The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2121: Xu 2 Niu Holiday (1)

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When the sky was still hazy the next day, Xu Erniu habitually opened his eyes early, and immediately woke up and stayed at home by himself!

The newly replaced bed exudes a fresh rose fragrance, which Xu Erniu thinks is very good.

He couldn't sleep anymore, he got up, put on his clothes, and went out into the courtyard. There was a well. Xu Erniu drew water, washed his face, and went to the hall, but he saw his parents and brother-in-law got up early and were eating. breakfast.

Farmers are always diligent and have to go to work after breakfast.

The family greeted him to eat together, breakfast was okay: sweet potato porridge, scallion pancake, scrambled eggs and homemade pickles.

There are a lot of white rice in sweet potato porridge. Rice is often eaten in South China, and it is not expensive at all.

One scrambled egg per person per person, the flatbread looks quite a lot in a porcelain basin and can be used as a snack.

The homemade pickles are delicious, especially for porridge. Xu Erniu is like a windstorm. After eating, he said: "I'll help too!"

The father did not refuse, but agreed: "Okay!"

After breakfast, the three of them went to the rose field. Xu Erniu was born in a peasant family and worked unambiguously.

They first fertilized the rose field, but every rose was full of energy and the branches and leaves were vigorous. Obviously, they didn't spend much time taking care of them.

Growing roses is a new product of Nanhua. It has never been seen in Daming. Roses are mainly used to refine fragrances. The company collects as much as possible. They can be used as perfumes, essences and soaps. They are very popular.

The plant ash is the product left after the rice stalk is burned at home. It is actually potash fertilizer. When used as a rose flower, it can be used as a base or top dressing fertilizer. The farmers found that the higher the yield of the rose garden, the more plant ash. benefit.

However, the ash is easily blown away by the wind, and it is not good to get wet. It must be buried in the soil around the rose lace.

So they carried buckets of plant ash with donkeys, first dig trenches, and then buried them.

After working for a while, Xu Erniu felt steamy and had to take off his coat and continue working.

Xu Erniu took out a pocket watch to check the time. This is the military version. Officers above the noncommissioned officer are rationed, and Xu Erniu also has one.

After repeating the simple work, it was about ten o'clock in the morning and it was time to water the roses.

It's also physical work. Although simple, it has to be carried back and forth.

The water source in the fields is not bad. There are cement canals and ponds, which are made by the government's funds to help farmers.

Twelve o'clock, it's time for dinner.

The field is close to home, go home for lunch.

Mother worked out lunch at home and it was already done.

Xu Erniu couldn't help smiling when he saw a pot of food on the table.

Fried corned beef patties, you can see them everywhere you go.

Since the South China Empire occupied the Tu-Australia mainland, it became a meat storehouse for the South Chinese.

There are mountains and plains of beef cattle in mainland China. Every year there are a huge number of beef cattle for slaughter. If there is no refrigerator, they will be cured with salt and become barrels of corned beef, which are then dumped across the country.

The army first eats a large amount of corned beef, and the best treatment is the navy. If they want, they can eat corned beef at every meal.

Xu Erniu joined the army and became the army, and he did not eat as much beef as the navy, but not a lot.

With the increase in the number of beef cattle, prices continue to drop, and finally entered the folk, so that ordinary people can also afford to eat beef, some wealthy people can eat beef, even if it is corned beef, beef is beef.

Can you afford beef in ancient times?

If the dynasty was established in the pre-Ming dynasty, don't talk about losing the officialdom when eating beef.

Because ancient agricultural productivity was underdeveloped, there was no large-scale machinery, and cattle could bear heavy loads and plow the fields, so cattle was an important labor force that was absolutely indispensable for ancient agriculture.

It can be said that the cow is the head of the animal in ancient times, and it is necessary to be held criminally responsible for killing a cow without a reason, and even an official who kills a cow cannot do it.

There was a minister named Xie Fei in the Liang Dynasty of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

His son Xie Yeguan paid homage to Situ You Changshi, who is equivalent to the Secretary-General led by senior officials. This Xie Changshi didn't know why, suddenly he killed a cow at home, was accused, violated the law, and was dismissed from office for the people.

