The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2710: help from the french

More than 50,000 Frenchmen were sent to prisoner-of-war camps, divided into six battalions of 10,000 people, and stayed in Italy or sent to Austria.

Their disposition was also announced:

Implement barracks-style management, get up at the right time, go to bed at the right time, and enforce orders and prohibitions.

Observe the rules and regulations in the prisoner-of-war camp. If you make a mistake, you will be punished, and a continuous sitting system is implemented, that is, a class of ten people. If someone makes a mistake, the whole class will be punished together!

The food was the same as that of the French army. Officers often ate meat, and soldiers ate meat when they improved their meals every week.

All soldiers have to do manual labor, and officers are well paid, and can take up work such as managing mess halls, sanitation, or managing munitions stores instead of doing manual labor, and those who do not do these jobs work in mines, sand yards, or Worked as a supervisor in a brick factory.

Labor can be paid. They will get one-third of the market price of workers as compensation. They can buy items in the commissary of the prison camp, but those who don't work hard can't buy anything.

Not only this group of French prisoners of war, but also the former prisoners of war were also included in the management of the prisoner of war camp.

The French prisoners of war then settled down, and their management was not harsh. They were mainly guarded by Austrians. They would not treat their Catholic brothers too badly. If they were replaced by Annans, Japanese or Bangzi, they would teach the French to understand The truth of being a human being!

The prisoners of war worked in a variety of ways, including building roads, opening up wasteland, digging in mines, making bricks, digging sand, and so on.

According to the ten-hour working system, three meals a day are provided for free.

The Shinra Kingdom does what it says, and the laborers are paid not in money, but in internal coupons one by one, with which they can go to the canteen in the camp to buy various things, including food, cigarettes, coffee, Tea, soap, towels, etc., wine or shochu are provided on major holidays, and rationed.

The remuneration given by the management is fairly reasonable, and the goods in the canteen are not bad, and the prices are not too outrageous.

As the work progresses, the prisoners of war can even buy small fry to improve their meals, they can organize more entertainment, and when the weather permits, the French can enjoy comprehensive amateur theatrical performances and concerts played by bands--- The management provided the prisoners with musical instruments, and the prisoners even organized a choir!

Every week, priests from outside give mass for them, and allow the prisoners of war to send simple letters of safety --- they have to use internal coupons to buy postcards and send them away, so those who don't work can hardly move an inch, and internal bullying is not uncommon. But after being reported, they will be punished, so the bullying is not strong.

Injuries are treated, and there is one rest day a week without work.

The captured officers were respected. For example, high-ranking officials joined the Prisoner of War Management Committee to sit and drink tea and coffee to brag, but they could receive the highest reward.

All in all, the life of the prisoners of war was okay, and what made them happy was that they were organized to visit the Austrian barracks.

It is organized according to three categories of personnel, namely senior officers, ordinary officers and soldiers' representatives, of which the number of soldiers' representatives accounts for 50%.

Clean and well-organized military camps, some high-standard military camps are like garden villas, providing hot water and laundry services, and good living conditions.

The full spirit of the Austrian soldiers made the French army very moved. The French knew that the Austrians recognized a heretic as emperor. They thought they were miserable, but they were surprised to see the Austrians very happy. .

For example, Major General De Smith of the French Army asked the Austrian General Joseph how he was in private. When Major General Joseph said it was good, Major General De Smith thought that the other party was a fat man with a swollen face. He forced a smile in front of outsiders, but he did not expect it to be true. .

The weapons owned by the Austrian army also made the French envious. Weapons are the first life of soldiers. Good weapons are very popular among soldiers, and French soldiers are no exception.

Feeling the cold well-made, reliable, and comfortable guns, feeling the smooth body of the gun, without any pits and protrusions, and the bow with full tension and blue tempered steel arrows, France The soldiers couldn't put it down.

When they heard that the Austrian soldiers trained at least 100 rounds of live ammunition a year, and the Chinese had 200 rounds, the French soldiers nodded in unison: "No wonder their marksmanship is accurate!"

The elite French army has only 50 rounds of live ammunition training a year, the ordinary French army has 30 to 40 rounds of live ammunition training a year, and others have more than 100 rounds of live ammunition training.

The shooting accuracy is fed by bullets. The French army is equipped with some rifled guns, but the number of live ammunition training is relatively small. Because the rifled guns are fired too much, the barrel will be worn away, so the rifled guns are affordable and unusable, and only the rich and powerful Chinese army The French are really inferior to the troops equipped with a large number of rifled guns and live ammunition for training.

Now the Austrian army is also moving closer to the Chinese army, which makes the French soldiers very envious.

What they care more about is the current military pay and food of the Austrian army!

Compared with before, the Austrian army's military salary has increased by at least 30%, the treatment is generous, and the pension system is perfect.

As for food, the French army was most moved.

The food of the Austrian army has made a qualitative leap from before. In the past, the French army and the French army all ate rough rye bread and beans, and there was not much meat. Now it is:

The staple food is better quality bread, cakes (in normal times) or biscuits (mainly in wartime);

The non-staple food is fresh meat (usually) and hard bacon (mainly in wartime). The types include bacon, air-dried meat or bacon, smoked fish, sausage (more types), and vegetables including potatoes, or vegetables Dried (introduced Chinese dried vegetables, pickled vegetables, kimchi, etc.);

The following is colorful, including jam, cheese or butter, salt, pepper, yellow mustard, as well as black tea and matching sugar cubes (Austrians drink more black tea), orange juice, coffee;

Sweets and cigarettes are provided!

Then there is the novelty chocolate!

When there is no war, drink and drink on major, the French soldiers tasted the meals of the Austrian army, especially the chocolate, which was too sweet for them to speak.

Of course, the food displayed in front of the French is very good, and it may not be able to supply it during the war, but according to the logistics officer of the Austrian Army: "Logistics support is combat effectiveness. We guarantee at least three things to be delivered, and bread is indispensable. Bacon is necessary, and cigarettes should be available!"

The French soldiers applauded in unison, and when they went back to tell the other prisoners of war, they all salivated and yearned for it!

In this way, it is said that after participating, the French foreign defense personnel (outsourced defense personnel) belonging to the Shenluo Empire, who can receive more than 80% of the treatment of the Austrian army, was successfully established!

This force was commanded by Lieutenant General Biert Balzac. He was a broken pot. Since he was not seen by the French, they didn't need them to look up to him.

Participants signed up voluntarily. At first, there were only 10,000 French foreign defense personnel, and the number continued to increase later.

The establishment of this foreign defense team played a great role in breaking the fortress group on the southern border of France and Italy! 2084/10092425