The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2040: Hungry city

The Southeast Army launched a frantic attack on Istanbul, while the Baotou men counterattacked tit-for-tat.

The siege was cruel and ruthless. The Southeast Army completely cut off the supply of supplies in Istanbul. This is different from the Baotou men encircling Constantinople. Although the Baotou men encircled Constantinople on land, it is clear that the Baotou men were surrounded by water. Inferior skill, the white-skinned ship broke through the numerous coastal defenses and successfully sent the supplies to Constantinople to continue its life, so that the sultan captured the navy Pasha, in front of everyone, heavy I whipped him!

Now that the Southeast Army's navy and land forces are unprecedentedly strong, Baotou has no opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, in the short period of two stars, Istanbul's rapid soaring, everything that can be eaten has become extremely expensive. In some areas, food prices have even risen by more than 500 times.

The Baotou people in the city did not run out of food. This is because the government controls the grain depot and distributes flour in a fixed amount. However, ordinary people must perform military service or labor service if they want to get food, risking their lives, and the quality of the flour given. Very bad, there are many bugs, all are old grain, rotten and smelly.

Small quantity, poor quality, not enough to eat!

Everyone fell into hunger, racking their brains to find what to eat, livestock, grain, coffee, fruits, young plant leaves, skins... Almost everything that could be eaten was eaten up, and what was not eaten was not hidden. The trees in the city became bare.

I was afraid of being discovered during the day, so I had to cook at night.

Normally expensive jewellery is nothing at this time. It is abandoned by people like a mess. A mansion with a seaside overlooking the strait can be exchanged for a bag of beans.

Everyone is thin, with ribs coming out, this hungry belly, let alone a week, you can see the effect in three days.

In contrast, a beautiful girl is even less valuable. Just give her a big pancake, sleep as she wants, and sell her into the kiln after sleeping. She has to thank you for being a lifesaver.

Istanbul is the holy city of Baotou and the jewel of the Ottoman Empire. The population of the city was over one million, and there are still hundreds of thousands after the evacuation. There are even many unregistered people in many dark corners. They are ethnic people who work illegally. Deserters, criminals, and homeless people, when there is a shortage of food, they are all gone. They are crowded in this narrow area. The frail and elderly are the first to starve to death. A terrible smell emerges from the streets. This smell is getting more and more. It was so dense that it even drifted into the palace, so that the sultan was displeased. He believed that sanitation had not been done well, and ordered the people to do sanitation, but the left and right dared not say to him: "My Sultan, this smells like a dead body!"

Some neighborhoods are filled with rancid and unpleasant corpses, their appearance is terrible, like **** on earth.

Under such circumstances, Baotou has become a mad dog trapped in a cage, the government's control has disappeared, and it has become a force of the weak, not to mention the brothers, compatriots and even the same clan friendship!

Everyday people in the city look for food with red eyes, grab those who don't have money, and kill those who can't get them!

The days of being hungry are really difficult. The people are horrified to find that they don't think about anything every day, they just want to eat! eat! eat!

Until the late Ottoman Empire, Turks usually only ate two meals a day. One was eaten late in the morning, and the other was dinner.

The main breakfast staples are cheese, olives, bread, eggs and jams. The beverage is mainly tea. In addition, there are also local special cheeses, sausages, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other foods.

Dinner includes soup, main course, salad, and dessert. Since dinner is the only meal where the whole family can sit together, dinner is the most meticulously prepared and richest meal.

Istanbul is prosperous, and good food is reflected in the world-famous Turkish barbecue, which was a very important food in the palace at that time. Whether in the court or in daily life, lamb is the meat that people eat the most.

Now, let alone lamb, you can't even eat lamb's butt.

The chicken was also eaten up,

Even the landlords who don’t worry about eating and drinking are worried. The Ottoman court chief has enough flour, sugar and bacon, but he has to provide fresh meat for the Sudanese family. When he has chickens, ducks, geese, and pigeons on his hands, he has enough flour, sugar, and bacon. After killing all, his eyes were on the live deer raised in the palace...

The north and south sides of Istanbul are surrounded by the sea. Some people who are too hungry to go fishing on the city walls by the sea have to risk their lives because the Southeast Army’s attacks are all the time. They will be subject to long-range snipers, artillery shells and bombs. An explosion will be able to catch a fish.

Even in such an environment, the road is starved to death, and Zhumen coffee is fragrant. The luxury villas located by the Bosphorus still lead a luxurious life. They enjoy a sumptuous dinner and there is no shortage of meat. There is no shortage of coffee, tea, and tobacco that the people cannot enjoy after the siege!

There is a rich man whose head is called Mylet Ferrat. The family is rich and has some food!

This guy is too arrogant, and other big players will constrain. He is good, and the leftover kitchen waste was discovered by the hungry people. They found half-eaten bread and cakes, uneaten meat, tea leaves, and Remaining Boza... Boza is a kind of fermented grain drink with a thick and sweet taste and very low alcohol It was used as a substitute for alcohol in the court and was the most popular among many powerful and high officials at that time. Love.

As a result, the hungry people became angry. A disabled veteran named Irmaz Edogan angrily complained to the people: “The whole family eats meat and tea every day. I borrowed food from his family. , But he said he didn’t have any food and he refused to borrow. Since he refuses to borrow, then I’m so cruel.”

Irmaz Adogan was injured, unable to fight, and unable to work, unable to exchange food rations, living on the daily rations of flour distributed by the government, and the family had a large population and could no longer survive.

He wants to eat big!

As a result, the people who were too hungry gathered together, and in the evening, they rushed to the mansion of Melite Ferrat, but his house was still uninteresting, and the door was opened wide, and they banned in the courtyard. I was caught right now.

But he was caught!

The fragrant Turkish barbecue, the sweet and greasy melaleuca, and a pudding called Zerde that Turks like to eat, and a big teapot exuding the fragrance of tea!

Hundreds of people rushed in, stunned the people in the house. Irmaz Adogan greeted him, and more than hundreds of eyes stared at Irmaz Adogan with anger. Make him uncomfortable. He knew that these poor ghosts were already starving and had already regarded his huge family business as a pile of fat, and he wanted to take two bites right away. If you can't bear to cut meat anymore, you will really be slaughtered as a pig.

When the rich man wanted to give in, he didn't want the hungry people whose eyes were red with hunger to swarm up, rush to the table to grab food, and conflict broke out.

Finally, the knife was moved, and blood burst out!

After finally suppressing the commotion, the city defense army killed hundreds of people!


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