The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2063: Tour with a supreme guide

With a rare opportunity, Yan Changwu and the officials enjoyed the service of a supreme guide, and the former Sultan of the Ottoman Empire explained to them the situation in his old home.

China has the Forbidden City and Turkey has Topkapi Palace!

From the time Mohammed the Conqueror captured Constantinople in 1453 to the 17th century, in the history of more than two hundred years, successive sultans (emperors) received visits and governed state affairs in Topkapi Palace. Here are them. The official residence and main residence in the city were the places where national ceremonies and royal entertainment were held in the past.

This maze of luxurious palace is located on a promontory in Istanbul, overlooking the Marmara Sea and the Bosphorus.

The walls surrounding the entire palace, the gates on the land side, and some of the first buildings were built during the reign of Mohammed II from 1451 to 1481.

After Osman Muhammad II captured Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, he learned his lesson and asked the sultans to live in a place close to the sea and higher, so Topkapi, a small hill surrounded by the sea, became the imperial palace. The preferred place is to escape from the sea in case of defeat.

From a military point of view, Topkapi does have many advantages. It guards the Golden Horn and borders the Marmara Sea, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, what Mohammed II never expected was that the enemy who came to attack Istanbul two hundred years later came from the sea!

"The sultan will enter and exit the palace through the emperor's gate..." the former sultan said in a low voice.

The main gate of the palace, the “Emperor’s Gate”, faces the Hagia Sophia. The Sultan would enter and exit the palace and Hagia Sophia through the Emperor’s Gate, so it is also called the Sultan’s Gate. It is located on the south side of the palace and was completed in 1478. , The arch in the middle is a tall dome-shaped passage with Ottoman characters inscribed with gold leaf on the top, containing images and scriptures of the sultan.

After entering the gate of the king is the first courtyard with lush greenery, which is the largest among the many courtyards.

"This is similar to our Southeast King's Palace!" Yan Changwu said happily.

In the Daming Palace, there are very few trees to guard against assassins.

But the southeast army palace is full of greenery and flowers are undefeated all year round.

The first courtyard visited was the same. The trees were lush and green. They walked in the shade and reached a gate.

"Only the Sultan can ride through the Reverence Gate!"

The Chongming Gate, also known as the Middle Gate, is the entrance to the second courtyard. The gate with cannons has two octagonal minarets, and the Reverence Gate is the royal entrance from the Bosphorus sea route to the palace. Both imperial officials and foreign envoys enter the palace through the Respect Gate, and guest envoys must dismount at the Respect Gate. Only the Sultan can ride through the Respect Gate.

"The officers above the lieutenant general of Xu Xu ride through the Respect Gate!" Yan Changwu laughed loudly. The officers thanked the lord Longen with a grin, while the former sultan's face turned black!

Yan Changwu's contempt for him by doing so is conceivable: Sudan = Lieutenant General!

Behind the Chongjing Gate is the second courtyard, also known as Diwan Square. It used to be a park full of peacocks and gazelles, and a place for gathering officials. On the left is the Imperial Treasury, the Tower of Justice, and on the right are the Imperial Dining Room, the Imperial Stables, and the Palace of Halberd Soldiers.

The former sultan introduced it like a few treasures, and after hearing about it, Yan Changwu and the others chose the most suitable place for the Chinese to go.

If you choose the Imperial Dining Room, then you are a pure Chinese!

As a result, the Chinese visited China!

"China" and "porcelain" in Turkish are the same words. There are a large number of Chinese porcelain in the imperial dining room, from the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties of China. Among them is a porcelain bowl with blue flowers on a white background. Above is the full text of Su Dongpo's "Chibi Fu" and the Chinese painting of Su Dongpo's tour of Chibi. There is also a set of Chinese blue and white tableware, which is a rare 16th-century treasure in the world. It is said that if you use this set of porcelain to eat, if it encounters poison, the tableware will immediately change its color. There are also large discs and large bowls from the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties with eye-catching colors and beautiful shapes, as well as various types of celadon produced from the Southern Song Dynasty to the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

"I think the types of porcelain in your palace may not be enough here!" Mr. David made fun of Yan Changwu.

Yan Changwu smiled and said: "It's okay, soon there will be more porcelain in my palace than here, it's all mine!"

The generals laughed again, and the face of the former Sudan was even darker!

A chef from the palace was invited to introduce the cuisine of the Ottoman Palace. Only the staple food is:

Lamb stew with almonds, apricots, and raisins;

Toast with lamb and diced vegetables, served with yogurt;

Grilled chicken with onions and kimchi seasoned with fruit vinegar;

Eggplant stuffed roast quail;

Stuffed melon: roasted honeydew melon stuffed with minced meat, rice, vanilla, almond and gooseberry;


Desserts include almond milk, milk pudding with frankincense, almonds, pistachios, seasonal fruits and rose syrup, cinnamon walnut flavored meringue pie with roasted peaches and ice cream, milk pudding with saffron and honey, and sour cherry bread Desserts, ice cream, etc.

The array is dazzling and mouth-watering.

The chef has already prepared the food according to the order. It happens to be a meal. Let's start the meal immediately!

Uh, not afraid of poisoning?

Because it is the Chinese chef who works, guided by the Baotou chef, and the hands are Chinese.

Although the cuisine of the Ottoman Palace may not be as good as the original one, but it is not afraid of being worse, but also afraid of comparison. Nowadays, no one can compare with them. What they cook is Ottoman cuisine.

The former sultan was also invited to sit at the table under the big tree with the monarchs and ministers of the southeastern seat was still quite forward.

Poor him, he doesn't know the taste, the taste is like chewing wax!

In the past, he was sitting in the main seat!

Now we have to be asked three and four by those curious Chinese people, you know, before he was the supreme, ordinary people didn't even have the opportunity to talk to him!

Yan Changwu and the gang were happily, their appetites after victory were very appetizing, and they fed themselves to their fullest!

After a walk and digestion, they passed through the Gate of Good Omen, which is the entrance of the third courtyard (inner palace) and the boundary of the outer palace. The third courtyard is mainly the private and residential area of ​​the palace.

Lucky Gate and Diwan Plaza are used for special celebrations. During religions, festivals, and when new officials take office, swear allegiance to the Sultan, the Sultan will sit in front of the Omen’s Gate. The sultan's funeral will also be held in front of the Gate of Good Omen.

Behind the Omen’s Gate is the audience hall, covering the third courtyard. The Hall of Audience has a long history. It was built in the 15th century and decorated during the reign of Suleiman. The sultan will sit on the covered throne here to receive Wichil, officials and foreign envoys, and listen to their opinions.

Yan Changwu sat on the throne of the audience hall. From the back of the chair to the foot of the chair, it was covered with pure gold, and it was set with more than 1,000 huge diamonds, rubies and other gems. On the side of the throne, there was a 48 kg tall one. The gold candle holder is inlaid with 6666 diamonds, with dazzling luster and ingenious workmanship!

The southeast generals were separated from the left and right, and the former sultan stood in the temple, extremely humiliated!

He was accompanied by several former Baotou officials who had been captured. What surprised them was that the Chinese were more polite to them and did not humiliate them.

Yes, they should use their mouths to tell outsiders that the former sultan was knocked out of dust. The Ottoman Empire is really over!


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