soon he received an emergency from the Mongols: Sengge Huntaiji had an arrow in his chest, blood was flowing a lot, and people passed out into a coma!

Another general, Mandu Latuze, was cut off from his horse during the battle. He was fine, but he twisted his waist and couldn't get on a horse to command the battle.

"Sir, now you are the highest commander! May I ask your order, is it to retreat?" The Mongolian who reported the letter said with a smile, expressing his BS for the Han who just wanted to stay behind and pick up the bargain.

Look down on labor?

Ma Jinzhong snorted coldly, threw the cigarette **** on the ground, and ordered the troops to act.

With the dragoon concealed behind a hill, the Mongols were asked to go ahead and notify the troops to withdraw. Once the dragoons broke out, the Mongols returned.

The troops acted according to their orders. Soon after, the Mongolian cavalry screamed past the hills, and the Bukhara cavalry chased after them. Only one cannon was heard, and the Ming army came out!


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