The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2246: Unlucky Baby

Latest website: Don Larsson’s mission is to cruise the coast of Barcelona for a week to fight wrongdoing.

The crew members took their positions and fulfilled their tasks in accordance with the command of the officer.

Their movements are fairly fast. This is the result of Don Larson's practice, which is better than other anti-smuggling ships.

But not as good as the navy, after all, they are professional.

Having said that, maybe some navy captains are not as capable as Don Larson.

A large barrel-type telescope is conspicuously erected on the ship’s deck. The magnification is very high. It can bring the distant scene closer. It was purchased by Don Larsson privately. The Barcelona customs warehouse in Spain currently provides the same type. Old-style binoculars, even ordinary officers on the ship use binoculars!

The sergeant on duty searched the sea meticulously, and they quickly found the target.

During the day, the "Saint Paul" inspected five ships, including two cargo ships and three fishing boats. On one of them, they found that they were full of Chinese tea, coffee, and cocoa and sent them to Marseilles in France, and the other ship was full of various kinds. The lamps and lanterns were sent to Rome.

The documents on the two cargo ships are complete, all issued by the Spanish government.

The captains of the cargo ship who were called to the "São Paulo" were smiling, and they all gave Don Larson a small purse.

The crew members who couldn't get the oil and water were not angry. They cursed, and they knew that the cargo was bleached!

That is, after the smuggled Chinese goods were successfully on the coast of Barcelona, ​​they went to the warehouse for a while, and then blatantly branded the trademark of Spanish domestic goods and shipped them to other places or countries!

Those who can do this and dare to do so are naturally made by unscrupulous businessmen in collusion with those staunch patriots in the country. Those human rights are so powerful that they can shelter such unlawful acts.

Don Larson stopped the crew's words and deeds and waved to let them go.

Of course he knows the origin of these two ships, but he can't do anything. After all, he is also a member of the nobility!

He can only pin his hopes on maritime anti-smuggling and do his part!


In the early morning, the sound of the clock awakened Don Larson from his dream. He got up and woke up the orderman who was sleeping on the floor by the door. The orderman yawned and waited for the captain to dress and fetch water for him. He washes his face.

The boat is well-defined, and as a nobleman, Don Larson enjoys it naturally.

He got out of his cabin and went up to the deck.

Feeling the wind blowing on the rear side of the ship’s side, I saw his ship steadily heading east. The inclination of the ship did not exceed 10 degrees under the wind. The officer on duty could have opened the top sail, but it was a bit risky in the dark. The hull may be sideways badly, wait until dawn before moving forward at full speed.

The sky on the sea is still gloomy, I don’t know whether it will be sunny or cloudy, but the sea has already glowed with silvery white light. This is the light of daylight, not the dim light of night. The light reflects on the part of the sail that is raised by the wind, like Pearls are inlaid on the sail.

"Good morning!" Don Larson greeted the sailor at the door of the upper deck.

"Good morning, sir." The guard replied attentively.

"Good morning, Mr. Esquero!" Don Larson greeted the duty officer.

"Good morning, sir!" Navigator Escuelo raised his hand in salute and replied.

Their politeness did not last for a few seconds, and then they heard the non-commissioned officer on duty, the young little Quiet yelling: "Sir, look at the ship over there!"

Don Larson's binoculars looked in the direction indicated, and he saw a boat in the northeast direction. A smile appeared on his face: "It turned out to be an old friend. He ran away by it before. Now he is chasing and catching him. it!"

At first it was dim, and the Spanish-style dhow with the flag of the South China Empire was not found. Now the sun is less than three nautical miles away from the suspicious ship, and Don Larson ordered to catch up!

The crew lifted their spirits and responded to the command of the officer, chasing the ship to the Chinese ship that ran to the coast of Spain!

Navigator Esquero observed and said, "They are Chinese ships!"

Now China is the dominant player in the Mediterranean. With battleships, Baipi knows how to respect the yellow race from the east. Although the two sides did not go to war, Baipi has concerns about the Chinese.

Don Larson said: "I recognize this boat, and it has also appeared in Cadiz, when it was flying the British flag!"

For the pirates, there is no psychological burden to hang the flags of other countries, so Esquero is relieved.

On the chased "Messiah" (Holy Infant), Captain Van Bommel was very helpless!

The luck is too bad. The "Messiah" is indeed a smuggling ship, heading for Barcelona, ​​where there are merchants who are there to meet, and it is turning back in the night. It is now turning back to the right direction. I did not expect to encounter the anti-smuggling reported to the Kingdom of Spain. The boat, what's even more unfortunate is that they go downwind and go against the wind by themselves, and the distance is still very close!

Van Bommel cursed a bad breath and greeted the sailors: "Run, after running past them, I will reward ten silver coins!"

There are more than 30 crew members, and 10 silver coins per person is only more than 300 yuan, and the cargo is worth 40,000 silver coins!

Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man. The desperadoes on this boat flee desperately in the boat, and many people are talking about God blessing.

It's a pity that God didn't bless them. In just an hour, the "Messiah" will be overtaken by the "St. Paul", and Captain Van Bommel could not help but look pale!

The yellow-skinned, fierce-faced short file beside him said to him in stuttering Latin: "Kill them!"

The other short file also shook the big knife in his hand that was not commensurate with his body, and said murderously: "Yes!"

It was the Japanese Japanese Inu Taro and his companion Rin Shichiro, who were originally laborers from the Japanese country to after ten years of service, they were unwilling to return to China, so they fled overseas and became pirates. , Doing undecent work.

The "Messiah" is both a smuggling ship and a pirate ship. I never mind getting a vote at a convenient time. This is also the way for pirates to survive.

Van Bommel shook his head and said, "This is a Spanish customs ship, which is actually a navy ship. There are cannons on board. We can't fight it!"

He is accustomed to dealing with anti-smuggling ships of various countries. Van Bommel knows exactly what he will face and dare not act rashly.

Originally, his ship was light and fast, running faster than the customs ship, but the ship was full of cargo and couldn't escape.

Someone suggested that the cargo should be thrown into the sea to create evidence that there was no cargo on the ship, but other people looked at him with the eyes of SB.

It's okay at night, how can you do this under the eyes of everyone, when people are blind?

Those who are particularly worried, this will offend the officers and soldiers on the anti-smuggling boats. After being overtaken by them, they find that the goods are gone, so it is very likely that the people are gone!