The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2023: The influence of the king

Mr. David came in to see Yan Changwu and laughed about Li Laiheng walking in front of the leaders, and asked if Yan Changwu had issued a gold medal?

Yan Changwu laughed when he heard it!

Asked Mr. David: "Is this army my army? Is this going to be my general?"

"Of course, both the army and the general belong to your majesty!" Mr. David said affirmatively.

"Then it will end!" Yan Changwu said disapprovingly: "I am not Song Gaozong, and Li Laiheng can't be Yue Wumu!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!" Mr. David complimented.

"Lee Laiheng's partial division on the west bank of the Marmara Sea will help our army's main force on the east coast!" Mr. David proposed: "He said that his troops were attacked by 120,000 enemies and lost tens of thousands of people. Replenish the army for them, send them supplies!"

"Of course, you can arrange it!" Yan Changwu instructed.

"The minister leads the order!" Mr. David said.


The troops of the Fourth Army stopped a hundred miles away from Istanbul. Their troops suffered a great loss. More than 4,000 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured. The tens of thousands of emperor’s allied troops were almost wiped out. In exchange for the deaths and injuries of 50,000 Baotou guys, in fact most of the Baotou guys died, and they attacked purely in the form of a death squad.

The Baotou guys are still watching, their troops are regrouping, and they seem to want to attack.

The Fourth Army’s ammunition was also running out, and had to build a deep ditch on the seashore, preparing to fight for manpower once the ammunition was exhausted, and then the lookout post shouted: "Our fleet is here!"

Apart from the battleships and cruise ships cruising in the offshore, the transport ships of the brigade are approaching.

As the fleet approached, the first ship berthed on the simple dock, and then weapons, ammunition, medicines, rations, cigarettes, and even money, uniforms, and medals. In fact, the logistics officers of the Fourth Army received a full 500,000 silver dollars. Boxes and boxes of medals made him dumbfounded: "How can I have so many manpower and donkeys to carry them!"

"Besides, we don't have money, won't we go to grab it!" The officer said triumphantly.

So the silver dollar boat was called back, and the medal continued to float on the sea, using it only when needed.

In addition to the supplies, a ship of supplementary soldiers chanting slogans arrived and joined the army, so that the army was full.

Rodim Pasha, the entourage of the Imperial Alliance, saw that the Southeast Army was replenishing its strength, and he was envious. He waved the flag to Hao: "Except for a small number of the Ottoman army, most of them are kept by the state. The tribes have their own weapons and food, and they will be gone if they are defeated. The city is a little better. If the tribes die too many people, they will be annexed by other tribes!"

The Ottoman is an empire in name. In fact, the tribes do their own things and only maintain the apparent order. Once there is an opportunity, the weak will feed on the weak.

"Then you still fight? Do you still serve the Ottomans?" Hao waved the flag asked.

"If you don't fight, you can't do it. If you don't fight, the Ottoman army will be killed, the leader will be killed, and the rest will be sold as slaves!" Rodim Pasha spread his hands together.

He now also enjoys the benefits of joining the Southeast Army sequence. Although he was the Imperial Union Army, he lost a lot in this battle, but he received a silver dollar, which allowed him to replenish the army and gave him more supplies, Hao Yao Qi said: "Our Southeast Army has always been the one who fought hard, who benefits a lot. Give priority to replenishing the army and military resources, and give them rewards!"

With supplementary troops and materials, the morale that has risen as a result has an immediate effect on their fighting spirit and combat efficiency, but after a day's rest, the Fourth Army launches another offensive.

The current Baotou Lao army has a total of 85,000 people and is in the state of a mud-foot giant. It looks powerful on the outside, but it is actually powerless.

Probably only 10% of the veterans are veterans, and the rest are all recruits. The young recruits are less than 20%, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled.

The equipment is also very poor. The rate of iron weapons, firearms and armor are all new lows. Many people charge with wooden sticks, even with bare hands. When lacking weapons, the person holding the weapon in the front falls, and the person behind The unarmed person picked up the weapon on the ground and continued to rush.

The commanding general of this Turkish army is Nicholas John Pasha, a Christian who was born in the Christian slave army of Sudan.

Slaves were of low status, but the slaves of Sudan are different. Now he is a Pasha!

Among the Christian residents in the conquered Balkans and other places, the Ottoman sultans forced boys to be slaves to the sultan. They were intensively trained and trained in the court, and the outstanding officials became officials at all levels, and the others became the guards of the sultan.

These slaves, whether they are high-ranking civil servants or professional soldiers, are not allowed to marry in principle. Even if they can get married later, their positions cannot be passed on to children and cannot form family power. These officials have been slaves to the Sudan for their entire lives. Everything about him belongs to the Sudan. The Sudan can take it away at any time.

The Ottoman centralized administrative management system relies on these slaves from southern Europe to operate.

This Christian Pasha frowned and sighed frequently.

What else can I do after fighting like this ghost!

He was pacing in the military tent, sitting beside him was a bitter-faced Pasha. It was the hapless former leader of Tekirda, Cartel Useli Pasha. This time the Sultan will not defeat the general. Xu He redeemed his merits and made him a The military discipline of the Ottoman Empire is strict, and the officers who defeated the war will be severely held. The ability to fight like this was also forced by this military discipline.

In the battle with the Southeast Army, the Ottoman officers died, descended, fled, and Pasha was not enough. Therefore, the Sultan pardoned Cartel Useli Pasha and let him continue to lead the army. He should be grateful. But there is a feeling of just getting out of the tiger's mouth and entering the wolf's den again.

He was afraid of being beaten by the Southeast Army. When guarding the city of Tkirda, he fought for 25,000 in the Southeast Army with 40,000 people. The 5,000 purebred Chinese talents were still defeated, leaving him with lingering fears. Therefore, he proposed Nicholas. · Bay Pasha said: "The pagans of the East come prepared, and they are quick to fight. We should dig the deepest ditch, cut off the road, reinforce the fortifications, focus on defense, resist steadily, or delay the east. The advance of the heretics."

This cowardly tone is popular with BS, but Nicholas John Pasha said privately: "This is right!"

No matter what, he could not withstand the pressure of the Sultan of Istanbul, and the Sultan was facing political and subject pressure. The enemy would reach Istanbul. If he could not defeat the enemy, his sultan would be the end!

The Sultan urged Nicholas John Pasha to fight against the enemy. The messenger "looked at each other" caused great pressure on Pasha. If he was an Anatolian, he would dare to say that "will be out, the ruler has something to do." No, he fought against the decree in the name of benefiting the country, but he was a slave to Sudan and had no human rights. Of course he knew the consequences of disobedience.

Originally, he had a large army of 120,000, and he rushed out of the battle and suffered a lot of losses. He hasn't replenished it yet, and the Southeast Army, which has been resurrected with blood, has already been killed!


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