The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2368: Long-term strategy for India

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Marsala City was besieged by Liu Wenxuan of the 92nd Division, which belonged to the Ninth Army. Although Liu Wenxuan's defense was stable at 1B, it would be better to clear the siege early.

He set off happily, He Zhen urged his officers to act quickly, and Li Chengdong asked his troops to put pressure on the enemy.

Everyone got busy. Yan Changwu and Mr. David Yu Daozuo opened the shogunate. They covered their heads with cloth and sat on folding chairs. They drank tea and ate fruits and ate freshly baked cakes. They were very comfortable.

"Unexpectedly, Li Guoding was a blockbuster, and he actually took down the city of Delhi. His majesty knows people and admires him!" Mr. David used tea instead of wine, respecting martial arts.

"This is the master of Zeng Er's famous king, where it shines!" Yan Changwu said about the performance of Li Guoding in the parallel space, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but Mr. David is not used to it.

"Don't look at their four levels, but Indians should not be underestimated!" Yan Changwu said.

"Many people are powerful!" Mr. David said, adding one more sentence: "Even if 10% are human beings, 90% are livestock!"

In the 17th century AD, India had the second largest population in the world. The Mughal Empire occupies a large area of ​​Gu's land. There are many Tubang countries under it. There are various languages, and the gods and Buddhas are flying all over the sky. It cannot be regarded as a unity. s country.

Speaking of the Mughal Empire, it is not easy. When the founding emperor Babur entered the Indian region, he found that it was an unprecedentedly weird region and had to implement a policy of cultural integration and religious tolerance.

When Aurangzeb saw this situation, he had ambitions and wanted to completely unify the Indian region. How could Yan Changwu allow him to launch an attack on the Mughal Empire when the time was ripe.

"As long as the Indians are scattered, it will never be enough for me to suffer from China!" Mr. David said.

"Exactly!" Yan Changwu agreed.

"Whoever dares to appear, hit whoever!" Mr. David pointed out.

"That's right, this is the tactics of pooping sticks!" Yan Changwu admitted himself.

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly!" Yan Changwu said fiercely: "For India, my country's diplomatic goals will not change for 500 years. To create a divided India, you can go up if conditions exist, and create conditions if you don't have conditions. We must support their religion to flourish and use various ethnic groups to check and balance each other. We have to go in, break through from within, and completely turn this big dung pit into a pot of shit!"

"That's true, my majesty!" Mr. David smiled, applauding Yan Changwu's strategy!

"If India is to be unified, the Asans will be morale boosted, and they will have a sense of self-confidence. After all, this is an ancient civilization area with its connotations, as well as the best geographical location and natural conditions in Asia, which is uniquely endowed by nature. Conditions, coupled with their religion, will cause us big trouble!" Mr. David analyzed.

"Yes!" Yan Changwu said, "Don't underestimate their religion!"

His words made Mr. David nod and agree with him.

In the eyes of some people, Ah San's religion is quite ridiculous. Their philosophy is different. They believe that time is not important in the face of the eternal universe, and there is no hurry to do anything.

Everyone laughs at them, but it is not.

Don’t even think about it, Ah San is reincarnated. If you can’t finish things in this life, you can do it again in the next life. You can’t finish it in the next life. You can do it again in the next life.

Perseverance, there is always time to complete, Ah San believes that the enemy will perish, and they will eventually win.

This is the source of Asanmi's confidence. He can't beat you in this life, and he will beat you in the next life. They believe that they can beat you in one life.

As long as a person has self-confidence, you can't completely crush them.

Due to the large number of people, Ah San has a demographic dividend. Once a strong figure appears, letting them release this demographic dividend, it will be terrible to think about it.

India must create chaos, add chaos to them, not let them unite, not let them form a joint force.

The conversations between Yan Changwu and Mr. David were recorded in the "Emperor's Notes" by the accompanying officials.

From the Han Dynasty onwards, the emperors of all dynasties have personal notes, recording the emperor's daily words and deeds, next to the affairs of the government, and secretly.

Gu Yanwu said in the "Rizhilu": "The ancient man, the left history records, the right history records, so prevent mistakes, and show the queen. The job of remembering notes, its origin is still good."

When the later emperor of the South China Dynasty saw Yan Changwu's "Emperor's Life Notes", he would understand what strategy he adopted towards India.

To be the cockroach of the Indian subcontinent is for the long-term strategy of India!

Yan Changwu and Mr. David talked and laughed. They didn’t pay much attention to the current war. They didn’t take the Mughal Empire’s hundreds of thousands of troops seriously. In their opinion, the Mughal people are already meat on the cutting board. The army is bound to win!

They talked and laughed leisurely, and when talking about Ah San, it was really a lot of jokes.

"Your Majesty's strategy for India is very successful!" Mr. David said authentically: "For example, against the cow!"

He talked about one time when Yan Changwu's team was marching on the road in India and encountered a **** cow in the way. Yan Changwu ordered to avoid it and did a show like this.

At that time, many Indians watched and cheered, thinking that Yan Changwu was a **** who respected them.

In Ah San, due to religious and custom reasons, people respect the **** of cattle. They think that sages, no matter who they are, come from cattle.

To respect the cow is to respect the sages. Let's put it this way, where the cow walks, people and carts immediately give way, almost bow to the cow or knelt down. Therefore, in India, you can often see such a picture. A mighty bull team can walk leisurely on the road and walk into the downtown area arrogantly. Anyone who sees it will only be courteous. .

When traveling as a nobleman of the Mughal Empire, if there is a bull in the way, his men will open the way with a strong style and drive the bull away.

It was like Yan Changwu gave them face to the gods, and the army also ate beef, but the beef jerky was shipped, and the Asanmen thought they hadn’t seen it.

The South China Empire’s troops stationed in India did not allow the killing of live cattle to improve food. The Mughals were They did not mistakenly slaughter them. Therefore, when the South China Empire came, the Asanmen would fight back. hit.

Mr. David said in a serious manner: "Your Majesty, you can't be too kind to them, the minister is worried that they will offer holy water to your Majesty!"

In India, there are two kinds of holy water, one is "Dry this bowl of Ganges water, and then be an Indian in the next life!" The other is cow urine, which can cure all diseases and prolong life.

No matter what kind of holy water, the Chinese are respectful and insensitive.

"This is a world problem, should I drink it or not?" Yan Changwu smiled.

I definitely can't drink it, but it's so affectionate, it's not good not to drink it!

Yan Changwu laughed. His hearty laughter caught the attention of a team of people passing by. Someone recognized his emperor!

So they waved enthusiastically and cried out happily: "Long live the emperor! The empire is victorious!"

Seeing that most of them are descendants under the age of twenty, their youth is like a fire, and they have a heartfelt love for the emperor. Yan Changwu is not annoyed by disturbing the divine driver, and is in a good mood!

He also responded: "Empire Wansheng, children, work hard, the world is yours!"

"Long live the emperor! The empire is victorious!" The soldiers cheered, similar to the scene where the people saw King Jin III, and some of them were so excited that they all fell into tears.

Mr. David asked the guard: "Is there something to reward the army?"

The guard replied: "Some new cigars are added as a benefit to the officers."

"Bring them all! Remember the benefits for the officers first and make up later." Mr. David ordered the guard.

Boxes of cigars were unpacked, and Yan Changwu grabbed them and threw them to the soldiers: "Come on, kids, smoke, smoke!"

"Your Majesty Xie's reward!" The soldiers rushed, and they were reluctant to grab the Emperor's royal reward. Everyone laughed and laughed!