The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2167: Made history!

This really makes the Swedes feel like they are laughing and laughing. We are here to discuss dealing with the Chinese and get rid of the Chinese, but you, the king, asked us how to cook Chinese food!

But thinking of the king’s rumors, the Swede scratched his head suddenly.

Charles II is called the "king of joy" or "king of joy"!

In May 1660, under the protection of 20,000 soldiers, Charles II, who was in exile, finally returned to the long-lost Britain, causing a sensation for a while. Londoners drank and celebrated and rushed to watch. The bells rang in the church to welcome the return of the king. This day happens to be the 30th birthday of Charles II. It would be a great irony to think that they executed Charles I, the father of Charles II, 11 years ago.

The miserable life of his childhood allowed Charles II, who was re-elected to the throne, to know how to have fun in time and enjoy himself. People call him the "king of joy" or "king of joy." During the restoration of the king’s regime, the entertainment venues that were blocked by the Puritan Cromwell during the Republican period reopened. Theaters, chicken nests, pubs, and racetracks resumed their former hustle and bustle. The Royal Theatre was completed in Drury Lane, London, and people celebrated all kinds of things with joy. During the festival, singing and dancing are everywhere, full of enthusiasm.

Charles II was also keen to find flowers and ask willows. Actresses such as Neil Gwen and Lucy Walter were the king’s mistresses, and there were more illegitimate children. It is commendable for him to be able to return to England to become a king after many years in exile, and to enjoy a happy time. He must grasp happiness!

The Swedes explained their intentions, it seems that Charles II is not interested? !

He has just regained the throne and he hasn't enjoyed enough. Want him to join the war?

No, war is not fun, I can't bear to leave the warm embrace of London!

Charles II had a tragic childhood experience. When the civil war broke out between the royal army and the parliamentary army in England, Prince Charles, who was only 12 years old, had to join the army with his father Charles I, for the Boy Scouts!

As a result, Charles I was defeated and captured, and the Parliament subsequently tailored a trial court for him and beheaded him for treason. Therefore, Charles I became the first and only king in British history to be executed, and Prince Charles was forced to go into exile. His childhood ended hastily.

Then he was displaced and suffered some hardships, and finally returned to his country and succeeded in restoration.

Western monarchs often go shirtless in battles. Even if it is a king, the conditions are not good, so he doesn't want to fight.

Fortunately, there are sensible people in the British royal court. After viewing the "Secrets of South China", Chief Minister Hyde firmly said: "Your Majesty, we should send troops!"

Lord Wilmert, the king's favorite, also supported Hyde's opinion. The most trusted and dependent of Charles II, and the most powerful protector of Charles II was Lord Wilmert. He was originally an entourage of Charles I’s licentious wife, Queen Henrietta, and fled to France with Charles II. Lord Wilmert has a distinct personality, rebellious, and even refuses to disguise his identity, so it is easy to expose the whereabouts of the king. However, he is also the king's most loyal and bravest confidant, always defending the king's safety.

Lord Wilmert knew exactly what the king was thinking, and threatened him: "If we don't enter the war, those infidels will defeat other countries, and we, the United Kingdom, cannot beat the infidels, and you will not be able to stay on the throne! Or maybe other countries have united and defeated the infidels. If we do not send troops, they will be dissatisfied and may invade our country!"

This time Charles II was entangled. He was reluctant to live a comfortable life at the moment, and he was afraid of future revenge.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we must send troops!" said a minister.

It was Viscount Pablo Stratford, the king’s important patron. After getting him, Charles II’s life was much more comfortable because he gave a lot of money to Charles II.

Viscount Pablo Stratford was the eldest son of the late Earl Thomas Wentworth Stratford of England, and Burr Thomas Wentworth Stratford was King Charles I of England His important minister, the Governor of Scotland, died for Charles II.

Viscount Pablo is the greatest, and his second DD is famous in both China, called Mr. David, and is the field marshal of the South China Empire!

The first DD of Viscount Pablo was called Chris, and his youngest daughter Louise was the concubine of the Emperor of South China!

Although Viscount Pablo is also related to the South China Empire, it does not prevent him from standing in the position of Britain and insisting on fighting.

With three ministers at the head, other ministers asked to join the war.

The ministers all agreed that Charles II had no choice but to let him go. He was not a strong king, so he compromised and decided to send General George Munch to lead the fleet.

In this way, an important part of the European army, the British army, was ready to join the war. In the previous second battle between the Europeans and the Chinese, the British were absent.

Now that the British participate in the war, they may succeed, because the Chinese fleet warfare was taught by the British!

The two parties reached an agreement, and Charles II couldn’t wait to ask Eriksson to show off his Chinese cooking skills, so Eriksson gave Charles the second a Yangzhou egg fried rice, which was so delicious that Charles II was still in the mood. Licking the dish!


The Swedish mission arrived in France for a state visit. The French King Louis XIV took office shortly, but he was very knowledgeable. When he met the they agreed to join the Allied Powers in the war against the South China Empire. !

Afterwards, he opened a state banquet to entertain guests. At the banquet, he used Chinese chopsticks to eat dishes. Eriksen admitted: "Your Majesty, your chopsticks make Bichen better!"

Louie XIV laughed. His court did have a lot of oriental elements. At this time, he was drinking tea, using porcelain and wearing silk, all from the East.

Nevertheless, national interests are above all else, and France is ready to go to war!


The Swedish envoys visited Spain and Portugal. The two sides lost to the South China Navy twice in the Mediterranean sea battle. They were dissatisfied. When their monarchs saw "South China Secrets", they agreed to join the alliance and jointly fight the South China Empire!

Arrived in Rome!

Let the Swedes feel a little bit, they are Lutherans as the state religion, Lutherans are Protestant, from the reformer Martin Luther, are opposed to the Pope, but now Martin Luther's believers have to deal with the Holy See.

They did not see the Pope. The chief cardinal Bola Luz met them on behalf of the Pope, saying that the Holy See would be happy to summon the power of Christ to deal with the pagans from the East!

The pagans from the East are really terrible. The "Secrets of South China" stated that they only allowed the spread of Buddhism and Taoism and suppressed all other religions. This made the Holy See intolerable.

The Swedes have another city.

With the endorsement of the Pope of Rome, the majority of Catholic Italians and the consent of the Holy Roman Empire will proceed smoothly.

At this point, the European Anti-China Alliance was established, and almost all European powers participated in it. All of this was promoted by a small man Eriksson. He was so proud and felt that he had made history!


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