The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2709: take care of food

The French army in Milan changed from its previous decadence, but its spirit was lifted by the first meal of black bread, black beans and corned beef after the surrender, which was enough to fill the stomach!

They happily tasted the corned beef, and they all said that Chinese food is delicious!

Because the Nanhua Empire has a vast land and Australia to raise the five great beasts of cattle, sheep, donkeys, horses and pigs to the point of bursting, there are mainly two types of beef produced:

One is live cattle, which are sent to other places to be slaughtered, so that they are fresh --- the word "fresh" is the most important thing in the food of the people of Guangdong Province, which also distorts the local food culture of the Nanhua Empire. vegetable.

The whole ship transported live cattle. Once the cattle ship ran aground on the shore and crashed. As a result, the sea was full of live cattle swimming, which made the officials of the maritime department feel like a fight. The problem was that the live cattle were not on the reins. It's hard to catch them on the sea!

The second is corned beef. There is a lot of salt in the coastal waters of Nanhua, and salt + beef creates a wonderful reaction. This is how corned beef appears. Generally, the beef is boiled, dried in the sun, and then sprinkled with a lot of salt for pickling. More advanced methods are air-dried beef and smoked beef, which taste better.

They have the advantage that the beef is completely evaporated, and the salty, dry corned beef is less prone to bacteria growth.

In this way, corned beef traveled all over the world with the army.

Because beef is cheap, Chinese soldiers have had a lot of meat in history. How could they have such good treatment in the past? The military purchases beef every year to make corned beef, air-dried beef and corned beef as combat stockpile, and distributes them continuously. Now the French soldiers We were fortunate enough to eat Chinese corned beef and thought it was pretty good!

In those days, there was meat to eat, and it was a good treatment to be honest.

After eating, the Austrian soldiers who received them also brought light tea to the French prisoners of war to make them feel that the treatment was still acceptable.

As for the treatment of officers, Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli hosted a banquet in honor of Lieutenant General Biert Balzac and Major General De Smith and other senior French generals.

This person is divided into three, six, and nine grades, and the treatment of officers is naturally better.

The real French officers were terribly worried. Under the Chinese rule, the Austrians would be rude to them, and they were a little uneasy. Now seeing the attitude of the old marshal, the French relaxed.

When introducing Lieutenant General Ma Jinzhong and the rest of the Chinese officers to accompany them, the French generals were all surprised to see that the Chinese looked up to the old marshal. They thought that the Austrians were living a miserable life without fairness and justice under the oppression of the Chinese. , the Chinese are superior, while the Austrians are humble.

Unexpectedly, seeing the Austrian officers talking with the Chinese with high spirits and confidence, the French were greatly shocked.

Major General De Smith privately asked Major General Joseph, the Austrian general, "Do the Chinese treat you well?"

Major General Joseph was a blond, lively general who was not yet forty years old. He told Major General De Smith: "We and the Chinese are brothers!"

"Brother?" Major General De Smith asked in surprise.

"Although the queen of our emperor is a Spanish princess, she is also an Austrian, and she has given birth to a prince. The child of her and the emperor will become the emperor of the Shenluo Empire in the future. This has been written into the constitution of the Shenluo Empire. Only the blood of His Majesty the Emperor can inherit the throne. Therefore, we and the Chinese are brothers!" Major General Joseph said.

He introduced the current situation in Austria. In fact, the horses run and dance, and the Chinese do not interfere much in Austria. The Austrians are still in power, and the relationship with the Chinese is a "special state-to-state relationship." , the two parties signed an agreement.

Under Chinese control, Austrians have food, jobs and dignity.

The Chinese enjoy national treatment in Austria, but the Chinese are also subject to the jurisdiction of Austrian law, and the same is true for Austrians coming to China!

Major General De Smith was surprised to learn the term "territorial jurisdiction".

You must know that when the tide of colonization started, France also had colonies in Africa and America. The French came to the colonies as superior masters, superior to others. Only French judges could govern the French, and the local people were oppressed by the French.

How can it be like what Major General Joseph said, the Chinese are subject to the jurisdiction of Austrian local laws.

Seeing them whispering below, the French all stretched their ears to listen. Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli simply refused to serve the food first, and asked Major General Joseph to publicly introduce the current situation in Austria. , the financial industry is booming, fiscal revenue has increased greatly, national treatment has been improved, religious belief is free, and there is no oppression in the country. When the situation is very different from the previous dynasty, the French are very surprised and incredible!

How can the conqueror not oppress the conquered and rob them of their things and women?

Lieutenant General Ma Jinzhong explained China's diplomatic strategy, which is fairness and justice, respect for local folk customs and religion, and common development!

"In the eyes of our emperor, all living beings are equal!" Ma Jinzhong said calmly.

The French were dubious, but seeing the good spirits of the Austrians, they felt that what they said was true.


Marshal Raimondo Montecuccoli entertained the French with purely Chinese dishes, including duck soup with mushrooms, soy sauce chicken, braised suckling pig, salt and pepper squab, salted duck, braised fish belly, deep-fried eel, spicy tofu, etc. Waiting, the marshal said modestly: "The dishes are average, the hospitality is not good, and I have neglected the French guests!"

He kept saying that he would invite everyone to eat better in the future. The French thought he was being polite, because they thought it was so delicious that they almost ate their own tongues!

Mushroom and Duck Soup tastes very delicious, and a bowl of soup will greatly improve the energy and spirit.

The soy sauce chicken is delicious, much better than the chicken that the French usually eat.

As for the braised suckling pig, it is a must. The pork skin is so crispy and delicious that it melts in the mouth. Even if some French aristocrats have eaten similar dishes, they can't do the same craftsmanship as the chefs here. UU reading

The braised squab is also extraordinary, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, crispy in skin, smooth in meat, tender in bones, juicy, and dipped in special salt and pepper. After eating one, you will be addicted to it, and then eat the second one!

The salted duck and stewed fish belly are both delicious and delicious. When the fried eel first arrived, the poor French nobles had never eaten such a thing. They were a little disgusted when they heard that it was a gadget from the river ditch. But after importing it, people Everyone rushed to eat.

Needless to say, the frying technique is amazing, so crispy.

The spicy tofu made the French devils sweat and drink.

For the wine, Chinese liquor is not used, but French wine is served. After the meal, there are also fruits, braised rice buns, tea and coffee.

It was a hearty meal, and the French generals were very satisfied and their hearts settled down.

Not to mention, after eating this meal, whether it is an officer or a soldier, Lieutenant General Biert Balzac was pleasantly surprised, because the resentment of the officers and soldiers towards him has been greatly reduced! 2084/10092424