The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2118: The style of hard work can never be lost

Seeing that everyone was persuaded, Yan Changwu opened the golden mouth and said: "The Chinese nation is a nation full of wisdom and diligence. As a Chinese, I am proud and proud. The Chinese have many beautiful qualities. Among them, hard work is me. The fine tradition of the Chinese nation is the hard work and perseverance of generations to make our country self-reliant and prosperous."

Yan Changwu said: "History and reality show that it is difficult for a nation without the support of the spirit of hard struggle to strengthen itself; a country without the support of the spirit of hard struggle cannot develop and progress; a person without the support of the spirit of hard struggle, It is difficult to develop. To build our country into a prosperous and strong country, we must establish the belief in hard work, inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of hard work, and the construction of our country must be based on our own strength!"

Yan Changwu's interest came, and he first gave an example of Taiwan's development, when he was just a village chief!

If it weren't for the construction of Taiwan, it would have a foundation for its foundation and development, and how could it take off in the future.

"Thirty years ago, Southeast Asia was not ours. When we are down, we will build and turn Southeast Asia into the best land in the world, relying on our hands!"

"There is also North China. My Chinese nation rises on the banks of the Yellow River and expands around. It is fighting and building at the same time. The land obtained from the war, but if there is no construction, the land obtained from the war is of no value!"

"My subjects, I ask you, never, never leave the weapon of diligence, as long as we are diligent, we can overcome all difficulties and defeat all enemies!" Yan Changwu called.

"Yes, because our Majesty is the most diligent person in the world, he laid down the largest country in history and occupied an extremely huge territory overseas for our Chinese nation. Only then can we have today's happy life!" Minister Liu Kongzhao was stubborn.

Participants were deeply moved and expressed their willingness to work hard, endure hardships and stand hard work, and strive for a better future!

Yan Changwu's speech was transmitted back to the city of Rising Sun by the Clippers, and then reprinted by the major newspapers of the Southern China Empire, and distributed throughout the country. The court, the people of the country, and the entire army set off a vigorous learning boom.

His speech was very timely, and it was a strong counterattack to the unhealthy trends that have emerged in the empire in recent years!

As the empire’s economy was developed, wealth accumulated, and news of victory continued to come, many people believed that there was no longer a need to fight, and that the money was enough to spend in a lifetime, and it was possible to retire early.

This is true. Some people are born winners in life. Either they have money in their family, or they have money themselves, stocks or investments are successful, and they will make money that they couldn't imagine before.

They become empty-minded, lethargic, covetous, and reluctant to make progress.

Some officials put their personal interests above all else in terms of their value orientation. Doing more things feels at a disadvantage, and the treatment is a little bit less full of complaints. They think that hard work is "outdated" and enjoyment is more "realistic."

In terms of working attitude, they are afraid of hardship and tiredness, evade responsibility, pass by, go around when encountering difficulties and contradictions, and are unwilling to work in difficult places, let alone work creatively;

In official activities, stress on pomp, extravagance, extravagance and waste, and do not emphasize actual results;

In terms of life style, he pursues "aristocratic" eating, drinking and having fun, and indulging in spending time and sensuality.

The trend of extravagance in society is gradually increasing, squandering and wasting money, and excessive pursuit of enjoyment, that is, I open two bottles of wine, one bottle to drink, and one bottle to pour.

I'm happy!

What's more, some young people are afraid of hardship and exhaustion and fear of death, refuse to perform military service, and refuse to join the army!

Their family members also helped them, and even some officials were bought by them, giving them the green light.

This wind cannot grow!

The queen Yang Yinger, who sits in the city of Rising Sun, keenly sensed that this is a good opportunity, immediately struck the iron while it was hot, organized the people to conduct in-depth study, and took this opportunity to severely criticize all kinds of bad trends, reverse the direction of society, and achieve integrity , The subjects are required to be ethical, ethical, and diligent.

Officials study and pass the customs one by one. The more senior the official, the more they have to investigate their own problems. Is there hedonism and extravagance?

Launched "Criticism and Self-Criticism!"

The imperial court sent an inspection team to not only supervise and inspect the learning situation, but also investigate the officials, and promote the officials who are serious and willing to work.

There are also severe crackdowns on those who evade military service, the root cause and investigation, and all those who dare to evade military service are captured to perform hard labor. Those who provide them with convenience are even more guilty.

Good guy, more than 3,000 people were caught at once, and the highest level of officials reached the level of provincial governor.

Put them on trial and sentence, catch them and repair the earth.

Punish illegal officials, dismiss them from office, and sacrifice feudal society's big killer---confiscation of property, family exile!

All were dragged into hard labor, arrested to repair roads and mine.

After the newspaper was published, people clapped their hands and cheered. After all, this society has a lot of slings. It is unlucky to see those who are rich and powerful ~ naturally they clap their hands and cheer.

Some people are also wondering why the court shot so quickly and so accurately?

In fact, Yang Ying'er is well aware of all changes in social climate, but she is inconvenient to be ruthless, after all, she is not the emperor, and some things are difficult to do.

Yan Changwu is different. This country was created by him. He has the biggest say. If it doesn't work, he will rebuild the world. It is not impossible to recreate the world!

After all, he is still young!

Yang Ying'er took advantage of the situation, Yan Changwu's article was first, and her action was later. Everyone thought that this was the emperor's instruction. How dare you go against it.

So Yang Yinger's political sensitivity is really very strong, she is a first-rate queen.

She not only manages the smelting, but also takes the opportunity to set rules. For example, the government should not be extravagant and do a good job in building a clean government; people with military experience have bonus points in enrollment and politics, and vigorously praised model workers in society and gave them both fame and fortune.

After being purged by her, it took half a year, and the atmosphere of the South China Empire took on a new look!

Various provinces have set off a climax of construction one after another. We will not talk about those who said that there are not enough people before, and those who were afraid of hardship in the past are not afraid of hardship. We all work together and work hard.

Infrastructure frenzy: Roads, bridges, ports, schools, hospitals, nurseries, theaters, markets, etc. are being built everywhere. Barren hills are reclaimed, farmland water conservancy projects are built, mines are opened, and factories are built everywhere.

The fixed investment of the empire that year increased by 22% over last year, it was simply soaring. They invested the money they enjoyed in construction!

There are construction sites everywhere, smoke and dust billowing, foreigners say that Nanhua is a small change in one year, and a big change in three years. That's right!

Crazy Chinese!


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