The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2669

After leaving the Buddhist country of Thailand, Yan Changwu led the Daming delegation to visit another Buddhist country, Myanmar.

At this time, Myanmar was under the reign of the Toungoo Dynasty, which arose after the Bagan Dynasty was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century. The center is Toungoo in central Myanmar, where there are many Burmese people.

At the time of its rise, there was the Baigu dynasty of the Mon people in the south, the Ava dynasty of the Shan people in the north, and the Arakan dynasty in the west. The Tunku dynasty first formed an alliance with Baigu and Ava. In the 16th century, these two countries were destroyed and Burma was unified.

The current king Baimang, the rule is quite satisfactory, there are many troubles in the country, and the problems are even greater.

The reason is simple. The ethnic problem in Myanmar is very prominent.

Around the end of the 8th century, the Burmese began to move into the area of ​​the middle reaches of the Irrawaddy River, which was ruled by the Phu Kingdom. In 849, the Burmese became the rulers of Bagan; around 1060, the Burmese Anulutha was basically unified. Myanmar (except the present northern Myanmar region). Later, the Burmese established the Toungoo Dynasty (1531 ~).

In addition to the main ethnic group, the Burmese, there are Shan, Karen, Mon, Kachin, Karenni, Chin, and Indians, etc. There is no Kokang, because when Ming and Burma completed demarcation It is beneficial to Ming Dynasty. The Chinese-speaking area is not assigned to Myanmar. At present, the Chinese are the first class in Myanmar.

Burma’s land was created by the Burmese. Other ethnic groups have been enslaved and oppressed by the Burmese since ancient times. The policy of forced assimilation is implemented, and ethnic minorities are required to speak Burmese and believe in Southern Buddhism (Theravada Buddhism), and also use laws. It is forbidden for ethnic minorities to use their own ethnic scripts such as Dai and Meng languages, and they are also accused and slandered in history textbooks.

It’s normal to play assimilation. Yan Changwu is a big player and expert. He used bayonet and Guoxue to turn all the people of Nanhua into Han nationality. If Mr. David’s blond hair were not too conspicuous, Mr. David would have to be in the ethnic group. Fill in "Han nationality" on the affiliation!

"Under the world, could it be the king's land, could it be the land of the land, could it be the king's minister!" This concept has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. With the addition of the book and the same text, the car is on the same track, after a hundred years, the land occupied by the latter will be surnamed China. So the Chinese fought more and more, and the more they fought, the stronger they became.

But the Burmese cannot do this. Their connotation is not enough. The artillery is not as hard as Yan Changwu, and the silver dollar is not as much as Yan Changwu. The books and knowledge in hand are not as much as Yan Changwu. What is worse is that there are rivers in Myanmar, mountains and mountains everywhere. The forest and traffic are extremely inconvenient. It takes one day to walk five miles across a mountain. How to fight?

They don't have the Chinese ability to move mountains and open roads!

Although the Burmese has a great ambition to dominate the mountains and mountains, it has no corresponding strength. Its population is not dominant. When they go to crusade against the non-subordinate ethnic groups in the country, they can't beat the opponent. As long as they hide in the mountains, the Burmese army will do nothing.

In contrast, China's development started with the Yellow River, and the population increased and then went south. The people there were unable to resist the Han Chinese who went south, and eventually they became Chinese. .

Although blocked by large rivers, the terrain is far less complex than Myanmar. The Han people who came from the Yellow River have an absolute advantage and crushed the peoples in the Yangtze River and Pearl River basins with the momentum of Mount Tai.

The same was true for Yan Changwu's acquisition of Southeast Asia. At that time, there were many tribes in Southeast Asia, but they were scattered and unable to form a joint force. Although Hong Maofan had a certain strength, it was a pity that Europe was too far away, and Yan Changwu came up with a trick "Millions of Chinese go to Southeast Asia." , With a powerful force of thunder, slaughtered the chicken with a sledgehammer, and seized Southeast Asia in one fell swoop.

In fact, in the west of Sumatra, there were 100,000 Acehnese who tried to hide in the mountains to fight guerrilla warfare, but Yan Changwu used a full 200,000 troops to besie them and burned the mountains. !

Jagged, tragic!

What’s more terrifying is that Yan Changwu’s army is highly obedient to the commander in command, with firm fighting will, first-rate training level, extremely strong combat capability, and a large number of advanced weapons and complete logistics. The special M’s army is an open army. How can the Myanmar army have it? Such ability? !

Without the strength to control the market, and without a unified cultural tradition, the Toungoo dynasty barely maintained national integrity. In fact, many regions were obedient on the surface and did not listen to the announcement, or simply relied on themselves as king, at most they did not publicly rebel.

Yan Changwu had to come and see that the Burmese were still obedient to the South China Empire (the sorrow of a small country, no way, the South China Navy is a pirate, and the South China Army is a bandit. Although the Myanmar landscape is not easy to fight, but the Chinese people robbed it and boarded the ship. Burmese people can't stand it), and Myanmar is so important, so important!

The geographical location of Myanmar is important. The South China Empire’s westward transfer of troops and westward trade have to pass through Myanmar. Although the current South China Empire’s shipping technology can directly cross the Indian Ocean from the imperial Sumatra island to Sri Lanka without navigating along the Burmese coastline, but Myanmar still plays a very important role in military and trade, and Myanmar can restrict India. The Buddhists in Myanmar are inherently at odds with the Indians.

Myanmar is rich in mineral resources, including oil, natural gas, tungsten, tin, lead, silver, nickel, antimony, gold, iron, chromium, jade, etc., which are widely distributed and have large reserves. Myanmar is rich in forest resources, and the forest coverage rate exceeds 60%, there are 2,300 species of forestry in Myanmar, including more than 1,200 species of trees. 70% of the world’s teak reserves and 80% of the teak in the international market are produced in Myanmar. Myanmar is also rich in various hardwoods and precious hardwoods such as sandalwood, shrubs, chicken wings, iron, rosewood, rosewood, etc. The potential annual output of hardwood is about 2 million tons.

In addition, Myanmar has abundant bamboo and rattan resources. There are 97 species of bamboo, and the bamboo forest covers an area of ​​over 10,000 square kilometers.

Due to the dense rivers in Myanmar, the main rivers are the Irrawaddy, Salween, Qindun and Mekong. The tributaries are spread all over the country and are available for shipping, which is very beneficial to resource development.

In recent years, a large amount of capital from the two Chinas has entered Myanmar to develop various industries and have made huge profits.

There is another important reason, UU reading Burmese Imperial Army!

Yan Changwu organized the Imperial Union Army of various countries to participate in foreign wars. Among them, the Imperial Union Army of Myanmar is good at defensive and tenacious. It is called "Teak Army" by the Chinese. Teak can be used as the wood for the main mast of the battleship. They have the best combat effectiveness, and they have the best military discipline, obey orders and obey orders, and are satisfied with their military pay.

It is said that the Japanese Army and the Annan Monkey Army have the strongest offensive capabilities in the Imperial Union Army. However, the military discipline of the two Imperial Union Army is depraved. The officers also ignored their subordinates and left them alone, sometimes even the South China Army could not control them.

In contrast, the Imperial Union Army of Burma is an indispensable role in the South China Empire’s foreign war, and the officers of the South China Army like to use the Imperial Union Army of Myanmar the most.

"The two Chinas are inseparable from Myanmar!" Yan Changwu said to the ministers, and everyone nodded and said: "Yes! Not bad!"

"I came here to learn from Uncle Lei!" Yan Changwu said in pity, and the crowd nodded again: "Yes!"