The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2232: Uncle Black in the Mine

Latest website: The attack on that tribe went very smoothly. The attack launched by the South China Army in the early morning, the uncles of the black skin did not have the fighting awareness at all, and were easily succeeded by the South China Army!

The cavalry charges, the infantry washes the ground, and the killing of Uncle Heipi is not worth writing about.

However, the black uncle here still has a bright spot!

When a cavalry rushed past, a black-skinned uncle wielded a stick, and with a magical stick, he actually dismounted the cavalry!

If it weren't for the brothers behind him, hurry up to protect him, I'm afraid the landing cavalry is in danger.

In summary after the war, some officers and soldiers said that Uncle Heipi possessed a set of cudgel skills, which made even the trained Chinese soldiers suffer when fighting. It's hard to guard against!

The officers said that if the Imperial Army had no firearms, they would have been defeated long ago!

Of course, what they encountered was the Chinese and the imperial army with firearms. Uncle Ren Heipi's cudgel skills were so extraordinary that he had to kneel when he encountered bullets.

During the interrogation of the captives, it was learned that they belonged to the Banguni tribe. In order to deal with the beasts, the tribe generally used a set of cudgel antagonism. They also used this cudgel to defend the tribe. The king of Ulungu wanted a gunman.

The Banguni stick technique was handed down because Colonel Fang Jianping asked the sergeant to record the stick technique. He invited an army painter to draw a book and finally passed it down. Of course, the Banguni tribe had long since disappeared on the earth.

After defeating this tribe, it was the turn of King Ulungu's tribe. The next day, the Chinese slammed into his territory with open flames. Their resistance was worse than the Banguni tribe's resistance, not worth mentioning!

King Ulungu ran away in a sedan chair. Because he was too fat and too heavy to lift the bearer, he was overtaken by Japanese soldiers and killed him cleanly!

The two tribes harvested nearly 10,000 prisoners, and many Heipi immediately surrendered when they heard the local spoken language learned by the Chinese, and they surrendered immediately. They were quite simple and neat, worthy of being Uncle Heipi!

Unsurprisingly, a gold mine was found in the territory of King Ulungu. It belongs to river gold and has very large reserves!

Li Guoying ordered the troops to rest and take turns to pan for gold in that golden river for three days, including the Imperial Army, and all the income was returned.


To be honest, the soldiers and civilians who arrived in South Africa made more money than other places, thanks to the emperor's generosity.

Gold belongs to the emperor, no one dares to deny it.

But the emperor is really generous, saying that being alone is not as good as everyone's music, everyone is really good!

He gave the bosses the power to open up their gold mining rights, so that everyone can make a fortune together.

Under his guidance, the Chinese living in South Africa live a happy life.

The local blacks are in a miserable situation, like Wang Xiaoer's New Year, year after year is worse than one year!


South Africa, Jinyang City, Jiasan gold mining area.

The Chinese use A, B, C, D (Tiangan) plus a Chinese number of one, two, three, and four to indicate a mining area. The A-3 mining area is a large mining area with 20,000 slaves, all of whom are black-skinned uncles.

At dawn, with the sound of the long horn, it was the wake-up number of the South China Army, which was used in the slave camps, indicating that the military system was implemented.

Get up late when it's time to get up, and be punished!

If you don't wake up early according to your wake-up number, you will also be punished!

The Chinese were aloft in the camp, and they came to inspect them in a spirited manner, wearing shiny leather shoes.

The Japanese and Annan are in charge. These short files are cruel and hard to deal with criminal slaves.

Punching and kicking is commonplace, and lashing with leather whips is common. Among the supervisors, North Koreans love to beat slaves with sticks, so they are called "sticks!"

When the wake-up call rang, the camp boiled.

With the deterrence of the Japanese and Annan people, the Heipi uncles quickly got up, first sorted out the house, and folded the quilt, although it was not a tofu block, it was neat.

Their house is the kind of big house built with branches, thatch and yellow mud. It is 30 meters long and can accommodate a hundred people in one room.

There is an aisle in the middle of the room along the ridge of the roof. The two rooms in the aisle are rows of wooden beds, each with a blanket, and three sets of uniforms and underwear.

After going to the toilet to solve the internal emergency, they took their salt packets, water cups and towels to the long sink made of cement, unscrewed the faucet, washed their faces and brushed their teeth, and brushed their teeth with the coarse salt in the salt packets.

Salt was precious in ancient times. It was called platinum. However, in the two Chinas where the productivity was developed, the price of salt continued to fall. Not to mention that ordinary people can afford it. Even the slaves in the remote South African slave camp can use salt. Brush your teeth!

Both China and China mainly have many sources of money and produce a large amount of salt. The ruler Yan Changwu was compassionate and lowered the price of salt. In addition to eating cheap salt, it was also used by the two countries to brush their teeth.

Uncle Heipi is inherently lazy, so to talk about hygiene depends on the careful teaching of the Japanese and Annan people!

Not only about hygiene, but also discipline. After the people in each house are finished, they line up and wait under the rain canopy in front of the barracks with their lunch boxes!

Beside them, there were eye-catching Japanese, Annan supervisors and sticks watching them. Anyone who moved slowly or did not suit their eyes would be beaten with a whip or stick!

With the arrival of the scented dining trucks dragged by donkeys, the eyes of the uncles with black skin lit up, all looking forward to it.

In front of the barracks labeled 16, a food truck arrived. The breakfast was also delivered by Uncle Hei Pi. One of the Hei Pi said in their native language: "Guys, today’s breakfast is sesame seed, dried vegetable polenta!"

The crowd sounded several whistles of appreciation, and they went forward to receive breakfast in turn.

Their lunch boxes are relatively large, and each person received a large portion of the rich dried vegetable corn paste and a large sesame seed cake, which is very generous!

Although they have to do heavy physical work, the benevolent Chinese host has never treated them badly in terms of food.

The Chinese eat well, even the slaves have a good food.

The porridge of the black skins in the 16th barracks is very delicious, and besides being delicious, the key is that meat is added to the porridge!

There is still a lot of meat, some people have eaten a big piece of meat!

Spices are added because the food is made by Indian chefs.

With the addition of pork liver and dried vegetables, the taste is quite good.

This is against the black-skinned team of the 16th barracks who won the previous excavation so the whole team has meat porridge, and many thousand-player teams are plain porridge.

The Chinese only used one trick to make the black people work hard.

That is to look at the output. The more ore that is dug out, the meat can be eaten by anyone. If you win consecutively, there will be more delicious things.

There are a total of 20,000 black skins in the Jiasan gold mining area. Based on the 30% winner, there are six thousand teams that can eat meat porridge, and the rest are plain porridge.

Their three meals a day are corn mash, the winning team has meat, and the losing team has no meat.

If the team is in the bottom three for three consecutive times, it will be punished by a whiplash.

The leather whip will not be drawn too much, up to ten whips, so as not to cause a large area of ​​slavery attrition.

If you are on the list ten times, as long as there are supplementary black skins, then the black skins of the entire team will be sold, which is **** for them.

Because only here can you be full!