The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2074: Empire Parade

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Guided by the Victory Banner of the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, the eight armies of the South China Empire participated in the Western Expedition and a thousand-man group of navy, artillery, marines, cavalry, and the Imperial Army marched in order. There is a total of one. The army of 3,000 men passed the review stand and accepted the emperor's review.

In the front of the queue is the flag of victory that the heroic Teijin put on Topkapi Palace after he conquered Istanbul. Behind the flag are the three armies with swordsmen. They are the army in the middle, the navy on the left, and the marine on the right. They take the lead. After passing through the reviewing platform, the officer holding the knife had the tip of the knife down before, and when he passed, he would raise the knife up.

The various mixed groups marching, the lineup is unprecedentedly strong.

In this military parade, each army formed a large phalanx of a mixed group consisting of 1,000 soldiers, with 36 flag bearers and 10 alternate personnel.

There are 19 commanders in each mixed regiment, including 1 regiment commander, 2 deputy regimental commanders, 1 regiment chief of staff, 5 battalion commanders, and 10 company commanders. The personnel who participated in the military parade were selected from the officers and soldiers who performed the most prominently in the battle and received merit medals.

This is not difficult, the army is awarded the medals frequently.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers in the phalanx wear shining medals on their chests, and some comrades wear more medals, and there is a trend toward the medal wall.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the troops receiving the review lined up around the Palace Square. After that, they accepted their emperor's inspection. Then, they walked through the parade stand in order.

Followed by:

The commander of the first army mixed regiment was Zhang Shouyun. He guarded the rear of Egypt to ensure the safety of the Suez Canal. Yuan Zongdi was in charge of the command when he did not come.

The Second Army Mixed Regiment, the commander is Zu Kefa, the lieutenants are Chen Qiao, Zhang Tianlong and Yin Youlong;

The third army mixed group, the commander is Zhou Quanbin, and the lieutenants are He Lan, Ta Tianbao, and Zhang Mingzhen;

The mixed regiment of the Fourth Army, commanded by Li Laiheng, fought on the east coast of the Marmara Sea. Hao Yaoqi was in charge of the command when he did not come.

The Fifth Army Mixed Regiment, commander Zuo Menggeng, and deputy generals are Dang Shousu, Dou Mingwang, and Ma Bao;

Sixth Army Mixed Regiment: Commander Li Chengdong, lieutenants are Yan Tian, ​​Yang Yanchang, Hu Yiqing;

Seventh Army Mixed Regiment: Commander Zeng Ying, lieutenants are Li Zhanchun, Yu Dahai, Zhao Yinxuan;

Eighth Army Mixed Regiment: Commander He Zhen, lieutenants are Zhang Neng, Tian Hu, and Zhang Nai.

They were the main force of the South China Empire, and most of them came from Daming on the other side of the sea. Because Yan Changwu put down the Central Plains early, the elites of Daming went overseas without losing in the war.

The results of this western expedition were so large and the losses were small, beyond people's imagination.

This is also an unworldly feat that can only be achieved under the leadership and support of Yan Changwu.

They marched boldly and forcefully. The officers were armed with sabers and the soldiers came with muskets.

In the reviewing stage, the loud-speaking phalanx of a hundred people briefly introduced the achievements of each army.

They are all overcoming difficulties and stepping out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain.

Relatively speaking, the First Army killed the least, but no one dared to underestimate them.

They are responsible for defending the rear of the Southeast Army and ensuring logistics, especially guarding the Suez Canal. This is the lifeline of the army!

In fact, there was originally an army that served as a reserve team. It defended the rear with the First Army, mainly defending Syria. When the frontline war was tight, this army was transferred to the front line, and the First Army took over Syria to defend against the remnants of Baotou. After fighting, they eliminated as many as 20,000 Baotou guys.

When they passed the reviewing platform, the phalanx of the mixed group changed from walking in unison to walking forward, their chests tall, and the bayonet musket held high, full of energy, and uttered the dantian aura: "Long live the emperor!"

Yan Changwu waved his hands and shouted slogans from time to time: "Southern China Emperor Team Wan Sheng!" Sometimes he smiled. This is the most proud moment of his life. He enjoys it, and so does his subordinates!

After the eight-army mixed group passed, it was the naval phalanx, led by three admirals Yan Donglai, Cabot and Xiao Changrong, stepped past the reviewing platform.

The role of the navy is very large. They surround the enemy's fortresses and protect the army's maritime transportation lines.

Next came the artillery phalanx, with 6-pounder field guns and portable flying thunder cannons towed by war horses and drove through the reviewing platform.

The artillery was the protagonist of this war. The Chinese used the Yicheng Cannon to destroy the cities, making Baotou guys frightened.

The field artillery passed by, and the comrades holding gunpowder tubes came, and Yan Changwu's face showed a mysterious smile.

He remembered his previous life. A certain fat man formed a bazooka phalanx due to insufficient firepower at his home. Soldiers carried the bazooka to the stage for reading.

"I am also that fat guy now! I don't have enough firepower, so let's get together!" Yan Changwu smiled happily!

The artillery passed, and the Marine Corps phalanx came.

As the youngest service in the South China Empire, they have repeatedly made great achievements in beaches and landings. They have sea and land combat skills and can quickly go into battle during long voyages. Army troops are not as good as them. They need to do it before fighting. Rest, otherwise many people will get seasick and will not be able to participate in the war!

Then the horse bell was crisp, and the cavalry phalanx was led by the generals Jin Shengheng and Ke Yongsheng to ride over.

In this war, the cavalry is not the protagonist, but it is essential.

The scouts before the war, the participation in the war after the war, interspersed in a roundabout way, covered the flanks, and relayed information all depended on the cavalry.

Due to the long sea route and the lack of horses, the cavalry of the Southeast Army is dragoon When encountering enemy cavalry, it dismounts and fights, and when encounters enemy infantry, it mounts and strikes. There are relatively few cavalry battles. It looks like Ottomans. The Grand Vizier Asim Pasha attacked Li Laiheng, and his troops were too weak. The Baotou Lao cavalry was defeated by the Southeast Army cavalry.

The last member of the phalanx of the mixed group is the Imperial Union Army!

They have two troops, one is Asan, and the other is Japanese. Each officer and soldier has a medal on their chest, indicating that they are the elites of the Imperial Army!

They are extremely loyal to China, walking in front of the Chinese, consuming the enemy's firepower, and facing the vicious Baotou, they dared to fight, did not retreat, and made a lot of credit!

Therefore, Yan Changwu gave them the honor and let them also participate in the military parade of the founding ceremony, which is an affirmation to them!

After they participated in the military parade, they raised the flag --- here is a borrowed one. The Tatars have "into Manchuria to carry the flag", meaning there are two floors. One is that the Han raises the flag to become the Eight Banners of the Han Army and become the Tatar. One of the people, the second is to raise from the Xiawuqi to the Shangsanqi.

All these imperial consortiums have granted the nationality of the South China Empire!

As the Imperial Army passed by, amidst the rumbling sound, three Yicheng cannons came on the stage with the traction of 100 cows each. This is the most important weapon of the country and the first contributor to the capture of Istanbul!

The Yicheng cannon has a caliber of over 800 millimeters and a weight of 15 tons, which is no small matter.

One of the most famous moments appeared at the end of the military parade. At that time, 200 veterans of the South China Empire arrived at the reviewing stand holding 200 Ottoman army flags captured in previous wars. Yan Changwu was not on the high reviewing stand. Go to the reviewing stage.

Following the orders of the officers, the veterans threw the 200 captured Ottoman troops in front of their emperor!

The South China Empire has conquered the Ottoman Empire!