The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2296: Governor's response

Of course things will not be that simple. Chinese people have the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, coupled with the investment of funds and the help of technology,

For example, the construction of water kilns does not require new immigrants to spend a penny. It is all funded by the empire. They use funds to buy materials and send out construction workers. They are skilled and can build water kilns quickly and well. Okay, put it into use.

At the seaside, even solar water purification stations have been established to provide cities with better water sources.

These are municipal projects. Although water is charged, there are subsidies.

So everyone can make tea and make cold drinks without worrying about water quality.


Cheng Yu issued a hukou for the new immigrants, and his attention was focused on Sicily, Italy, which is only a mere ninety kilometers away from the island of Malta.

For him, after capturing the island of Malta, Sicily is in the category of whether to fight or not to fight as a starting point.

In the end, greed made him make up his mind and attack Sicily!

Because Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean, it is located in the southern part of Italy and the middle of the Mediterranean. It is shaped like a triangle. The northeast end of the Strait of Messina, which is 3 kilometers wide, faces the Apennine Peninsula. The island has many hills and is in a typical location. The Mediterranean climate is warm and humid in winter, and dry and hot in summer. Coastal areas, especially the southwestern part, are also affected by the African continent, so the summer is even hotter. The highest temperature can reach 48℃.

The island occupies an important position in the commercial trade routes of the Mediterranean, so it has been considered a place of strategic importance throughout history. It is vast and fertile, with a warm climate and beautiful scenery. The agriculture is dominated by wheat, vegetables, grapes, cotton, and many subtropical fruits such as citrus and lemons. Fisheries on the west coast are well developed, producing sardines and tuna. Because of its good natural environment for the development of agriculture and forestry, coupled with the profit from commercial trade, it was historically called the "golden basin".

In other words, rich!

Cheng Yu, a pirate, if he doesn't rob him, then he is a crime against the empire!

"As a high-ranking officer of the empire, you must earn benefits for the empire and gain ground under the sun. It is your duty!" This sentence was said by Yan Changwu. The subtext is that everyone is going to grab and kill!

Cheng Yu naturally obeyed the emperor's will. He issued the order to attack Sicily, leading 36 battleships and hundreds of cruise ships and transport ships to Sicily!

The attack on Sicily is necessary, because the island is now under the rule of the Spanish royal family. King Felipe IV of Spain also has the title of king of the Kingdom of Sicily. The governor is stationed on the island to govern. The governor is the largest city on the island. Palermo.

The Italians in Sicily did not wait to see the Chinese for religious reasons. After they discovered the South China Fleet on a fishing boat at sea, they hurried to report.

The current Governor, Don Daniel Carvajal, heard the news of the great pagans in the East, making him anxious like an ant on a hot pot---turn around.

It turned out that Sicily’s armament was abandoned, and its coastal fortresses had not been repaired for a long time. They were not strong, and the caliber of artillery was small and the number was small, so it could not resist the battleships.

And the army on the island has not been training for a long time, most of which are arquebuses.

In fact, after the South China Empire came to the Mediterranean, the Kingdom of Spain made preparations for war, ordered local defenders to train, and issued silver dollars to allow local officials to repair the fort and barracks, replace guns, and collect supplies.

As an important maritime hub, Sicily has naturally received a large amount of funds, and the governor-general Don Daniel Carvajal is responsible for organizing military affairs.

Don Daniel Carvajal is tall, personable and luxuriously dressed. He is woven from Chinese silk and embroidered with gold threads. Ten fingers are covered with rings!

The villa he lives in is jewel-like, with antiques, famous paintings, and fine porcelain from China everywhere!

Even his dog uses silver pots for food.

Serving as the governor of Sicily, he is the sky and the king, and he relied on the background in the country, so he swallowed the funds. According to him, he thought that Europe is so big, it may not be his turn to be unlucky.

Unexpectedly, the Chinese really came, and now the Governor-General is scared.

Due to the invasion of Eastern pagans, local officials are responsible for keeping the land. King Felipe IV of Spain ordered that the city is alive and the people are dead, and it is strictly forbidden to retreat without orders, requiring local officials, especially the chief officials, to co-exist and die with the city.

Otherwise, the chief officials who lost the city will be executed, and their families will be exiled to America!

Knowing the number of the Eastern pagan fleet, Don Daniel Carvajal was half-hearted, knowing that he would not be able to defeat the Eastern pagans anyway, Palermo was about to fall, and his wealth and life would not be guaranteed.

It's not that he didn't want to surrender, but his family are all in the country. If he surrenders, his family will be miserable.

If you really surrender, this is the last choice, the last choice.

What should I do?

His attendant, Don Rodri, was the governor’s confidant. He saw his troubles and said, "My lord, don’t you remember the ‘Sicilian Evening Prayers’?"

"Yeah!" Don Daniel Carvajal looked at his attendant. As a nobleman, he still knew the history of Sicily.

In 1268 AD, Charlie from Anjou, France, became king of Sicily, replacing many Sicilian landlords with his French patrons, and replacing Sicilian administrative officials with French officials. During Charlie’s rule, despite improvements in governance performance and trade, the Anjou Dynasty’s alienation, indifference and disrespect to local traditions led to widespread dissatisfaction among Sicilians.

On March 30, 1282, it was Easter. A large group of Sicilians gathered outside a church near Palermo and waited for the evening prayer bell to A group of French officials also joined the crowd, ignoring people's treatment of them. Facing each other with cold eyes. Several Frenchmen began to get close to the Sicilian women. Later, a French sergeant took a married woman and left the crowd. It was self-evident that the woman's husband immediately stabbed the French sergeant to death.

The French immediately wanted to avenge their companions, but were attacked and killed by the crowd on the spot.

When the evening prayer bells rang across the city, messengers ran around Palermo, calling on people to riot. The Sicilians slaughtered the French and women who married French men, invaded houses, inns, and monastic monasteries, which eventually led to the end of Charlie's rule in Sicily, and Sicily fell under Spanish rule.

"What do you want to say?" Don Daniel Carvajal asked.

"The folk customs in this area are strong, we can use them to resist the pagans in the East!" Don Rodri pointed out.

The Governor suddenly wakes up, yes, yes, there is a strong community here.


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