The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2524: The Bravery of the White Skin (1)

Crossing Xiaoqiang, who has played CS grenade warfare, taught this tactic to his soldiers. The soldiers took the bombs from the baskets and ignited them and threw them to their heart's content. "Shuang" is just one word.

The bomb fell on the enemy's phalanx. In the camp, the eruption of iron nails and steel **** swept through the enemy like a storm. It exploded to the point where many people fled and some of the phalanx were scattered.

The fallen arrows made the Baipis even worse. Not only did this cold weapon not withdraw from the battlefield, but on the contrary, it showed great power. The arrows were thrown into the sky, and the landing point was chaotic. It messed up Baipi's position, making them unpredictable and flustered.

"Damn heretics! They have so many bombs and arrows!" The white skins tried to fight back, also using their hands to throw bombs and arrows, but they were so insignificant and self-defeating!

Riding on the enemy's chaos, the charge horn sounded and the "steel spearhead" assaulted forward.

The officers and soldiers rushed forward and hurried all the way, some of them marched forward, while the infantry behind followed closely.

When you encounter the enemy's camp, you will detour and rush forward!

But they will not bury their heads forward, but pay attention to fire protection, sniping the enemy with a rifled gun, and bombarding the enemy's firepower with a barrel. When they encounter a white-skin phalanx, the strong enemy will avoid and the weak enemy will fight.

Some troops are witty and nimble, smoothly passing through the middle of the white skin, and some troops are even far ahead.

Some troops plunged into the middle of the enemy's army and fought them fiercely.

After defeating the current enemy, some troops turned a blind eye to the loot everywhere and continued to advance.

Some white skins woke up, and the commander hurriedly ordered to stop them, and don't let the heretics flanking the army or copying the army's back!

As the South China Army kept advancing forward, using the tactics of rushing forward and turning a blind eye to the attacks on the back and flanks, the infantry in the rear was even more slaughtered. But these losses are absolutely worth it, because the white skins have been killed in a mess under this charge.

The troops are like running horses and arrows from the string, swiftly thrusting into the depths of the enemy.

But Baipi wants to eliminate the scattered troops of the South China Army, because the main force of the South China Army is coming up!

This is a large force, with fierce firepower and great impact. It entered like a wall and smashed into the enemy's line. First opened the way with bombs. The South China Army, carrying a basket of bombs on its back, threw bombs at the white skin, and slammed them. Dizzy and bruised!

Baipi also had bombs, but they simply couldn't do it without money like the South China Army exploded all the Baipi hiding behind the fortifications.

Compared with the bomb carpet bombing by the South China Army, the white-skinned bombs only sparsely dropped some bombs in response, which can be called weak, and I think it is "disrespectful neighbourhood!"

Since the war, Baipi’s materials are scarce, their resources are not many, and their logistics is also poor. The supply of guns and ammunition is gradually out of reach, and the South China Army seems to have never had a shortage of ammunition!

The South China Army fired a volley of muskets, so that Baipi couldn't raise his head, and all the Baipi without fortification protection fell.

The white skins couldn't fight it at all, and they panicked and made a mess.

The battle between the two sides started. When nearly 100,000 troops were fighting fiercely, several green firework bombs suddenly rose from the back of the white skin.

Stop the red light and go on the green light. This is a signal of the success of our army's "steel spearhead" troops crossing and detouring!

As a result, the trumpets of offensive were sounded on the position of the Ninth Army, and the brothers, led by CEOs Liu Wenxiu, Qi Sansheng, and Ma Jinzhong, fought and rushed in three directions.

At the same time, the South China Army, interspersed with the enemy's rear, fought on their own, and used all their strength to attack the enemy.

Suddenly, the charge, gunshots, explosions, and shouts of killing sounded from all directions. The warriors who were fighting with the white skin immediately increased their courage and played even more joyously.

The voices of Chinese people were everywhere, especially when the stern trumpets rang, Bai Pi was very confused.

"Boom" is a loud noise!

The white skins followed their reputation towards the rear left of their army, but saw an unusually thick black mushroom cloud rising.

That is where their arsenal is located!

Then, at the rear right, another thick smoke screen rose, and flames could be seen there.

This is the storage location of the white-skinned food mop!

Whether it was the arsenal or the location of the grain moss, it was a place that was strictly protected. Unexpectedly, the South China Army rushed to the enemy's back and set it alight and detonated it.

This is the battle that Galdambah personally directed. He thinks that if the snake hits the seven inches, it hits the white-skinned vital point all at once.

The white skins suffered from front and back pincers, and gunshots were everywhere. There was no safe place. Bullets were shot from the front, back, left and right. They were only surrounded by the South China Army.

The South China Army rushed extremely fast. The most handy weapons they used were bombs and tubes. The bombs were thrown out continuously, and the tubes hit the enemy’s fortifications. And then on.

The fire bursts, the noise is loud, and the South China Army is full of pride. This is the youth of the battle, and they have shown their military might.

Baipi was frightened, shaken, and frightened, and more and more Baipi fled toward the rear and left and right wings.

There are still brave white-skinned German warriors from the Schleswig-Holstein region of the Holy Roman Empire (too long, Shihe region for short). There are 3,000 German warriors. Not only did they not retreat, but instead faced the South China Army. The firepower rushed forward and collided head-on with the troops commanded by Ma Jinzhong!

When Ma Jinzhong saw that the other party was carrying such kind, how could he not take care of them, and immediately ordered the troops not to fight with them, and use bombs + muskets to deal with them.


The warriors in the Shihe area are all brave and brave, with their fists as big as a bowl, their feet as thick as a pillar, and their faces full of beards. If they fight close battles with the enemy, they can be a hundred.

However, they couldn’t get close to the soldiers of the South China Under the intensive bullets, they fell in rows, their leader Schmeierstein, a warrior who could fight brown bears, At a height of two meters, he wore heavy armor and was shot dozens of shots, but he still didn't fall down, frightening the soldiers of the South China Army.

Upon seeing this, Ma Jinzhong greeted the comrades of the South China Army to use the tube. A bomb fired from the tube hit Schmeierstein. The explosion sounded loudly. When the smoke dissipated, it was seen that Schmeierstein was still the same. Step forward, I can't help being shocked!

The soldiers didn't wait for the commander's instructions, and the connection fired three tubes towards Schmeierstein and released three bombs. The bombs fell on Schmeierstein's burly body and exploded under the advancement of the grains.

However, Schmeierstein, who was shot one after another, staggered forward, so fierce!

In one breath, ten tubes were fired again, and the giant man was battered with holes, his armor was shattered, and his body was **** and bloody. Then he was brought down!

Pushing Jinshan, downing Yuzhu, the German warrior fell, Ma Jinzhong exclaimed: "Song You Gao Chong picked twelve iron pulleys, and today there are Germans who eat 14 bobbins, and there are warriors at home and abroad!"