The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2193: Armored cavalry

With the strength of Dou Fame, the Russians really want to fight hard, but he will never join the army at the beginning.

Isn’t it good for the Crimeans to consume the strength of Russia and Mao Zedong? This is how the war is. At the beginning, they will not put all their chips in, but patiently look for fighter opportunities, and wait for the enemy to slack off by consuming the enemy’s strength Attack the enemy at any time.

Dou Mingwang taught the Crimean cavalry in front to raise their hoofs, splashing dust and moving their horses to cover the signs of thousands of soldiers advancing forward.

So without Lao Maozi noticing it, his troops rushed to the front line and immediately launched a fierce attack on Lao Maozi's exhausted left-wing troops!

In fact, Lao Maozi has fallen into a serious decline in spirit and will, and their Valentin Nicholas Count is still not aware of it. He is screaming and drinking vigorously. He thinks that the self-armed troops are gods and thinks they can do it. .

One of the reasons he didn't want to retreat was that he was afraid of losing face. He wanted to leave after dark, but he didn't expect to be able to escape.

The Crimean cavalry who attacked Lao Maozi previously took turns, and they were running horses instead of human runners, but Lao Maozi supported him from morning to afternoon. He was very nervous, and people were not made of steel. When he was defeated by Valentin. The religious enthusiasm instigated by Count Nicholas was exhausted, and even when he was exhausted by yelling "Fight for God", the Chinese attack came to an abrupt end.

Bombs are very useful. After igniting piles of flames, bring the bombs close and ignite them, and then throw them out.

Including Japanese soldiers, ordinary soldiers threw small bombs weighing one catty, and armored grenadiers threw large bombs weighing five kilograms.

When Lao Mao saw the smoke-staining bombs flying towards them all over his head, their faces were dull.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Bombs poured in and exploded on Lao Maozi's front line, causing them to faint.

A bigger bomb followed, a huge explosive bag sloshing in the crowd, and then it exploded, bursting with a rain of blood, and the broken human torso was flying all over the sky, pouring the earth and smearing a layer of red. Red dye.

The shells made a stern sound in the air, and slammed their heads against the crowd and corpses, dragging bright red marks.

The Crimean cavalry made a point from the left and right, the Japanese soldiers were revealed, the platoon guns rang, and Lao Maozi's lineup was cut off like meat by a knife.

The bombs thrown by the South China Army focused on the shield soldiers. When they were bombed, the old Maozi who had lost protection became the victim of the musket.

The first group of Japanese soldiers stayed on the spot and was busy loading their ammunition. Another group of Japanese soldiers came forward calmly and shot Lao Maozi in three rows.

With the deafening gunfire, Lao Maozi wakes up like a dream and immediately fights back.

They fired back with artillery, muskets, and bows. There were casualties among the Japanese soldiers, and the medical soldiers became busy.

The two sides shot at each other, and the smoke filled.

The third group of Japanese soldiers stepped forward and shot Lao Maozi.

In addition, the bombs and shells above the head kept falling, and the bombardment and bombing became more and more fierce. The bright red shells screamed sharply in the air, drawing a long stream of fire, like a meteor hitting the ground, accompanied by the continuous booming of the bombs.

Lao Maozi suffered heavy casualties. There were piles of corpses on the front line, with blood flowing into a stream.

Under such circumstances, the old Mao Zijun's heart is shaken and his heart is broken.

It’s hard to see, a large group of "iron cans" cavalry appeared in front of Maozi's formation. They were covered in thick iron armor all over their bodies. They even had iron visors on their faces and tall war horses under their hips. Wearing thick leather armor, the front of the horse is exaggeratedly covered with iron skin for protection.

This is the armored cavalry carefully equipped by Count Valentin Nicholas. The whites prefer to use this cavalry. In contrast, the Eastern cavalry and even the Ottoman cavalry pay attention to mobility and prefer light cavalry.

The Russian-Maurice region is close to Europe. The armor prepared by Count Valentin Nicholas is similar to the style used by noble knights in the 16th century. It is very heavy, exceeding 30 kilograms, and the armor is required to withstand a full-charged heavy matchlock. s attack.

The equipment is sufficient. The armor is required to withstand the attack of the full-charged heavy arquebus. The armored cavalry generally wears a set of three-quarter plate armor covering the area from the head to the knee, and this set of plate armor is general It will be painted black to prevent corrosion.

In addition to the breast plate and back plate, they also wear mask helmets. This mask helmet often has a face-like appearance, with observation holes, and sometimes nostrils or mouths. The shape of the mask helmet mimics the shape of a human skeleton. Appearance, the Germans call it the "head of death" helmet.

The neck of the armored cavalry is protected by neck armor, shoulder armor, arm armor, and elbow armor are also available, including iron gloves on the hands. The thighs of the armored cavalry are wrapped by hinged ring-piece leg armor. The length of the leg armor will be dragged to the top of the long leather boots worn by the cavalry. In short, the protection is very strong.

Armor is an expensive piece of equipment, and the generals of European countries insist that it is worthwhile to equip armor.

After some imperial cavalry who lacked armor protection fleeed in the Battle of Lützen in 1632, Wallenstein wrote to the Bavarian General Aldlingen: The gap between them is very obvious. The former insists on fighting while the latter runs away. Therefore, in this winter, all colonels should prepare their cavalry with breastplates."

This area is the location of the Umao Iron Mine, and Earl Valentin Nicholas can lavishly equip five hundred armored cavalry.

When they rushed to the Japanese soldiers, the Japanese soldiers concentrated their fire and shot at them.

As a result, the bullet hit the iron armor, deceiving it loudly.

Then the Japanese soldiers armed with rifled guns fired at the enemy cavalry. The aggressive cavalry just shook, as if nothing happened, continued to charge.

Bullets cannot break armor!

Shoot the horse But when the bullet hits the horse, because the armor weakens the power of the bullet, and the horse is a big livestock, it can't hit the key, the horse can not miss the shot.

Seeing the iron cavalry came, one of the Japanese soldiers ignited the tube and sprayed at the cavalry.

He fired too quickly, and the flames ejected from behind the tube were eaten by his comrades in the back and screamed.

The barrel is a recoilless shoulder-mounted shotgun with more ammunition and more powerful.

The big shot shot at the head also made the iron cavalry frustrated and pierced the iron armor on his body. However, because everyone was opposing, the cavalry continued to rush. The cavalry rushed to the side of the Japanese soldiers and swung a knife. The body and head are in a different place immediately.

There were also pirate Japanese soldiers who flanked the iron cavalry cleverly and fired from the left and right wings of the iron cavalry.

However, there were too few Japanese Japanese soldiers, ten men per pipe. Unlike the Chinese soldiers, there were as many pipes as there were comrades. Therefore, the iron cavalry rushed into the Japanese soldiers. They were full of hatred and slashed violently with the saber. Japanese soldiers, chop them to blood.

For a while, the battlefield seemed to be caught in blood!

The Japanese soldiers were very brave. The Japanese soldiers in front of the horse's head used bayonet muskets to resist the cavalry, and the ones behind shot desperately.

They dare not retreat, let alone escape, otherwise the terrible fate will fall on them and their families.

All the fugitives died, and the family members were exiled to serve as the army!

At that time, the iron cavalry was equivalent to a tank. A galloping roaring tank was unstoppable by ordinary light infantry. Their impact was terrible. The Japanese soldiers were chopped down by the iron cavalry, and their losses exceeded the previous total.

But Lao Maozi couldn't last long, because Ma Bao led the troops up.


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