The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2226: Night raid on Johannesburg

The latest website: The Ancient Night Fight!

The reason is obvious, it is the storyteller who has the three hundred rounds of night battle between Feiye and Chaoge in order to attract attention.

In ancient times, there were no electric lights. Unless the visibility in the sky is a little better, the sky full of stars will inevitably not be able to see the five fingers. Even if you lift the torch, the distance will not be effective.

Moreover, when the torch is used, it indicates the target for the enemy. When people's long-range weapons such as muskets and bows and arrows are vegetarian?

Under these conditions, the ancient army had no night vision equipment, backward command methods, lack of professional quality, and did not support large-scale night battles at all.

In the daytime marching operations are scattered, and night operations are even more difficult to count on. Basically, the general cannot effectively control the troops after leaving the camp. The probability of oneself cutting each other in a melee with the enemy is not lower than that of the enemy. In addition, they trample on each other and fall into the valley. The ratio of casualties to battle damage is not worthwhile.

But for the Marine Corps of the South China Empire, night attacks are their housekeeping skills and a must-do subject.

In the words of a Marine Corps general: "As a third-class person, we are lack of heavy weapons, weak armor, backward equipment, and do not fight hard, win by surprise, how can we succeed!"

Therefore, they can climb the wall without using a ladder, and practice their marksmanship hard, which is generally more accurate than that of army personnel. Marines are proficient in various hot and cold weapons and use whatever they get, because they can't care about it.

It can be said that every marine is equal to a special soldier, a soldier among the soldiers, and the quality of individual soldiers is better than that of an army soldier.

Night battle is their specialty!

The night combat capability of the Marine Corps is what Yan Changwu requested. He knew too well that in the war where the Red Army was famous before he came, the night combat was the Red Army, and the moon belonged to the Chinese!

For night battles, hard training skills, training subjects are:

1. Reload in the dark!

Use firearms in the dark and keep up with the reloading. The training requirements are to close your eyes, reload the musket, then throw the bomb, use the flash of the bomb to distinguish the target, and hit the target!

For this reason, the bombs developed by the Chinese contained metal powders, and the light was stronger when they exploded to illuminate the soldiers.

Also, light a fire in the dark and throw a bomb.

This is done in long-term training. The trained marines are generally able to close their eyes to reload, aim at the target with a small amount of light and shoot, and hit the target accurately.

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2. March in the dark!

Knowing where to score and defend, not to disturb the enemy, not to fall into the water, etc., requires long-term exploration and continuous training.

March in the dark, make signs, identify and distinguish, and sometimes use a long rope to drag a group of people forward to the enemy.

Night combat is no easy task. The training and implementation of each night combat is fully prepared. Before the night combat, from senior officers to chief officers of the various units, staff officers at all levels to lieutenants and non-commissioned officers, take turns to carry out on-the-spot surveys at the forward positions. The offensive route and the study of the offensive plan, the officer even touched the door of the offensive target, fully guaranteed the successful implementation of the night attack.

Even so, night battles have to be cautious. As an elite unit, the Marine Corps, under the guarantee of effective command and strict military discipline, can carry out night harassment and surprise attacks, which can cause huge chaos to the enemy.

Now they are coming to attack Johannesburg at night. First, they paralyze Baipi, that is, they do not attack Baipi at night, creating an illusion that everyone is in peace at night.

What surprises the Chinese people is that the white skin is dead, and they can't control the lights at night.

Baipi is a militia, free and loose, even if someone wants to control it.

When the lights are lit at night, the Chinese will show the direction and let the Chinese touch the city without knowing it according to the road chosen during the day, and then it will start at the same time.

In the west, south and north of the city, they all contained the offensive. At most a thousand people were placed, shot and bombs were thrown inside.

To the east is the main direction. With the harsh charging horn, a full eight thousand Marines, led by Yan Le, launched a fierce attack on Baipi.

The roars of "Kill", "Chong", "Kill Baipi!" roared through the sky, and everyone who heard Baipi was terrified!

The Marines’ offense is not a blind pig charge, but relies on the light of existence to find the target, attack and shoot forward.

There is no need to touch the sentries at all, and shoot them as soon as the battle begins.

The flash of the explosion pointed out the direction for the Marines and rushed into Johannesburg quickly, killing people at sight, no mercy!

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The peripheral marines continuously fired flares with parachutes into the sky (actually fireworks). Although the light released is not strong, the trained marines can often take advantage of this. Light defeats the enemy.

In the dark night, the sound of gunfire and explosion sounded together, the flash of explosion flashed across the darkness, the harsh bugle sound was short and harsh, and there were rough roars everywhere, making Baipi confused!

The Chinese are the kings in the dark!

Compared with the armies of other countries, the Marines are well-nourished, have no night blindness and are not counted, generally have good eyesight, and are keen to respond. They have the most courageous fighting spirit in night battles, achieve the highest combat efficiency, and strike quickly!

After the battle began, the Marines paid attention to the environment and used light to constantly move forward while destroying the enemy.

In an unrelenting, brave charge, they rushed into the enemy city at night with their superior forces, fought fiercely, and quickly completed the division and encirclement and annihilated each enemy.

Every one of the Marines is a hero, and the whiteskins are simply incapable of giving full play to their combat effectiveness.

The white skins were in chaos. Some people rushed out of the house like flies without their heads and were killed by the Chinese.

The white skins hiding in hiding can only fight on their own, shooting indiscriminately outside, and then being caught by the Marines and returning the gun. They often hate it on the Worse, in the dark Some white skins and some white skins are fighting each other.

The white skin that died in his own hands has added a lot of numbers to the Chinese's record!

In contrast, the Chinese may also hit their own people, but they are rare.

A part of the Marines cooperated with each other, rushed swiftly and went straight to the city!

Baipi fell into a chaos that could not be considered from the beginning to the end, as if fighting was everywhere. Baipi came out of the city hall after eating bombs, and soon scattered. They could only fight separately, and could not organize an effective counterattack at all, let alone talk about it. Drive the Chinese out of the city.

The Marines were attacked bravely from all directions. The white skins were caught in a huge panic, and even caused some white skins to have hallucinations. They seemed to be dreaming, hearing bursts of gunfire and horseshoe galloping, and then a group of fuzzy The clear figure seemed to have fallen from the sky, and immediately shot and stabbed anyone they found.

The problem is that there is no cavalry in our army tonight!