The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2663: Visit Annan

Yan Changwu visited Annan under the protection of the South China Fleet in the name of the Southeast King of Ming Dynasty, and stationed the fleet in a sea area called "Lvshui", also known as "Yuntun".

This sea area also has a familiar name called "Halong Bay!"

At this time, there is no "Halong Bay" name. The name of Halong Bay was named after the French who arrived in Annan. As for the current French, they still stay in Europe and prepare for **** battle with the Chinese. It is impossible for them to travel all the way to China. People in the backyard.

"I like it here!" Yan Changwu said to the people, so everyone suddenly realized how he came to play in this place that is beyond reach.

Yes, "green water" is worthy of its name. There is light green sea water in the sea area, and the limestone rocks above the water are like dragons in the water, like a scene in illusion.

It is located in the northern part of Annan, 130 kilometers east of Thang Long. This otherworldly bay has more than 2,000 small islands densely covered with jungles. The islands are full of charming caves, caves, limestone pits and lakes, jagged out of the sea. Limestone pillars are the typical landscape of the place, with a variety of beautiful scenery. Many small islands have gone through centuries of natural carving to form these wonderful shapes. The magical workmanship is amazing.

On the only Tu Island in the bay (Xunzhou Island), it has become the world of the Chinese, and Yan Changwu landed here.

The aborigines on the island are all put under custody and are not allowed to go out, but they are very happy because the Chinese give them free food and also give them silver dollars, so they make a fortune!

Yan Changwu has always been willing to spend money, and he can afford it. His subordinates know who he is, so they don't want to buy or sell.

Before coming, the Annan people had been notified and asked them to come and see the prince, so within a few days, two fleets of Annan people arrived.

The first Annan fleet came under two banners. One was "Li" and the other was "Zheng". It was Zheng Zuo, the lord of the post-Lebanese regime, who came here.

In 1418, Li Li, a native of Annan, revolted against the rule of the counties and counties of Ming Dynasty. In 1427, he drove out the Ming people. In 1428, Li Li became king and established the Li Dynasty.

The Li dynasty was replaced by the Mo dynasty in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The war lasted for more than 100 years. Finally, the restoration of the Lebanese dynasty was successful. In 1592, the later general of the Lebanese dynasty, Zheng Song, seized power. Since then, the Zheng family has been controlling the Annan regime, but the Li family will not be abolished.

The southern part of Annan was controlled by the Nguyen family, and Hue began operating in the south in 1558. After that, a confrontation between Zheng and Nguyen was formed. The current leader of Nguyen is Nguyen Phuoc.

In Annan, Zheng Zhuruan, the powerful minister in charge, was in constant disputes, leading to a divided reality. In addition, there were some small separatist warlords, the remnants of Mochao and others separatist regimes, until the demise of Annan in the Ming Dynasty, there was no real unity.

And Annan’s land does not include the land further south, the Champa built by the Indians was not destroyed, and the power of Annan did not reach the area north of the Mekong estuary (that is, not in Ho Chi Minh City).

When Yan Changwu was born, relying on his strong military power, he said to the Annan people, "We want peace and don't expand!"

The situation that led to Annan's split continues, and he can no longer expand abroad. Whoever dares to move will be beaten by the Chinese. The Annan people hate and fear him!

Arriving on a large ship in the fleet, Master Zheng Zheng Zuo was over half a century old, wearing a crown uniform similar to that of the Ming Dynasty, watching the Chinese battleships cover the sea, very spectacular, but he was very calm.

Annan Monkey has a certain amount of confidence, after all, our ancestors have also passed away and beat the great northern countries away!

Annan was once part of the Central Plains dynasty and was under the administration of Jiaozhou and Lingnan Road. After 111 BC for thousands of years, it was under the direct control of China until the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. By the chance, Annan got rid of the control of the Nan Han, and subsequently defeated the conquering army of the Song Dynasty, and defeated the invading army of the Yuan Dynasty and returned.

After independence until the Ming Dynasty, the four armies of Zhu and Lao sent into Annan and once again placed Annan under Chinese rule.

A few years after Zhu Laosi went to see his father, Annan became independent again and became a vassal of China.

The Nanhua Dynasty is very powerful, but Zheng Zuo knew that the Nanhua people would not mobilize troops easily, and would not even give it to them for nothing.

Yes, the Annan people wanted to collect the wool of the Chinese and applied to the two Chinas for inclusion, that is, to become the territory directly controlled by the two Chinas, and to restore China's rule of Annan's counties, but they were not accepted.

Because the Annan people see that the two Chinas are very different from the previous dynasties, they are willing to give benefits to the people in the country, save a lot of money to various industries to invest, build infrastructure, and distribute money everywhere. They have too much money to spend!

The Annan people were moved, and wanted to become a state (Daming) or a city (Nanhua) in China and make a fortune from it.

When the Chinese were weak, the Annan turned over and became the masters, which surprised the Chinese!

It is a pity that the Chinese are not fooled, so Annan Monkey feels sorry.

A Hong Maofan came by boat to greet Lord Zheng, and shouted from a distance: "Welcome to King Xi (Zheng Zuo's title in Houli)!"

Zheng Zuo didn't dare to be rude, and said to Hong Maofan: "Mr. David Lao!"

The Chinese used by both of them is quite pure, Mr. David needless to say, and Zheng Zuo is not inferior.

Annan is very close to the Central Plains dynasty in all aspects, and his costumes, writings, architectural styles, etc. are basically copied from the Central Plains dynasty. Annan also practiced the imperial examination system. Annan's scholars were able to memorize a series of cultural classics such as "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", "The Analects of Confucius", and "Shi Shi Biao", and wrote beautiful Chinese characters, and all they spoke in Chinese.

Mr. David was ordered to come to meet Zheng Zuo. He was a hearty man. When the two boats were leaning on the boat, he led people directly to Zheng Zuo's boat and talked with Zheng Zuo happily.

Mr. David was well-informed, outstanding, and not arrogant, so he quickly became acquainted with the Annan people.

Seeing this red hair fan is so all over the world, and has a profound knowledge of the Chinese language, and the military and political affairs, Zhu Annan monkey secretly marveled.

"Fantastic people too!"

After going to Detu Zheng Zuo saw Yan Changwu, he first bowed to Yan Changwu, and Yan Changwu just waved his hand to be a gift. Zheng Zuo praised Mr. David and said: "The two Chinese have a lot of rivers and rivers. , A hero from the Quartet, he eventually became a great cause, this is evident from this Mr. David!"

"Hahaha, Mr. David is lonely, just like the Emperor Han's ancestors who met Zifang, with him, it is not difficult for the Han Dynasty to stand for four hundred years!" Yan Changwu said proudly.

Zheng Zuo scolded the dead sea thief secretly, wearing a big bright dress and dropping the book bag, uttering arrogant words, solitary salute to the dead sea thief, swallowing his breath, alas!

That's right, Zheng Zuo who speaks Chinese is serious BS Yan Changwuli!

Due to the influence of Chinese culture, such as North Korea, Annan and Ryukyu, the Ming Dynasty is regarded as orthodox. Yan Changwu is just a pirate. Fortunately, he sits south to the north and comes to the monkey monkeys to win the title.

Of course, Zheng Zuo dare not be rude, he is respectful to Yan Changwu.

Yan Changwu asked Zheng Zuo to sit down, and the two sides added some ministers to start the meeting.