The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 246: To the natives of the Japanese in Luzon

   Tagben in Manila Bay, Luzon Island.

   This is a small place that cannot even be called a city, but its geographical location is extremely important. It is located at the entrance of Manila Bay on Luzon Island, guarding Manila Bay, and then to Manila City, the city of silver and desire.

   The level of development in Tagagar is very low. There are no white people, and there are no hard-working Chinese, and the people who live in it are all local indigenous people.

  Tageben has a nice view, with blue sky and white clouds, blue sea and silver sand, and green trees.

   The past merchant ships often pass by Tagben, so beware of Iboba and his buddy Yuzo Yamashiro.

Iboba is a local aboriginal leader. He is fat and sturdy. He wore a golden stiff shawl on his upper body. It was made by Mingren. The cloak was knocked with gold leaf. I don’t know where the order was sent to Manila. But he was sent to Manila. Robbed.

   He is very satisfied with this golden shawl, but he wears ordinary shorts and no shoes (they have no concept of shoes at all), and his body is brown and black like chocolate.

   Sometimes he thinks, is it possible to order a golden trousers to Mingren, so that it matches!

  He is brave and powerful, with as many as 5,000 people in his subordinates. He is one of the best tribes around him. He is arrogant by nature, with high eyes, and looks down on people, except for his buddy-Yamashiro Yuzo.

Yamashiro Yuzo is a Japanese man. He is less than 1.5 meters tall, but he is very arrogant. He wears two Japanese swords around his waist. He is very flexible and fierce. He is not afraid of death when PK. This won Ibaba. Tribute.

   Yamashiro Yuzo and a group of Japanese people live in Iba. They are the abandoned people of the Japanese country.

The Edo shogunate closed the country, and the Japanese who did not return were not allowed to return. The third class of Yamashiro Yuri had no homeland, so their temperament became more and more tyrannical, and even Iboba was afraid of them three points ----- horizontal fear Stupid, stupid afraid of death!

   It was a sunny day, and two guys with similar smells were lying under the coconut trees on the beach, enjoying the cool breeze mat, which was very pleasant.

   Iboba's sleep sounded like thunder, like a mass of stinky meat, with many flies around him, I can kill him easily! ------Woren Yamashiro San squinted, and looked at him maliciously.

   But he knew it was impossible. He had to have a cover, otherwise it would be difficult for his group of Japanese widows to survive in this white-supreme, aboriginal place.

   Yamashiro Yuzo suddenly felt a bit lonely, but unfortunately the Chinese woman who was snatched back last time was unbearable and was killed by him, so he had nothing to do now.

   Iboba didn't defend him, the indigenous women let him do it, but those indigenous women were stinky and fat, which really couldn't attract Yamashiro Yuzo's interest.

   It's time to make another vote, there should be a Chinese merchant ship passing by!

   Those Chinese are robbed and killed by them, but they are so many, they are like moths to the fire, they are constantly coming to Luzon just for money!

  Silver is a good thing, and Yamashiro Yuzo is very clear to bring back to the country, those gentle women want as much as they want, and eat whatever they want!

   However, I can't go back again.

  The ancestors of Yamashiro Yuzo who took the samurai sword were members of the Toyotomi line who opposed the Tokugawa shogunate. They fled overseas, bumping away...

   Yamashiro Yuzo was thinking about what was going on, when he heard a scream, he raised his head and saw Iboba’s confidant Kugano waving a telescope, running quickly, shouting something in his mouth.

   This telescope was snatched by them after killing a Chinese merchant ship owner. Standing on a high place to observe the sea surface brought them great convenience.

   Iboba, who was still asleep just now, opened his eyes sleepily. After hearing Kugano say a few words, he excitedly said to Yamashiro Yuzo: "Go, I found the Chinese fleet!"


   About two hundred tribal warriors, armed with short spears and shields, and thirty heavily armed Japanese men, boarded twenty crab boats.

Crab boat, the style is that there are four wooden brackets on both sides of the boat, and the left and right brackets have a horizontal wooden link. In fact, it is a variant trimaran. It is more stable than ordinary boats and is a kind of benefit to the sea. A good way without cost. (It’s better if you have a splint boat or a Dafu boat, but where does the indigenous people come from such a technique)

   The tribes and Japanese people rowed crab boats to the open sea. Because of the upcoming benefits, everyone rowed very vigorously.

   The small waves on the sea are rolling, and the crab boat is still very stable. They went out to the open sea and saw Mingren’s fleet through the telescope. It looked like a lot of boats!

   Very good, the natives and Japanese people thought greedily.

  Ming boats came with drum sails, one, two, three...all boats I have seen before. On the largest crab boat, Iboba casually put down the telescope in his hand.

   Yamashiro Yuzo, who was in the same boat with him, didn't pay much attention at first, but his eyes widened as Akatsuki got closer.

   took the binoculars and looked at it, confirming that he was right: "The splint boat! The Mingren actually has a white splint boat? Or three splint boats!"

   Yamashiro Yuzo has an ominous omen.


On the sixth-tier cruise ship Kaohsiung No. 8, the star captain Hong Xiguan is with Mr. Zhang Yunhe, the caravan leader. He is the home of Mr. Zhang, a sea merchant in Guangdong Province, and his family has a large sea boat. In addition to self-operated, he also In the chartered space, three of the 25 ships that came this time belonged to his Zhang family, and the ship was also the largest, so he became the leader.

   Zhang Yunhe did not run to the warship on his ship because the captain in the military system could not leave his So Zhang Yunhe came.

Official Hong Xi had a certain function as a diplomat. He did not treat people like ordinary soldiers. Zhang Yun and the businessman were even more proficient in dancing with long sleeves. The two had a good talk. Official Hong Xi knew a lot about foreign trade. As the government got more and more understanding, they became more and more enthusiastic.

The leader of Kaohsiung No. 8 took the lead. Seeing the ugly crabs in the sea ahead, official Hong Xi was extremely disdainful and said to Zhang Yunhe: "Brother, there are indigenous people blocking the way. I have ordered that I want to cooperate with you, and you are not allowed to go ahead. Use force, now our cruise ship is here, so how can you be polite with them!"

   Zhang Yunhe nodded and said, "What the old man said is good, but in fact, our big ship really wants to rush over, it's no problem!"

"But the indigenous people are cunning. They are everywhere. We are passenger ships. We are mooring at night. They come and attack at night? Can't attack the ship and throw a torch? How can there be a thousand-day defense against thieves? We are not an army after all. Be kind and make money."

   Hong Xiguan nodded and said: "It makes sense!"

   He looked at the sea and thought to himself: "Go back and write a report. When advocating to attack the surrounding areas of the South China Sea, I will establish a foothold for my Southeast Mansion. If it is still a guest, the cruise will not last!"

The other officers just acted according to orders. Regardless of the three or seventy one, Hong Xi would calculate the financial account. He knew that if he escorted for a long time, he was afraid that the water collected would not be enough to spend. With bad luck, the typhoon sank two warships and died. Some fighters have to pay pensions, and they will lose a lot of money that year.

   Luzon itself has no source of silver. They are all silver mines on the American side. At present, it seems that the Overseer will not send the fleet to occupy the silver mines on the American side.

   Then it’s right to capture Batavia, leave Luzon and let the stupid Spaniard get us the silver!

   was thinking, the fleet approached the crab boat in the sea.