As early as in the Han Dynasty, cattle had been protected by legislation, and the Han law stipulated that "Shaofang must not be slaughtered." The Han law imposed severe punishments on killing cattle, and those who violated the ban would have to pay the cattle for their lives.

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, cattle were banned regardless of whether they were old, weak or sick. Only cattle that died naturally or died of illness could be skinned and sold or eaten by themselves.

After that, the various dynasties from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Qian Ming made clear legal regulations on the matter of slaughtering and eating beef. According to the law, those who steal and kill cattle can be imprisoned, or they can be distributed for thousands of miles, and even lose their lives!

PS: Let alone the ancient times, in 1995 in the parallel space, the State Council of the Tian-dynasty also issued a rule stating that neither government agencies nor farmers can slaughter cattle privately, otherwise!

The local law of all dynasties and generations said: "The cattle thief was caught, and the villagers killed them without authorization. The government's response was, don't investigate!"

In addition to not allowing the slaughter and consumption of cattle at will, many dynasties even had to worry about the treatment of cattle. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the country stipulated that the cattle should be evaluated every quarter of the year. Those who raised the cattle very strong and healthy could be rewarded; on the contrary, if the cattle were not well-raised and became thin, the local Officials in charge of agriculture will be punished accordingly.

By the time of the Southern China Dynasty, beef was cheaper, and people could eat it.

Not only corned beef but also beef cattle are sold, selling fresh beef.

Of course, they eat beef cattle, which are sold under the license of the state, but for farm cattle, the protection measures remain the same.

Xu's family bought the corned beef stamped on this trademark and made beef patties for Xu Erniu to eat.

This is the mother's distressed son, and does not want to wrong her son.

Xu Erniu's name has "niu". When he went to the army, he didn't eat beef, but he quickly stopped eating white.

Although he eats a lot of beef, he will not dislike his mother's beef patties.

Today, apart from the fried corned beef patties, Xu Ma cooked fried rice with salted fish and chicken, which is one of the Cantonese fried rice, but Xu Jia is from Shanxi!

During the immigration period, the government provided great help to new immigrants. Among them, cooking training is essential. They are encouraged to have the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea, and everything must be good to live! Xu Ma also learned the fried rice with salted fish and Don’t look at it, it’s just a pot of rice, the ingredients are not ordinary, use rice, salted fish, diced chicken, green onions, ginger, wine, soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar , Pepper fry together.

The salted fish is not valuable here near the sea. Chicken is obtained from killing a chicken. As for fish sauce, it is a common aquatic condiment in Fujian and Chaozhou cuisine. It uses small fish and shrimp as raw materials, and is pickled, fermented, and refined to obtain a very delicious juice. The color is amber, and the taste is salty and umami; pepper is valuable in ancient times!

And this is just a meal for an ordinary farmer in the South China Dynasty!

There is also a piece of seaweed chicken diced soup, plus a piece of green vegetables from my own vegetable garden, it is a beautiful meal.

As long as the adults ate, they didn't see their three nieces. Xu Erniu asked, it was at school that they were eating, and they did not eat badly at school. Corned beef patties are often eaten!

This is the "welfare" of the South China Empire, and other countries really cannot envy it.

Beihua on the other side of the sea also wanted to learn, but without this condition, the South China Empire had a large land and a small population, large food production, and cheap beef.

After dinner, I took a break at noon. In the afternoon, Xu Erniu followed his father and brother to work in the paddy fields.

In the evening, my nephew came home from school, and the family gathered for dinner. They ate: white rice, old turkey soup, beef patties, steamed fish, fried shrimps and vegetables.

This meal can be said to have been eaten by the former landlord’s old man during the Chinese New Year, and the former landlord’s family had no surplus.

At night, the oil lamp was lit in the main room. It was not a kerosene lamp, but a palm oil lamp. The children did their homework under the lamp, while the women repaired things. The men were far away, enjoying the coolness at the door, shaking the big sunflower fan.

The night breeze gave off the smell of wormwood. This is an anti-mosquito barrier planted by immigrants outside their homes. Xu Erniu stretched his tired muscles and bones, feeling smoked, and it felt good to be home.