The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2026: Sudan is not good enough

Eastern pagan cavalry arrived outside Istanbul!

The news spread across the city like a storm, and all Baotou guys fell into a state of panic.

The predecessor of Istanbul is Constantinople. It was once known as the "City of Thousand Years". It was breached by the Ottomans and renamed Istanbul.

It has enjoyed the benefits that lasted for a thousand years, became Istanbul, and enjoyed more than two hundred years of peace and auspicious light. Even though the Dardanelles was blocked by the White Fleet, Istanbul is still calm.

Because the people of Istanbul knew that warships could not go ashore, and that without a powerful army, the navy would be useless no matter how fierce it was.

The army of the Ottoman Empire was invincible, and Baipi was beaten to close the door and did not dare to fight.

However, the pagans from the east are different from Baipi. They advance by sea and land. They spread their horses along the coast as far as possible. The flags are like clouds and the horses and seas are everywhere. The battleship formation on the sea is very powerful.

And it is said that they have the "Istanbul Cannon" comparable to the "Urban Cannon". Wasn't Constantinople bombed by the Urban Cannon.

The people in the city were panicked, and all who could walk were gone, and those who could not walk would become religious fanatics, desperately praying to their gods.

Topkapi Palace, see the main hall.

There is no longer the calmness and solemnity of the past, and the officials are arguing over the life and death issues of leaving and staying.

The Hall of Audience, also known as the Hall of Audience or the Hall of Petition, is located behind the Omen’s Gate in the imperial palace and obscures the third courtyard. This square building has Turkish characteristics, surrounded by a colonnade composed of twenty-two columns, supporting a large roof with overhanging eaves. There is a dome-shaped room inside, and there are two smaller rooms connected to each other for rest.

In order to compare the imperial assembly in the second courtyard, I see that the main hall is called the "inner chamber".

The Hall of Audience has a long history. It was built in the 15th century and decorated during the reign of Suleiman. The sultan will sit on the covered throne here to receive Wichil, officials and foreign envoys, and listen to their opinions.

Vikkiel will report to the Sultan at the audience hall, and the Sultan will reward Vikkiel for good performance according to their performance. In the worst case, the sultan will let deaf and dumb eunuchs strangle them to death. Therefore, officials enter the audience hall and state politics. I didn't know if I could come out alive.

When receiving foreign envoys, the audience hall will hold the most elaborate ceremony. The messenger kissed the edge of the hem of the Sudan with the officials. When the ceremony was held, the throne would be extravagant.

Even during the war, financial difficulties, the luxury of visiting the hall remained unabated.

The sultan sits on a slightly higher throne, wearing a golden robe and a lot of precious stones.

There are priceless cushions everywhere here, and the walls of the main hall are all mosaic-like craftwork, azure and golden light competing for beauty. The fireplace in the temple is silver and painted gold. On the wall on the other side of the hall, spring water gushed out.

While listening to the dispute among the officials, the young Sultan Muhammad IV was absent-minded.

Some ministers said that the city should not leave, abandoned Istanbul, and go to the vast Anatolia, where it is safer and retains the capital of the comeback.

Some ministers also advocated holding on to Istanbul. Vizier Subha Pasha eloquently said: "Under the blessing of God, the holy city will be able to withstand the attacks of infidels. On the contrary, if you give up the holy city, you will lose the blessing of God. This is blasphemy!"

His words were approved by most people, and some ministers wanted to make a comeback for the "guards". They believed that the former Grand Vizier Koplulu Muhammad Pasha's purge of the guards resulted in the imperial power. Severe decline. When the guards existed and were strong, there were no foreign enemies at all. As it is now, without the guards, all the demons and ghosts ran out.

This was a counterattack by the remnants of the Guards. The Guards were very aggressive and participated in the Sudan's abolition conspiracy many times. The coup in 1622 set a bad precedent for the new army to oust Sudan!

Later, with the permission of Mohammed IV, the Grand Vizierkoplulu Mohammed Pasha pulled up the guards.

In fact, the Sultan didn't care about running away, defending the holy city, or rehabilitating the guards. The key was that none of the Vizier and Pasha had an idea.

How to deal with the heretics from the east and defeat them.

It was all nonsense, and the young Sudan viciously thought that if he called a team of deaf and mute eunuchs out and strangled all the ridiculous officials in the temple, perhaps the morale of the soldiers and civilians of the Holy City would be even higher!

The thing is bad for this group of Vizier and Pasha, the young Sultan thought gloomily.

But he knows that he can think about it, if he really kills this group, he will have no one to use.

At this time, Vizier Idris Pasha said: "Yesterday the envoy of the Venetian Republic Michelle asked to see him and said that they would accept the turn of important people in our country!"

The other Vizier Filas Pasha became angry as soon as he heard it, yelling: "White Skin has a bad intention!"

He said that the word "baipi" is a Chinese transliteration. It was passed from China, and it turned out that it was universally used all over the world.

And Baipi said that "Baotou is also a Chinese transliteration, which is passed from China, and it turns out that it is universally used all over the world.

It shows how great China's influence on the world is!

Vizier quarreled with Pasha, unable to tell a reason, there was no constructive proposal.

Mohammed IV was very impatient. He asked Grand Vizier Asim Pasha: "What does Grand Vizier think?"

Aiximu Pasha should have thought about it, and quickly gave the answer: "The holy city cannot be lost. Without the holy city, it would not be the Ottoman Empire, but we should also send people to continue fighting outside the holy city!"

As for who is guarding the city and who is out, he respectfully listens to the decree!

As expected to be the Grand Vizier, it is perfect to say.

Muhammad IV smiled on his face, slapped the armrest of the throne heavily, stood up and said, "We will discuss this matter later!"

The courtiers bowed their bodies and said, "Welcome your Majesty the Sultan!"

Respectful and courteous.


Back in the inner palace, Mohammed IV was still angry and swept all the things on the royal case forcefully!

Amidst the sound of "huh", things rolled and shattered on the ground, making TJ and the maids bow their heads.

He waved his hand wearily, and everyone in the hall retreated.

Then he cried!

Yes, the king of kings, the master of three continents, the invincible sultan of the Ottoman Empire, cried!

The pagans from the east reached Istanbul. He knew the situation was extremely dangerous, but he couldn't solve it!

Once defeated, the Ottoman subjects only need to be loyal to the new master, or nothing will happen.

And he, as the master of the Ottoman Empire, was more ugly than good.

He was still young and didn't want to die or be humiliated.

How to do? !


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